Thankyou All.
By lincslass
Just a few lines to say thankyou for all the kind messages I`ve received over the last couple of weeks and especially yesterday and today. Dont really know how else to convey to you all how I,m feeling but know you will understand. Bless You All.. The poem is lovely Ob and I`m putting a copy in Maliks file…… Sue (lincslass)
4 Sep, 2009
Previous post: Malik at Peace.
Next post: Busy Time....
Hi Sue ~
You took the right action so that Malik is no longer in pain.
I do understand how you are feeling, having had to say goodbye to my Welsh Terrier last November, and to other pets in the past..
Take your time about coming back to GoY, as and when you feel able. xxx
4 Sep, 2009
Been thinking about you all day Lincslass, and Malik of course....and although I cannot know how you are feeling, I can imagine how I would feel if I lost my beloved Winnie or Scamper.
My Scamps is an old man now, and has an inoperable tumour....the vet told me I would know when the time is right to let go...I just hope I can be as brave as you xx
4 Sep, 2009
It's our privilege to know when the time is right, and to be able to do something about it. It's so hard, but we owe it to them for all the time and love they have shared with us.
Our karma, not theirs. They are innocent, and if we love them, we will happily shoulder the burden, come what may.
Bless you and yours, Sue, you did what was right by Malik.
4 Sep, 2009
I wish you so much happiness having taken the right but so difficult decision Lincslass.
4 Sep, 2009
Good to hear from you Sue, it's such a very hard time for you but worth it for the happiness you and Malik shared over the years. We look forward to hearing from you again when you feel ready. xx
4 Sep, 2009
My thoughts are with you Sue. Alot of us on here have been where you are now :-( Its such an unbelievably sad time.
4 Sep, 2009
Thinking of you pet.....I've been there too......
4 Sep, 2009
My thoughts are with you Sue......x x
4 Sep, 2009
4 Sep, 2009
My deepest sympathy, Sue. I know what you're going through too. Been there three times in the last 16 years. Be strong, and remember we're all here for you.
4 Sep, 2009
I am honoured Linclass.
Thank you.
4 Sep, 2009
Thinking of you..........holly
5 Sep, 2009
We've all been there i think and its not nice at all its like lossing one of your children, my thoughts are with you, all the best.
5 Sep, 2009
Thinking of you Lincslass i lost my wee pom in july almost 14 so i know how your feeling.Take care x
5 Sep, 2009
Just a short post script to let you all know....we lost our beloved Scamper today. His condition deteriorated rapidly over the last 24hrs, and we called the emergency vet out to him at 5pm this evening. He's now at peace.
6 Sep, 2009
Sorry to hear that Di. Not a good week for these poor dogs this week.
Our thoughts are also with you both.
Take care
Dan & Ali
6 Sep, 2009
So sorry to hear you've had to say goodbye to Scamper Di and so soon after losing your cat too ( if I remember rightly). Our pets are such a big part of our daily lives and although we know they will leave us some time, it's still heart breaking when that time comes. You did the right thing. Much sadness on GoY lately but I'm thinking of you too Di. xx
7 Sep, 2009
My thoughts are with you Lincslass.... x x x
7 Sep, 2009
Thank you OB and Lily for your kind thoughts. It's been a difficult couple of days...I'll be back with you soon xx
7 Sep, 2009
Sorry to both yourself Lincslass and Crazydi for your loss.Wishing you both happy and treasured memories which will stay with you always.
14 Sep, 2009
I'm so sorry to hear about Scamper, Di!
Lincs, I hope you and Di get a little comfort from our good wishes. Marie xx
15 Sep, 2009
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Lincslass, anyone who's ever had pets, be it dogs or cats, knows exactly how you're feeling.
We definately DO know.
4 Sep, 2009