Linda's going on about her lawn again.
By linda235
Hi there, some of you will remember me paying a lot of money a year ago for MO Baxter organic grass fertilizer and moss killer. The idea was you didn’t have to scarify the lawn as there was a microbe that ate the dead moss for you…..great. My lawn was beautiful but….over the winter the moss had a field day….if you know what I mean. I started 2012 with a moss lawn. :o( Well I decided to do it by the book…….moss killer in March…..scarify……feed in April. Come May I still had moss ……so……..I bought some weed and feed…….but the huge bag was not enough.
Now I was a bit put out by the amount of money I had spent, so I decided to finish off with a feed only product, as the other half of the lawn didn’t have moss. I then had half a very green lawn and a not so green half of lawn. I fed it again……no difference. I added seed to the mix…….I had small brown patches. Is this all the rain or what? I scarified it again.
I can report that it has taken me until now…October to have a healthy, green lawn. It has had its autumn dressing ……its last cut and I am tucking it up for the winter. This has been an expensive year for my lawn!!!!!
My photos show how awful it looked when I scarified it. Then once the job was finished and today when at last I have a green lawn. :o)
7 Oct, 2012
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my OH works as a groundsman, he says there is nothing you can do it is all about the weather and the drainage. lol. The moss loves the wet damp dark dismal weather we have all had and we just have to put up with it. I never feed or scarify my grass (no way I could call it a lawn) lol :O) I have been known to dig or spray the weeds though but given up on that now as it is a waste of time and effort, I just keep taking out a bit more grass less to see going wrong. lol. I could really have a field day on that grass, borders in the middle borders around the edges, etc. lol. Sorry!!! I do get carried away. lol
8 Oct, 2012
My lawn is grass and some other plant that hated the border but loved the 'lawn' plus moss of course. When something bugs you in the garden you have to up and so something about it, even if it costs a bit to try and sort it out. I hope you can keep the moss at bay to your joy and satisfaction Linda. When these things are on a larger scale than the average garden it is hard work.
8 Oct, 2012
It looks perfect now Linda :o)
8 Oct, 2012
We have two more lawns at the back so it is a lot of grass Dorjac. I was told by a chap that maintains a football pitch Nariz to add a little grass seed throughout the growing season. The problem was it rotted with all the rain this year. I find that if I let the moss grow Olive I can't push the lawn mower on the slope. Sorry Snoop....the scarifier was driving me round the bend. :o)
8 Oct, 2012
That looks good, I am a great ones for scarifying not only to get out dead moss and other rubbish, but it makes the courses grasses/weeds stand up and its then cut by the mower instead of being passed over.
8 Oct, 2012
I agree... Scarifying is good... Even if it is not in straight lines.
8 Oct, 2012
I was talking with another 'expert' friend who works for the council and lives just around the corner from me. He told me that I was 'doing too much' to it. I think he was right. He said this year he intended only to feed (once) and scarify, so that's what I did. No moss killer. The moss has been a little better as a result of the twice-annual scarifying, so that's worth persevering with, but as my Step-Dad says (Oliveoil's OH), it's really a losing battle with bad drainage and wet weather. Your lawn looks absolutely lovely now Linda! :) Oh, and also, I have been advised to use only autumn feed on the grass, as it helps the roots and doesn't send up lots of green top growth.....not as pretty but more useful in the long-run.
8 Oct, 2012
Thanks Annella. Cheers Snoop!
8 Oct, 2012
p.s. Linda....I know what you mean about pushing the mower over moss...but I just love the feeling of a mossy lawn under foot.....spongy! :)
8 Oct, 2012
What a difference ! I'm pleased for you. You've got a lovely lawn now. I hope it won't cost you so much money next year. Maybe it was worth forking out, so that you have it in good condition.
8 Oct, 2012
It does look good now - I tried to sort out my lawn a few years back - it looked good for a wee while. I gave up - I occassionally rake it over when I can be bothered now.
8 Oct, 2012
I was advised by my friend's gardener Karen that the autumn feed and weed set the lawn up for the following year. The moss killer prevents the moss taking hold over the winter and the slow release feed helps the lawn to start the new year in top notch. It is not the same mix as the summer feed. I have looked after this lawn for 35 years and know that the moss must be kept at bay at all costs. It is the main feature of our front garden Scottish along with the mature trees. I hope I won't have to fork out so much next year Hywel. :o) I would have to rake in a lot more money. :o)
8 Oct, 2012
If I had a front garden as beautiful as yours looks Linda I'm sure I'd be doing the same as you :))
8 Oct, 2012
It looks like a nice bit of prime crown green bowling lawn dad would love that....over the top and miss by a mile.
9 Oct, 2012
Thanks Scottish. My dad was very keen on lawns too.....guess I got my passion from him Dorjac.
9 Oct, 2012
its been such an awfull summer though Linda which probably didnt help, but look at your lawn now,,, wonderfull, my grandad was mad about Lawns and always had 3 fab Lawns around their house to show off with lol, hope it stays lovely for you :o)))
10 Oct, 2012
I think it will be fine as long as the postman stops using it as a shortcut to the gate Sandra!
10 Oct, 2012
Looks fantastic!
14 Oct, 2012
Thanks Pixi....I was thinking about you have been rather quiet recently. Glad to hear from you. :0)
15 Oct, 2012
postmen have a nasty habbit of doing such things Linda.
15 Oct, 2012
Just trying not to spend as much time on the computer Linda, and :)
16 Oct, 2012
I look out the window when I hear the mail arrive so that he uses the path Sandra. Glad you are ok Pixi. I did a lot of decorating over the summer leaves you weak.
16 Oct, 2012
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Looking good now! Would it be any use to you chatting with a groundsman at your local cricket club? Their job is to keep the grass fantastic - so you could pick up knowledgeable tips that might be cheaper than your outlay this year. :o)
8 Oct, 2012