By linda235
Well I told you it was cold but now it is really cold. I’m not sure if Barry and I will make it to my sister’s for dinner in Eaglesham as it is always worse outside the city of Glasgow boundaries. Brrrrrrrrrrrr!
16 Jan, 2016
Previous post: In the garden this week.
Next post: New flower arrangement
Hi Linda, it started snowing here about 1 hour ago, just a dusting at the moment, but it's still coming down unfortunately, but it is winter after all, just wish the jet stream would get a lot further north, past Scotland, Derek.
16 Jan, 2016
Amazing I just got the same weather change and the same amount of snow two days ago.
16 Jan, 2016
Hi Linda ... stay safe in this chilly weather.
16 Jan, 2016
Hmmm....I always heard we got your weather two days later Loosestrife!! ...
Its thinking about it here
The Netweather radar snow app is brilliant, it shows exactly where the snow /sleet/rain is, which way its travelling and how severe
Keep snug ??
16 Jan, 2016
Slight dusting of frost first thing this morning here but the rest of the day was fine for a change- hurray! Ground still saturated though.
16 Jan, 2016
frost, but no snow - bristol. it would appear the world has gone downside up
16 Jan, 2016
Did you get to your Sister's Linda?
16 Jan, 2016
" the world has gone downside up" that's the tune the British Army Band played at Yorktown when General Cornwallis surrendered to General George Washington. No...I correct myself they played " the world has gone upside down" and seems like the world had fallen down the rabbit hole and has been in Alice's Wonderland ever least to me.
16 Jan, 2016
Lots of frost here but, I am happy to snow yet!
16 Jan, 2016
No snow here only frost & ice with a blue sky ...
17 Jan, 2016
Sorry my photos are on their side. ipad!!!!!
I have added last night's photo as we were going out. We had to stay overnight.
17 Jan, 2016
Those photos do look cold Linda. I hope the weather improves soon for you.
We've had rather a misty day here :)
17 Jan, 2016
Snows all gone , it was good snow, enough to look pretty then disappeared ?
18 Jan, 2016
It is a lot better today. On the bright side I think it got me off jury duty today but maybe I will be picked tomorrow unless it is cancelled again.
18 Jan, 2016
Fingers crossed for you Linda. I got off with it when I was called some years ago - what a relief! (And can believe that OH seemed a little put out that I was called and not him...)
18 Jan, 2016
It just dawned on me (just in time since I'm running out of my allotment of sunrises) OH means, Other Half, doesn't it?
18 Jan, 2016
Yay! ....Well done Loosestrife I had to ask ?
18 Jan, 2016
Thanks for the confirmation! Though I have not seen it yet, when a husband refers to his wife he should say that she is his BH.... Better Half:)
18 Jan, 2016
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Gosh! Well at least it doesn't look too deep......yet. We are really going to feel it when we fly home on Monday. Still...better than all that wind and rain.
16 Jan, 2016