By lindak
Yesterday we went for an amble in our local park down the road and we saw a Kingfisher fly past. It was so vibrant with the orange and blue, a little moment in time to treasure.
Today we have been to Ogston reservoir and the Heronry has a lot of pairs of Herons with young. Lovely to see so many altogether. The yacht club were out sailing on the water, enjoying themselves.
It’s been a lovely sunny day, although first thing we had a frost on the lawn and it was foggy.
Gerry is relaying the path slabs and putting sand underneath to level them. I have been hoeing the flowerbeds and tidying up some of the dead sticks and leaves.
We’ve cleaned out one of the hedgehog boxes with some fresh bedding and have two more to do later on in the week. Last night a large amorous male hog flirted with a small female. They went round and round and round. Another large male turned up and there was a fight, then he ran off and the pair got together again. I felt giddy watching them.
I saw the Vixen a couple of nights ago and she left the hedgehog alone this time after pricking her nose last time. Anyway good gardening everyone. Linda x
10 Apr, 2016
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We used to have a smallholding and kept a few hens. The fox got them one night so we buried them and the fox dug them up and took them away to feast on. We reinforced the hen house and it didn't happen again. I still love foxes, they are part of nature's chain. I love the Hedgehogs and the neighbours round here really look after the little families of them that we have, by having holes in their fences, so they can wander from garden to garden, and little homes for them, and making sure they have water and food.
10 Apr, 2016
Sounds like a perfect day Lin, we were heading to our local reservoir when that nasty lorry driver wiped out daughters car.
I think the hedgehogs are out and about here as Brynner barks most nights as though something/someone is in the garden, we have spaces below the fencing as well and they have used the same route for years, Toffee the youngest cat is getting to be naughty at night and refusing to come in at bedtime, much too exciting in the garden, having to keep a close eye on him as the birds are nesting everywhere, Jenny Wren is always around the patio looking for food and of course they always nest low down..
11 Apr, 2016
Sorry to hear about the accident. I hope your daughter is alright and whoever was in the car at the time. It's an awful thing to happen. Lovely that you have a Wren nesting close by but hope that the nest is far enough away from the cats. When we had the cats we always kept them in at night. It's been a lovely day here so far and Gerry has got some more paving slabs straightened up. I've had a house cleaning session. I am giving our small Tuesday group a short talk tomorrow and baking a sponge as it's one of their Birthdays.
11 Apr, 2016
We saw the vixen again last night and one of the Hedgehogs.
12 Apr, 2016
Not seen any hogs for years, far too many badgers unfortunately!! you are fortunate to see a kingfisher, they are very shy birds....
24 Apr, 2016
We have Badgers near here and Gerry has put a barrier on the bottom of our gate to keep them out of the garden but we have a hole big enough for the hedgehogs to get through.
25 Apr, 2016
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Frost here in Norfolk this morning (not that I was up early enough to see it) so my OH told me and the wind is cold today, so hiding and doing other things. We too went out and saw a Kingfisher last weekend, such a glorious sight.
Glad you have hedgehogs and they sound spoilt for choice with the houses. Hopefully you will have a new batch this year to keep them going, they need all the help they can get now.
We have had them in the past, but haven't seen one for a few years now, lots of open ground and ditches out here in the Fens, so perhaps not ideal habitat.
You can keep the foxes however, as they do appear here and thin out the chickens, during the day while they are out and are stupid enough to stand and watch while the fox picks them off. Never the old ladies, always the fat young hens!
10 Apr, 2016