My Honeysuckle
By lindalooloo
Just thought I’d do a quick blog to show you what MY Honeysuckle is like.
I read Shirley Tulips blog and saw her pic of her Honeysuckle and how it was dying the same as mine seems to be. So I thought you could maybe compare them both and see what you think it could be. Here are some of the pics I’ve taken of mine.
I’ve taken this pic to try to show the stickiness on the plant, but not sure if you can see it very well. When you look at the plant, it looks as though it’s soaking wet.
I’ve just gone to look at it again, and noticed something on the back of a couple of the leaves. I’m sorry pic is a bit blurred, but only noticed this after I uploaded it. It looks like grey dust, but I rubbed my hand across it, and it looks like little flies.
From this pic you can see how all the buds are drooping.
Until recently the Honeysuckle was healthy. Like Shirley, I don’t know what has happened to it.
29 Jun, 2011
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Oh dear it doesn't look very well does it :o( Last year I cut mine down to the ground because the buds were falling and the leaves were a funny shape. It's quite healthy this year but has no buds yet.
I hope you can remedy the cause.
29 Jun, 2011
oh poor thing.. it does look very sickly... I also cut mine down this spring as it was looking rough and tbh wanted to plant a rose in its place but I've been amazed at the lovely healthy shoots that have grown over the last few weeks.. Perhaps that is the way to go
29 Jun, 2011
Thanks all. I did give it a good prune around February time, when I cut the Wisteria back. Don't know whats happened to it. As I said it started off ok. It's about 8yr old, and usually it's got flowers somewhere on it throughout the year almost.
29 Jun, 2011
Oh dear its in a bad way, I wonder if its some sort of virus, but like you say best to cut it right back and fingers crossed it comes back healthy;0)
29 Jun, 2011
Hope this can help you sorry to see this happen to your honeysuckle.
29 Jun, 2011
Thankyou Carole.
Thankyou Sixpence. Will take a look now.
As I said, looks like Shirley tulip is having the same problem. :o(
30 Jun, 2011
Lets hope by cutting it down and getting rid of the fungus you can have it back next year perhaps Shirley Tulip will too.
30 Jun, 2011
I did give it a good prune, but I think I will cut it back further and see what happens. :o)
30 Jun, 2011
Let us know the outcome seems it is the weather that causes it.
30 Jun, 2011
Will do ;o)
30 Jun, 2011
Thanks :o))
30 Jun, 2011
Good luck with solving this problem ...
1 Jul, 2011
Thanks TT. :o)
1 Jul, 2011
This could be honeysuckle aphid rather than thrips - but the treatment's the same anyway, a good insecticide spray containing one or other of the ingredients I listed in Shirley's blog.
1 Jul, 2011
I'm reading all your advice, Bamboo....
...hoping I'll never need a remedy for my honeysuckle ...
... but forewarned is forearmed ;o)
1 Jul, 2011
Thanks Bamboo. I read your comment on Shirleys and will heed your advice. Like TT says better to be forewarned.
1 Jul, 2011
Oh dear, Linda, our Honeysuckles are looking very sickly, aren't they? I've been away for a few days, almost the first thing I did on our return was to check the climber. Nothing different, no worse, no better really! I don't like using chemicals in the garden, so I'm considering cutting it down to ground level, then wait and see if it revives.
1 Jul, 2011
Hi Shirley. I've been and checked mine again tonight, and I've decided myself, to cut back to ground level, as even the lower leaves are shrivelling now. Be interested to know the final outcome of yours, and whether it comes back after you cut it back, and I'll keep you updated on mine. ;o)
1 Jul, 2011
Good luck for both of you with your honeysuckles.
2 Jul, 2011
Also, Linda, a 'Halliana' type turned brown a few weeks ago, but I'm sure that's due to drought as it's been drenched almost daily with cans of water and is recovering well. : o ) .......
Thanks, Terra, just have to wait and see now.
2 Jul, 2011
Thankyou TT. Will keep you updated. ;o)
2 Jul, 2011
I do hope with your TLC you will both find your honeysuckle will revive and be disease free (and Shirley, your clematis as well). Good luck, Linda & Shirley.
3 Jul, 2011
Thankyou Whistonlass.
Looks worse today, so think I will cut it back to ground. :o)
4 Jul, 2011
Just popping in to answer comments ... I've cut the Honeysuckle almost to the ground ... the Clematis is looking healthy though. : o )
5 Jul, 2011
Shirley; My Clematis is the other side of the trellis, and looking goooood!
I have the Wisteria growing side by side with the Honeysuckle and that's doing ok.
I haven't had chance to cut mine back yet, as pouring with rain again today. ;o(
5 Jul, 2011
I think cutting it right back is the best solution. Good news on the Clematis & Wisteria. : o )
6 Jul, 2011
Yes, I would recommend cutting your honeysuckle back hard, and disposing carefully of the branches and leaves cut off, so they don't spread "infection" to any other plants in the garden.
6 Jul, 2011
Shirley, my Clematis is blooming lovely. lol.
Thankyou TT. I think cutting back is the best solution, but have been unable to get out there again today, as it's been hammering down most of the day......
6 Jul, 2011
Recent posts by lindalooloo
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- Honeysuckle Update
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- My Little Patch of Wildflowers, Part 2.
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I wonder if its something to do with the odd weather conditions that we have had, very dry and then very wet etc. not sure what it is Linda, but I suggest that you prune it back quite hard and let it re-grow, it might/might not help.
29 Jun, 2011