What A Beautiful Late Summers Day.
By louise1
I knew this week was going to be nice weather because i’m back to work after a week off but …. today’s really surprised me !
I came home from work shortly after lunch and just had to take some photos !
The sun makes me rush to the camera – i think it’s something to do with me and the ‘feelgood factor’ of warm sun !
(it was 33 degrees in my front garden and i was sweltering)
Here is some September ‘sunshine’ for all of us :)
A Comma on Scabiosa Ritz Blue.
A Peacock on the same plant.
Sedum ‘Rose Carpet’ (but i’m not sure. This is the one with large rosettes of grey leaves)
Diascia ‘Little Dancer’
White ‘Everlast’ Gerbera, Verbena ‘Claret’, Nemesia ‘Rose Pink’, Coreopsis ‘Sterntaler’, Scabiosa ‘Pink Cushion’
Nemesia ‘Confetti’, Everlast Gerbera ‘Carmine’, Verbena ‘Homestead Purple’, Campanula ‘Kent Belle’.
The ‘ribbon borders’ either side of my front path, Verbena ‘Rigida’, Erigeron ‘Azure Fairy’, Stachys monieri ‘Saharan Pink’.
Ribbon border, Echinacea ‘Pink Double Delight’, Tiarella ‘iron Butterfly’, (in the background Gaura ‘Crimson Butterflies’)
Verbena ‘rigida’ and backround Alstoemeria ‘Princess Zavina’, Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’, Phormiums ‘Bronze Baby’
Tortoiseshell on the sundial
7 Sep, 2009
Previous post: Winter Flowering Bulbs
Next post: A Sunny September Morning
Nice blog louise , lovely to see a comma again!
7 Sep, 2009
More like early autumn up here but gorgeous warm sunshine...what a relief after all that rain...they are still mopping up north of Aberdeen and more rain forecast for tomorrow :~((
I just love those pics. Louise1...great to see so much colour....my garden is much more of a spring one....I must try harder!!
7 Sep, 2009
Great photos, Louise... well done :o)
7 Sep, 2009
lovely photo's Louise the garden looks great ,a real big difference from one end of the country to the other . . .. 33 degrees in the garden! brilliant.
7 Sep, 2009
Lovely pictures Louise,it's nice wondering around someone else's garden.
7 Sep, 2009
I can almost smell the sunshine Louise, if that makes sense?
7 Sep, 2009
Very little sun here today so this has given me a real lift - thanks Louise
7 Sep, 2009
Lovely photos Louise, was'nt that hot up this end but we had plenty of warm sunshine, no wind or rain and it was really nice, fingers crossed it stays like it for a while.
7 Sep, 2009
Thank you folks :)
It was like midsummer out there :)
Typical that the weather last week was grotty but nice now that i'm back at work though :((
8 Sep, 2009
lovely pictures Louise, glad you had some sunshine, it was warm here, but no sun :(
8 Sep, 2009
Glorious AUTUMN day yesterday and back to normal today - rain and gales!! Glad I got my iris planted yesterday - won't have to bother watering them in now! You folk down south are in for a heatwave according to the TV lads....lucky you ! Send some up this way when you've had enough will you..LOL
8 Sep, 2009
very striking shots
8 Sep, 2009
Lovely pictures and what an enormous variety of beautiful plants you have. My garden looks a little sorry for itself - one of the downsides of living on a hill, facing west. This summer seems to have been characterised by strong winds and, at least in my part of North Essex, very little rain.
9 Sep, 2009
Thanks again :)
Louloubelle, it's true - i DO have a few, don't i ? ;)
Infact .... i've just got a few more :))))
Just had a small delivery from Beth Chattos gardens :)))
Achillea 'Perrys White'
Achillea 'Inca Gold'
Cichorium intybus
Lychnis viscaria
Phuopsis stylosa
Dierama 'Tiny Bells'
I'll get them planted tomorrow afternoon !
9 Sep, 2009
what was the Tiny Bells like Louise? I've been trying to get one of those, seems Beth Chatto's is one of the few that sell it
10 Sep, 2009
It's been cut back Grindle so i can't show you a picture of anything interesting at the moment !
Have you looked at the Beth Chatto website to see it ?
I too hadn't seen it available anywhere else which is why i ordered it.
10 Sep, 2009
I have Achillea 'Inca Gold' planted with Pennisetum 'Red Head'. It is a very good plant and a good soft colour.
10 Sep, 2009
Dierama Tiny Bells available at the folowing nursery...
10 Sep, 2009
Lou, that's a lovely combination - of colours and textures.
10 Sep, 2009
thanks Alzheimer
11 Sep, 2009
Happy to help, Grindle and this nursery is one of my twice yearly "must visits"....and VERY reliable. His pack and post is also very reasonable. If you have a look at his on-line catalogue - you will see what a vast array of fine plants he has too...VERY tempting! He specialises in several species and really knows his stuff...nearly said onions!!! Oh well - he does stock alliums!!
11 Sep, 2009
he certainly does do a good range of plants, I'm going to save it to favourites and have a good look :))))))))
12 Sep, 2009
Just enjoyed looking at this blog Louise, And I love that you name your plants. It can be a little frustrating sometimes as I can't always see what a plant is or know the variety or I've forgotten its name. Nearly summer, well spring at least:-))
10 Feb, 2010
Yes, Ba, nearly there :-)
10 Feb, 2010
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Lovely pics Louise.....just like summer again :)
7 Sep, 2009