A Sunny September Morning
By louise1
Today is such a warm sunny and beautiful day i thought i’d share some garden pictures with you.
These are all taken in the front garden.
Alstroemeria ‘Inca Azur’
Crocosmia ‘Star of The East’
Alstroemeria ‘Princess Zavina’, with Sedum Autumn Joy and Phormium Bronze Baby.
Here is Helianthemum ‘Ben Mohr’, Crocosmia ‘Star of The East’ with some winter pansies bought with Spritz recently and Phormium Bronze Baby there too. Also there is Hemerocallis ‘Bertie Ferris’ (not in flower).
Shrub rose ‘Port Sunlight’, 3 pictures of it because i like it so much :)
Diascia ‘Little Dancer’
Sedum ‘Rose Carpet’ and Dianthus ‘Neon Star’
This is part of the south facing border and shows Nemesia ‘Rose Pink’, Verbena Claret, Scabiosa ‘Pink Mist’and Dianthus ‘Rose Joy’
17 Sep, 2009
Previous post: What A Beautiful Late Summers Day.
Next post: Yet More Flowers !
Thank you Bernie :))
17 Sep, 2009
Lovely pics, Louise :o)
17 Sep, 2009
Gorgeous Louise,I like your rose as well.
Just one question. How do you pronounce Sedum, is it Sea-dum or Se-dum?
17 Sep, 2009
Lovely plants Louise,makes you feel good to see those first thing on a September morn :~))))
17 Sep, 2009
Gret pics Louise! I love the alstroemeria!
Another one for the wish list!
17 Sep, 2009
Thank you all :)
I love colour :))))
Love warm sunny days too :))))))))
Ian, i've always pronounced it Sea-dum, as in Sea-side !
17 Sep, 2009
Lovely pics Louise, there's still plenty of colour in your front garden
17 Sep, 2009
Thanks Lily :)
I try and squeeze summer flowers out for as long as possible !!!
17 Sep, 2009
And why not? Lovely photos - I'm glad to see that the birds have kept away from those orange pansies!
That Alstoemeria looks great with the Phormium - perfect! Your rose is beautiful - I love my new ones, too - it's very tempting to go and take yet another photo!!! LOL.
17 Sep, 2009
The Pansies don't attract the birds Spritz, never had that problem.
I remember you saying something about it before though :(
LOL, there's something about the sun shining that makes you want to take pictures, isn't there ? ! :)))
17 Sep, 2009
What lovely pictures Louise1, but do you realise how lucky you are. Here in this part of Norfolk, we haven't seen the sun for a week and it is quite chilly With the crazy hot weather earlier almost everything in the garden has just about gone over. Oh well, there's always Spring.
17 Sep, 2009
Oh Mad, it looks quite dull out there when the flowers all go over, doesn't it ?
Sorry that your garden and weather aren't as you'd like it to be, as i mentioned, i'm squeezing every last drop of colour out of mine because it looks so sad out there after the late colour's gone :(
17 Sep, 2009
Lovely blog Louise, I still haven't done one, one day when I'm not tearing here there and every were. Blog I mean.
17 Sep, 2009
Thanks Stripes, slow down !!!
17 Sep, 2009
Gorgeous colours
x x x
17 Sep, 2009
Thanks Louise, that was what I call them but our freind (who is also a gardener) says Se-dum not Sea (side) dum
17 Sep, 2009
Well, tell him/her that he/she is wrong, then, Ian!
17 Sep, 2009
Oh I do like to be beside the sedum....;0)
Lovely pics Louise...love the Little Dancers.
17 Sep, 2009
The dear little birdies have pecked my beautiful red pansies in my wall trough! Grrrrrrrrr.........
17 Sep, 2009
Oh Spritz how frustrating...I can hear your teeth grinding from here!! Are they saveable?
17 Sep, 2009
Lovely pics, as always Louise....I have that "sea-dum"....lol....it is a lovely one.:))
17 Sep, 2009
Beautiful Louise :o)
There are still lots of flowers about.
17 Sep, 2009
Lovely photo`s Louise,especially like your rose......
17 Sep, 2009
Garden's looking lovely Louise!
17 Sep, 2009
Lovely pictures Louise, I love your rose too :))
The weather is pretty special at the moment, we've waited a long time for it, hope it hold for next weekend :)
18 Sep, 2009
Thanks everyone :)
It's not just me being biased then, about my rose ;)
I looked at the same one in a garden centre last weekend when i met up with GOY member Bjs and his wife Pauline.
That same rose looked quite a sorry specimen, mine looks ten times better so i'd say they prefer to be in the ground rather than a garden centre pot !!!
18 Sep, 2009
Louise lovely photos!!
18 Sep, 2009
Lovely pictures Louise, that rose is amazing, can see why you like it so much.
18 Sep, 2009
Thanks Clarice, thanks Simbad :)
18 Sep, 2009
The Bronze Baby phormium adds a nice oomph to the pinks and apricots. Also loved the combination of Sedum ‘Rose Carpet’ and Dianthus ‘Neon Star’. Have added both to my notebook to try next year. Thanks for the inspiration.
19 Sep, 2009
Gorgeous photos Louise. YOu have some beautiful flowers. I love your Port Sunlight. I pronouce it Sea - dum too.....even in Canada!!
Roses do prefer to be in the ground....it's hard to keep them looking good at the garden centre. I've been pampering the ones at work and they still look sorry for themselves.
21 Sep, 2009
Thanks Gilli :)
Yes, i was really surprised at how sorry they (Port Sunlights) looked there !
I even commented on it to BJ.
It's funny, you don't realise how well your plants 'are' until you see the same one suffering elsewhere !
I have to say though, that this plant seems very very happy in its new home :)))))))
21 Sep, 2009
That's true Louise.....I think roses especially, like to stretch their roots out so pots are very restrictive. They are also heavy feeders and quickly use up whatever nutrients are in the potting soil.
21 Sep, 2009
An old gardener told me to put iron shavings from a lathe in the ground or pot with roses, as it rusts slowly to feed the roots. Tried bone meal once, and my dogs dug up every rose in a frenzy!
23 Sep, 2009
LOL.....Orgratis, bone meal is no good if you have dogs that dig!!
Iron is good if you have soil that is on the alkaline side. I've heard of putting nails in with a rhubarb plant but not a rose.
Put a banana peel in the hole when you plant roses. The potassium is really good for them.
23 Sep, 2009
Beautiful pics...we also pronounce it Sea dum in NZ
10 Nov, 2009
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Beautiful, Louise. Your rose is gorgeous .. didn't mind seeing it a couple of times! Loved the sedum and your Princess Zavina too. Enjoyed your blog.
17 Sep, 2009