Yet More Flowers !
By louise1
All my blogs seem to be about flowers don’t they ? !
I love flowers, their forms and colour, so here goes – yet more flowers in my garden :))
I know i’ve shown my Waterlily Colchicums before but here are some better pictures
Aster ‘Tonga’
This one shows Catananche caerula Bicolor on the left, it’s central colour picks up on the Aster.
Aquilegia ‘Winky Blue’. I have no idea why this is flowering now but it’s full of opening buds.
Today in the post i recieved a parcel of 4 Hemerocallis plants from GOY member Simbad.
She had told me that she was splitting a few of them and offered me some ‘fans’.
I’m so very pleased with them that i decided to call into the garden centre on my way home from work and buy some more :)))
These are what i bought …
42nd Street.
22 Sep, 2009
Previous post: A Sunny September Morning
Next post: Clematis 'Kaiu'
My colchicums are 'out' now, Louise, but! What on earth is going on...they're really doing well to be still flowering at this time of the year! Mind you, it's a long stretch between Somerset and Aberdeen!
My Michaelmas Daisies ( asters, sorry! ) are just thinking about coming into flower....'Little Carlow' is the first...
Lovely photos!
22 Sep, 2009
B, they've only just started to flower again.
They flowered prolifically in the spring, then died down and now, this past week or so - buds have formed ... and this morning they'd opened !
Goodness knows what's going on here !
About three weeks ago a Pulsatilla flowered - that was just one rogue flower though, not the profusion of buds like this has !!
Very queer goings on !!!!!
22 Sep, 2009
Lovely Louise, Beautiful colours.
22 Sep, 2009
Pulsatilla in SEPTEMBER?! that's very odd! Mine are at that nice 'fluffy' stage but no rogues up here.
Very queer indeed...though it's been a very 'mild' summer/late summer ( up here, anyway ) so maybe that's what's encouraging things to keep trying?
22 Sep, 2009
Gorgeous flowers Louise
22 Sep, 2009
Beautiful flowers and gorgeous colours ! :-)))
22 Sep, 2009
Maybe B.
I thought that spring plants knew when to flower by the temperatures, i remember Alan Titchmarsh saying that !
So, if that is the case, why would the Aquilegia and Pulsatilla be triggered ?
It'd hardly be the temperatures because we're cooling down 'now' and in spring we'd be warming up.
I wonder if in that 'inbetween stage' the temps. are similar thus triggering it ?
22 Sep, 2009
Thanks Dawn, and Sue, and Doctorbob :)))
22 Sep, 2009
Lovely, lovely photos and flowers!!
22 Sep, 2009
Lovely pictures Louise, speak to you later. x
22 Sep, 2009
Wonderful purples Louise...waterlilies are fab! Temps here tonight were 66 degrees (old money!) at 7pm!
22 Sep, 2009
i'm pleased someone else works in "old money"
22 Sep, 2009
Lovely photos Louise esp the Colchicums and Asters
22 Sep, 2009
Oh dear Louise first showing first signs of daylily addiction, lol, bought 'Forty Second Street' myself this year, only have a couple of other doubles, been buying a lot of spider forms this year.
Love the colchicums :-)
22 Sep, 2009
Lovely photos
22 Sep, 2009
Smashing pics and lovely flowers Louise, I'm very pleased to see all the flowers you grow and photo, my gardens all flowered out now and I havent seen too many here either( that time of year I supose) good on yer petal!
22 Sep, 2009
The cupid's dart & aster are another combo for my list. You have a great eye for flowers playing off one another!
23 Sep, 2009
lovely flowers :)) I really like the colchicums. The daylilies are very addictive
23 Sep, 2009
Orgratis, what are the cupids dart ? ('scuse my ignorance)
23 Sep, 2009
Catananche Louise :))
23 Sep, 2009
23 Sep, 2009
I usually try to use the Latin, but some of the common names are so pretty.
23 Sep, 2009
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I like those waterlily colchicums....not normally keen on them but these are lovely.....
22 Sep, 2009