Sluggs' Christmas Blog!
By lulu33
Hello Everybody, I just wanted to show how good I’ve been (so far!) over the festive season. I have been helping Lulu big time with the housework because I know how much she doesn’t like doing it. So as it’s so frozen and I can’t dig up the garden, I thought I would help around the house instead!
First I helped with changing the bed linen. There was lots of big huffs and mutterings of “get off the bed Sluggy….”
With the bed made, I helped with the laundry….
I Even helped polish the mirror, with my nose!
Cleaning the fireplace was fun too!!
Then I helped with the Christmas tree……
Did a bit of computering
I even helped with the cake!!
It was then time to go out and about with my Mummy and Auntie, we played in the snow then went for a coffee in Tetbury, which was fun. I wasn’t carsick and I met a few men which Lulu says is good for me because I have been a little scared of them for the past few months.
I am quite popular with the Tetbury set!! Here I am with the lovely lady that bought my cousen Sammy two years ago!
And now I am jolly hungry which was a great excuse to help with the washing Up along with Mummy Prudence and Auntie Jazz! Yum!
It had been a very long day, thought I would have a few sleeps before watching a little telly!
Can’t wait for Christmas now, prezzies under the tree, which I have left well alone! Lulu has 3 sacks, one for each of us doggies, there is a note in each sack saying they are for good doggies only!!
So I will be good and wait patiently under tree!
Merry Christmas to all GoY pets and their owners!! I wish you all the comfort that us animals can give you and please can Spring hurry up because gardening is a lot more fun than housework!!
XX Sluggy Pup and Lulu
23 Dec, 2010
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Next post: Frozen Frogs......
As one of the unfortunates who has the 'bug' reading your blog really cheered me up. life would be dull without our pets....though much easier in some cases! Have a lovely Christmas.
23 Dec, 2010
Lovely blog Sluggsy (Lulu!) Hey Lulu you look a bit too relaxed there, you sure you havn't forgotten anything? Lol.
23 Dec, 2010
Lol! That was weeks ago!! Sluggsy, she is now locked in the kitchen before I trip over her!
And Heron, hope you feel better very soon!
23 Dec, 2010
Great blog Lulu and Sluggy pup, made me laugh, especially the last picture, relaxed or what!!!!!!
Hope you have a great Christmas, all that help looks like everythings sorted, will Sluggy be helping cook dinner too:-))))))
23 Dec, 2010
Sluggsy has been banished to the kitchen.....oh dear! He had quite an adventure while you did your photo shoot. I hope you have a lovely Christmas and that it won't be too long til we have the warmer days and garden activities to cheer us up :)
So...blessings of the season to you, Lulu.
23 Dec, 2010
It's a dogs life! How lucky are you having all that help, great blog and a very cute Sluggsy (unusual name- where did it come from?) :-)
23 Dec, 2010
Merry Christmas to Sluggs and family ...
Looks like you were a big help with all the housework ..;o)
23 Dec, 2010
Sluggs says hello and thanks for all the comments!
Red aly, when Prudence had her 7 pups in April...there was one huge pup, all white except head and bottom. We gave them all nicknames and the one we kept (we didn't mean to keep any!) we called her The Big White Slug!! By the time she was 8 weeks she knew she was called Sluggy Pup and it was too late to change it! Pity that such a beauty has such a silly name. We registered her with the kennel club as Funky Dory!! I wanted to register her as Hunky Dory Funky Doggie because I thought it would be funny if she ever won Crufts but too many letters and not allowed to use the word doggie!?!
So Sluggy pup she is, bless her!
23 Dec, 2010
Merry Christmas Slug puppy and Lulu :o) x
From Blodyn :o) x
and Hywel :o) x
Glad to hear you've been helping and I'm sure the work would not have been done half as well without you ;o)
23 Dec, 2010
It would have been a lot quicker Hywel!! We are going to try vacuming (sp?) later, Sluggs followes it around woofing!!
23 Dec, 2010
Agreed on the housework vs. gardening front lulu!! Happy Christmas, here's to a thaw!
23 Dec, 2010
lol great pics and so funny, happy xmas slugs and lulu with meows from casper :o) x
23 Dec, 2010
Happy meows to Casper from a feral Millie puss who is meowing under the window. My heart breaks I wish David would allow me to put in a cat flap. She and Slugs have a rather silly relationship though!!
23 Dec, 2010
aww bless millie, my friend at work has a ferral cat to and her hubby keeps letting it in lol, so opposite in their house hold lol
23 Dec, 2010
And a Happy Christmas from All of us Lulu, hope you all have everything you wish for. x
24 Dec, 2010
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What a great blog with some smashing photos and what a good helper Slugs was! I think he deserves his Christmas presents.Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you all.
23 Dec, 2010