Serious cat rescue...
By lulu33
This was some saga!
Having walked the pups……
…A good time had by all!
WellI get back to the cottage ready to feed dogs and cat…Millie but I hear her calling. The call sounds like “help” Stuck, injured, lost somehow. I look for her for about 10 minutes, go in to feed the pups and go back out to find Milliepuss.
The wind is blowing so much I can’t place her call. It takes ages to search in the hedgerows and the large Sycamore tree and flower beds by the cottage….
Well, eventually, I see her….After about 20 mins I ring the firebrigade to get the form on stupid cats on top of telegraph poles, have to ring RSPCA as well, who couldn’t come out till the morning. They kept ringing me back though and I had to say I would call them back as I was half way up a tree!
So we got a 20’ ladder, climbed up, then 10 feet into the tree. David to fetched a gardening rubber bucket, she woulnd’t jump in, Then he fetched a sheepskin to put in bucket…nope.
Fetch 2 × 4 foot play board and pass up said ladder, to me, up tree, one leg wrapped onto branch and one crooked arm over another. Eventually have to put sheepskin onto ply wood and cat walks off telegraph pole onto sheet of wood which is balanced onto one hip and held with my one hand! And so it went on, with the wind blowing until, the Moment of glory was the garden bedsheet I use for carting weeds about, gently pushed between cat and sheepskin and ply….25 odd feet off the ground, wrap her quick hand her to David 10 feet below me at the top of 20 foot ladder and GET HER TO THE GROUND! For goodness sake!
Glad to say Millie is now safe and back on the ground and back in her hutch!
I couldn’t restist between hoistings of the variouse cat catching apparatus a birds eye view/photo of the garden..!
Millie is a safe but unsucessful Polecat!
17 May, 2011
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Good grief Lulu! You live such an exciting life, between a pole dancing kitty, swallows in the kitchen, newly born foals...never a dull moment! Poor Milliepuss! The photograph of her with the big frightened eyes and the wee outstretched paw is absolutely fantastic! And all from 25ft up a tree! You are a real wonder woman! And your garden looks magnificent from up there too! Phew!! I'm exhausted just reading your blog, I don't know what you're like, well, probably quite sore after all that clambering around trees! Well done you, and hubby for getting her down...I'm away for a lie down!
17 May, 2011
LOL! A few glasses of wine later and it's really time for bed! It's quite a remarkable life really! x
17 May, 2011
Sorry but I had to giggle - poor cat she must have been very stressed, but a good outcome.
When one of mine was a kitten she got stuck up my big conifer, I knew she was stuck when she had a wee up there - husband to the rescue with the plan to hold her clear of the tree and drop her into a sheet that I and the children were holding beneath. OH got her and tried to throw her to us, but she decided to cling to his bear arm she slowly slipped down it as he shook it whilst holding on to the tree with the other - nice scratch marks dripping with blood. Kitty was save and I just laughed at the OH who insisted he would never rescue another cat.
17 May, 2011
Remarkable indeed! Milliepuss had better kerb her climbing habits, she'll not have too many lives left!!
17 May, 2011
You get top marks Lulu....climbing up a 20' ladder and then climbing another 10' into the medals to you and your OH for a successful rescue!
I don't know how you had the presence of mind to even get I'm glad you did. Milliepuss looks so trusting up there in the branches and the bird's eye view of your garden is certainly lovely.
You do have an exciting life, Lulu :)
18 May, 2011
had to laugh sorry,how did she do it and why,the only exiting thing mine have done is ophelia got trapped inside a bird house(she,s a bit podgy)had to break it to get her out,loved the pics and your a hero
18 May, 2011
very well done there - :):):):)
18 May, 2011
haha..what an adventure..Lulu Cat Rescue Inc..
Like Libet just love that picture of the gritter just about to disembark to the sheepskin..
wonderful little story and insight into the day of Lulu..excellent well done and thanks for sharing..
ps..isnt the pole a little too close to the you not have issues with your broadband falling out on windy days?
18 May, 2011
Thanks for all your comments folks, glad we got her down as it's windy and rainy here today.
Kfunters, had to giggle at your story too! That's exactly why I didn't grab her.....I just knew she would cling on and rip me to shreds!!
We don't know why she climbed up there, something obviously gave her a fright and I only took a birds eye pic because I had to wait for David to find various things to try and catch the critter safely!
18 May, 2011
Poor Milliepuss. I quite liked that photo of the poor cat with scared eye and her paw outstretched.
I am glad that she is alright.
18 May, 2011
Oh, you're a brave pair to have performed such a rescue. I couldn't have even got up the ladder, let alone into the branches! Considering David calls her 'Devil cat' I think he showed amazing kindness to have helped in her rescue. I'm sure she appreciated it . . .
18 May, 2011
She followed me this morning on our dog walk, miowing and trying to trip me up!
18 May, 2011
Trying to say thanks, Lulu, in her own way ... lol!
18 May, 2011
now why did the fire brigade not come out and rescue her, you could have fallen out of that tree Lou, glad she is safe but in future be more careful please,
18 May, 2011
Marvellous blog, very entertaining.
Hope today has been less eventful for all of you, Lulu.
18 May, 2011
What we humans do for our pets, Lulu !
18 May, 2011
Absolutely brilliant blog Lulu ! The pic of Millie on that pole is just wonderful...and thank you for the story,...a bit of tension, a bit of humour and a happy ending !
19 May, 2011
Thought you may have something to say about climbing that tree Val!! So did my Dad! I was very, very careful! It was going to take till the next day for the RSPCA to turn up and investigate before the firebrigade can even come we did the rescue ourselves!
Yesterday was certainly less eventful!
19 May, 2011
Oh dear ! lol sorry for laughing :D It seems so funny but can't have been so for you at the time.
I'm glad the saga had a happy ending :o)
19 May, 2011
What can I say, much more exciting than anything I've seen on TV recently. Well done you and OH - I don't think I could have climbed up there - the fire brigade would have had to rescue me! Glad all ended well :)
19 May, 2011
crazy day Lulu eh? LOL !! defo one to remember & great arial shot of your patch.
21 May, 2011
She had better never do it again!! I haven't climbed a tree for years, quite nice to stretch my limbs!!
22 May, 2011
Lol, well Luli, I liked the way in all the excitement right at the top of the ladder the camera came out. I get the feeling Millie read my Daffy blog and wanted a bit of the limelight : )
Love the shot of the cottage from up high
23 May, 2011
Ha, I did feel a bit guilty getting the camera out...but I was waiting for David to fetch some cat recuing items! Wish I had taken a few more now...but I only had one hand free and felt I should really be concentrating!
23 May, 2011
Lol! I know it probably wasn't funny at the time but a very entertaining read! Glad Millie is safe and sound to go on another adventure, another day! :-)
24 May, 2011
Naughty naughty Millipuss! Haha I can just picture it though, hope you hadn't had a glass of wine first! xxxx
4 Jun, 2011
Glad to say I hadn't Prawn!! Also happy that the wind wasn't to crazy that day! Sillypuss, now known as Millie the unsuccessful Polecat!
5 Jun, 2011
O! my word Lulu just read your blog on Milliepuss Serious cat rescue, what a silly pussycat I wonder why she went up there. Chasing a bird of something I suppose, you were so brave I hate heights but I suppose all the fear goes out the window when rescuing a loved one. Thank goodness you got her down with out any one getting hurt, a pat on the back for you! :^)
8 Jun, 2011
Luckily I don't mind heights, I just mind that I am getting older and am not quite so supple. If she does it again (with my sore shoulder) she may get a hosepipe instead of me!!
8 Jun, 2011
Not for one Minute do I believe that Lulu!
9 Jun, 2011
But what do ya do with a mankey shoulder and a cat up a telegraph pole!!
But amazingly so, having being wrongly diagnosed with a frozen shoulder it's now completely better (I did 8 hours heavy gardening today!!) The cat is now safe!
9 Jun, 2011
Lmao! Sorry but the pic of Millie there is tooo funny!
Cant stop laughing!
Poor you tho lol
21 Jun, 2011
Hahahaha, she certainly is a cat with attitude!
It was fun to clime a tree after all these years! Glad you found the bog!
Blimey, you might think I'm on GoY all the time, it's just a quiet night......I am going to blog my garden, tonight if I have the energy, or tomorrow, what with work having been cancelled till Friday! Even though I SHOULD be in my studio or garden! (being watched closely by Milliepuss) Actually and rather sadly, Millie would love to come into the house but the puppy bates her and my husband doesn't really like cats. And her best pleasure would be to have a catflap into my studio but because there are tiny shards of glass everywhere, i just can't risk taking a 'Devil cat' to the vet!!
21 Jun, 2011
Recent posts by lulu33
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- The danger of dead trees
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So pleased that you got her down safe it is a good job you don't mind height's, what a climb for you but worth it though :-)
17 May, 2011