My first GoY Birthday!
By lulu33
Well, it was this time one year ago. I googled a question about Rugosa Roses and found GoY! So 365 days later and alot of time spent photographing my garden and anyones elses, writing bogs, watching my computer crash mid blog! And time spent looking at everyones beautiful gardens and pets, I would like to thank the powers that be for this great and fun site!
It’s almost impossible to look at many photos and make comments at the moment….lack of time and a slow computer!!! I almost gave up!
But thank you for all the positive comments and for sharing!
So just a few, not brilliant photos to mark the 1st Goy B. day!….
Fed up with loosing my gardening implements, everything has been painted in bright nail varnish! It does help! It reminds me of when I worked at Sherston Parva Clematis nursery, I always put my tea cup and thermus down and then spent hours looking for them amongst the clems!!
I just had to put Sluggy’s Auntie Jazz in this blog! She has recovered from a mega infection and the injection they gave her made her broody! Here she is with one of her favourite phantom puppies, Sealpup! Sluggy likes to tease her by taking it away to play with, then there is an almighty woofing session!
Now this I shouldn’t reallt be showing…..Dad, don’t show Sal!!!
This is a xmas presant!!!! It’s such a pretty vase, I thought I must show it!
This is the front view…
And back and side view of the vase. I love it,, in fact I want to keep it LoL!
I know I have put this blog forward as gardening….there are a few flowers after these 3! We had a BBQ t’other eve. Can you see the doggie beanbag on the patio….and where are the dogs?! I ended up on the beanbag!
And Lol, here is the artistic, if slightly wierd shot of a stranded slug on my floating glass ball on the pond!
This is not a very good pic of my new Salvia Curviflora. I will try for a better one when it’s fully open. It’s the most glorious deep magenta.
Salvia patens
And one of my favourite clems Avant Gard, made esp for Chelsea flower show in 2005, I love it!
About to be a Crocosmia, a yellowy orange one! Love them at this stage.
And Dear Prudence by the pond. Due to overplanting, it’s wildness and the fishing line (anti heron) neither she or I can really get near it!
New and tender Euphorbia. I will take this indoors over winter and see if I can keep it going!!
And here is an early birthday presant to myself….My rain measure!! I couldn’t find the cheaper version so plumped for this rather stately one!!
Well folks that’s it for now. Hope the sun is shining where you are and thanks for a great GoY year!
1 Jul, 2011
More blog posts by lulu33
Previous post: For those of you who love birds.....
Next post: A Private garden in Gloucestershire
Happy Goy Birthday Lulu - lovely photos - love the Crocosmia they're great :))))))))))))))))
1 Jul, 2011
Happy GOY b'day, lovely photos and blog, your doggy looks so cute with her teddy, bless. Some lovely plants! :^)
1 Jul, 2011
Thanks Pix, Paul and Daylily. Pity I have to now spend the day doing house work!!!
1 Jul, 2011
Lovely pics....forget the housework will be there when it's raining....have a fun day! :)
1 Jul, 2011
Karen's right Lou, if you've no guests in the offing..ditch the housework and have some fun! Happy birthday Fifilouloubelle!
1 Jul, 2011
I too liked your vase....very unusual design and perfect for you as a garden/nature lover...I vote you keep it too :)
I could stay home and do housework today too but we're opting for a drive out somewhere and hoping the weather's starting to cloud over. Don't fancy staying in today though....we've got workmen right outside our place drilling loudly, repairing potholes!! What a racket to wake up to!!
Your pics are lovely and I'm glad, just as you are, that we have a great crowd of GoYers here. It's a happy 'stumble upon' when we discover GoY....surely a day to celebrate.
Glad you found us too, Lulu :)
1 Jul, 2011
It's always a smiley blog from you, Lulu, bless :)) Love the Auntie Jazz pic (hope she feels better soon), and that vase is gorgeous. (Know the feeling: bought "London's Parks & Gardens" from RA shop for a friend's b'day, and want to keep it!).
Many Happy GoY Returns!!
1 Jul, 2011
Forget the housework! If you do have guests coming, hand them a duster as they come in lol! ;)
1 Jul, 2011
Lol Tet You forgot the Trixibell bit!!!
Ah thanks for all your very kind comments :)
I do have a guest this weekend and the house smells like a kennel! So I will do a bit......
I vote for a new sofa and from then on....dogs on floor!
I HAVE to give the vase away, it's such a perfect presant for a very dear stepMum....
1 Jul, 2011
many happy returns!
Lovely pic's and you've just named a plant i'm liberating from work today! The crocosmia! They have loads of them so i've pinched a few hehehe.
Also loving the clematis arwell, my mum linked me to a site, i never knew there were so many different sorts!
Have a lovely 'birthday' wkend with your friends!
1 Jul, 2011
Oh my goodness Lou, have we had you for a year already, happy GOY birthday, lovely pictures you have put on, enjoy your weekend,
1 Jul, 2011
Happy Birthday Lulu lovely blog:)
1 Jul, 2011
If I stayed near you you might have had a Pixibel come clean for you hahaha
1 Jul, 2011
happy golden trowl day lulu and a lovely blog to start your second year, loved the pics :o)) x
1 Jul, 2011
Glad we found you Lulu!! I have been on here just a year I think and I too stumbled upon it, I asked a question about bee boxes and then I joined up, its has been so easy to make lovely friends and like you Lu could spend all day chatting on here! Love your rain gauge, I wanted one and Oh said 'what for'??? So I didnt get one in the end :~(, we have spent a lot on the garden this year so cannot complain, Love that vase too, I would pinch it and fill it with pink & purple lisianthus!!
1 Jul, 2011
i love the vase too ........... yer go on keep it lol .... like idea of floating balls on pond , gawejuss doggy ......... they are the best frends in the world !!! love mine to bits !! ..
1 Jul, 2011
NOT keeping vase :( but happy step mummy who will get it :)
Thanks for all your comments folks, really lovely.
Cristina what kind of doggie have you...? Yes, love them to bits. Balls on pond are xmas tree decs, thought they would look better all year just floating (minus the slug perhaps!) Talking about slugs, I had (or have!) a salvia that lived through last very cold winter and I have just found a big black slug on it!
Oh Pixibel, PLEASE move down south!! I am carp at cleaning!! In fact have a really good excuse now as both my shoulders are a bit shot at the moment and vacuuming nearly gave me 2 frozen shoulders!! I have added the maths and figured out if I stopped drinking & smoking me rollies I could really afford a cleaner!!!
Claire, is your Mum on this site?
And Sanbaz, if the first year is a golden trowel.....the mind boggles as to what it is for the 2nd, 3rd etc!
Thx Nana D and Yorkshire....xxxbless you all! And have a fab w/end too! x
1 Jul, 2011
lou , there is a pic on of my pup some were lol ............ shes collie x shepered ........... got her 6 weeks old from dogs home , she a proper softy , xcept wen she chases our cat lol
1 Jul, 2011
Lol Lulu..if I stopped smokin I could afford to come down south lol! Well maybe go abroad even! Sigh :)
1 Jul, 2011
Hi Lulu - what a great addition to GOY you are with such lovely photos and happy blogs. I love your vase - it looks hand-painted - what a good artist. Your rain gauge is very unusual too - I could really find a place for that in my garden !
1 Jul, 2011
Happy GOY Birthday Lulu and many more to come! great blog.
1 Jul, 2011
Thanks Teds! But how on earth can we keep up with Goy during the summer, I just don't know!!
Mariek, I am still waiting for some rain to measure, LoL! It could always double as a beer glass!!
Mornin' Pix!
2 Jul, 2011
belated happy GOY birthday to you Lulu my likeminded gardening friend
2 Jul, 2011
Why thankyou Alocoloman!
3 Jul, 2011
Happy belated GoY birthday, Lulu! So many of us found this site while searching something on the internet - that's how I found GoY also! :-))
3 Jul, 2011
hi Lu!
Hope you had a nice weekend with your friends? No my mum's not on here atm she keeps saying she would like to join up but atm they're renovating the bungalow so every min is spent doing that, i linked her to a couple of questions she was asking about so i think now if she has a question she comes strait here!
4 Jul, 2011
happy belated birthday Lulu
i loved your blog, sitting here with a grin on my face.
what a beautyful vase, presumably they didnt have another one?
the slug on the golden ball, any idea if it managed to get off? or still travelling?
now i might finally be persuaded to get some of those whacky colours nail varnish, love them and the idea, as i too am forever losing my tools out there and who isnt...
5 Jul, 2011
Thanks Resi! That vase was one of two, now both sold! There is another, bigger and different, still beautiful, a bit pricey!
I did save the slug!!
Happy nail varnishing!
5 Jul, 2011
No, you can't have been on here for a year, the mind boggles as to where the time has gone! ..... I love your unique idea of nail polish on the tool handles & was only thinking today why my loppers/edging shears/hand shears all have green handles!! They should be vivid colours to show me where I've left them! ..... That vase is one of the prettiest I've ever seen & will make your stepmum a very happy lady ..... Love the pic of Jazz with 'seal puppy'! ..... And now I'm remembering The Beatles song 'Dear Prudence' ..... way before your time, Lulu! : o))
5 Jul, 2011
hey lulu your garden is fabulous ...
I love the shot of the slug on the floating ball...and that vase is awesome ..
6 Jul, 2011
Not quite before my time Shirley!!! I love that song, we sing it to her all the time! Seal puppy is luckily having a reprieve. Hope The vase goes down as well as it has on GoY! I have to wait till Christmas to give it!
Hi Fudgy, slug pic was rather an odd ball!
6 Jul, 2011
Happy belated GoY birthday ,love your pictures they are stunning shots.Thankyou so much for commenting on my blog.:))))
6 Jul, 2011
Thanks Mark, I just love photography, not so much of people unless I have a long lense and a hiding place!
What ARE you building by the way!
6 Jul, 2011
great blog..and so glad you came on here 1 year ago..
7 Jul, 2011
Cheers Matey. How are you? You been gone a while!
7 Jul, 2011
i am good lulu..was only away 3 obviously felt longer for flattered hehe..
7 Jul, 2011
Recent posts by lulu33
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- The danger of dead trees
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- A little sunny walk
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'Happy Birthday'!
Amazing pics!
I love that vase. I would have kept it! Keep it! lol
The pic of the slug on the ball in your pond is awesome, though I hate the wee pests, they are all over my garden grrr!
So many lovely flowers and Dear Prudence too, thanks for sharing and I raise a glass to you on your birthday! :)
1 Jul, 2011