A GoY day!
By lulu33
How fantastic that 5 strangers can meet up, share a meal, go for a walk, bring the dog, bring some plants…..some wine and all in the name of GOY!
Today Bjs, Valadel, Tet and Ken came to visit. Sluggy had a ‘playdate’ in the shape of jamie the very handsom spaniel!!
There are not any photos of the garden as cameras were swapped for wine glasses!!
We had lunch….a big lunch, still feel full!! left to right, Brian (Bjs) Val (Valadel) Ken and Margo (Tet)
Jamie thought that cheese was a fantastic idea!
Isn’t he sweet!
I love this pic…Tet and her hubby Ken, sitting on the stone seat getting cold bottoms!
Ken and one of our mares! sweet pic!
And one man Brian and his best friend!
Brian came with a car full of plants…..Thankyou Brian.
Lots of planting now…A Hosta ‘lemonade’. A Crocosmia ‘severn sunrise’. A Rubus double red. A Haberlea Rhodopensis Alba, An Actaea Simplex and a Peonia Lacinate smoothii!! Hope all spelling is correct. And some peonia seeds AND some handmade stained glass, what a treat!
And a lovely card painted by Brian. Thankyou all so much for coming. A really enjoyable day! Much thanks to Brian, Val, Tet and Ken and of course Jamie.
12 Oct, 2011
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Next post: Millie The Feral Cat!
I agree. Its lovely, can fully endorse that. A lovely happy bunch.
12 Oct, 2011
Isn't it great to meet up with other members. I've met three :o)
12 Oct, 2011
How lovely for you Lulu. Looks like you all had a nice day. Great to put faces to some of the names on Goy. Looks like you fed them well too! - including doggies!!
12 Oct, 2011
It was a lovely day and yes, lovely to put faces to names or avatar names!!
Tired and a very full tum now!
12 Oct, 2011
Lulu Thank you for giving us all a wonderful day,as host you are the best.
Tomorrow I will blog from your guests perspective.
12 Oct, 2011
Aw what a lovely blog Lulu.
Looks like they were well fed indeed! and the dogs too..Jamie is a handsome dog! so cute that pic!
Lovely to see some Goy members in the flesh! Tet with her lovely purple outfit too! hope your bums werent too cold..you'll get piles you know! lol
Smashing gifts and that card hand painted is wonderful.
Glad you all had a nice day :)))))))))))))))
12 Oct, 2011
Lovely artwork BJ :)
12 Oct, 2011
I really enjoyed reading through you blog, Lulu, & looking at the photos. How lovely that you were all able to meet up & spend time together. That must have been great fun. Gorgeous dogs too. My little Jontay (papillon) would have enjoyed meeting up with them, I'm sure. Thankyou for sharing.
12 Oct, 2011
Oh Lulu how wonderful to meet our 'virtual' friends. It certainly looks like you all had fun, this is what I love about Goy, great friends, good company and advice and fun! So glad you all had a good day.
12 Oct, 2011
Ah replied to your message and then saw your blog how lovely looks like everyone had a wonderful day:) Yes BJS lovely paintings:)
12 Oct, 2011
That's lovely, Lulu. Absolutely love Brian's card.
12 Oct, 2011
How nice to be able to meet your GoY friends!!! Slightly envious :( but looks like it was a great day for you all :)))
12 Oct, 2011
Looks like a great day Lulu, and what a lovely looking lunch! The card is sooooooo lovely! :))
13 Oct, 2011
I know Lil, too far to come over for a quick lunch!!
Card is lovely isn't it.
Think I will put a uk map by the computer with markers as to where you all are! With an arrow pointing across the Atlantic for lil!!
13 Oct, 2011
I'll just have to wait for you to visit your Aunt for our lunch Lulu :)))
13 Oct, 2011
Lol, Iv'e been promising to visit her since 1974!!
13 Oct, 2011
What a great idea to meet up and thank you for putting on this blog - lovely to see all yours and our goy friends even if it is only on film. Looks like you all had a great day and fun together. Lovely blog thank you.
13 Oct, 2011
Happy Days !!
13 Oct, 2011
you all look really happy and i know you will have had a good time ~ looks like the garden centre came to you Lulu!! Quite a meeting of artists, gardeners, friends!! What a lovely day.
that card is really beautiful brian.
13 Oct, 2011
What fun - it really is lovely to meet other GoY-ers. :-))
P.S. What a talent to be able to paint like that!
13 Oct, 2011
Lovely to see you all enjoying time together and well done Brian, the card is really good and makes it extra special as you painted it yourself, also a pleasure to see Jamie included in the day...
13 Oct, 2011
Lulu this blog says it all, its great to be part of the goy family - so glad you all had a wonderful day, and what I would give to have a talent like Brian the card is beautiful.
13 Oct, 2011
Blimey, 4 in one go, lucky you - I've only met up with one other member, I'm envious!
13 Oct, 2011
Are there not quite a few GoYers in London Bamboo?
13 Oct, 2011
Well surprisingly not - I can only think of 2, and we're all miles apart, London being such a big place. West London and East London, for instance, might as well be Hong Kong and Australia, the only way to meet is in town really, and that's what I did with one brave member (Lily) who came on the coach from Berkshire to meet up and see The Roof Garden in Kensington. And have a lovely lunch out of course, lol!
13 Oct, 2011
I remember that blog! Grandmage lives on the edge of town! Still, as you say, it's a big city!
13 Oct, 2011
I know roughly where Valadel lives, what part of the country anyway - when I next visit my son in the same town, I might try to arrange a meet with her if its possible. But I don't visit my son very often now he's settled down with a partner and my other son has moved back to London - at one point, they both lived in Bath.
13 Oct, 2011
Well let me know, as Bath is only 25 minuits away from where I live.
13 Oct, 2011
Ah, well my son now lives in Bristol, is that any nearer?
13 Oct, 2011
about 30-40 mins!
13 Oct, 2011
Oh, further away then, lol!
13 Oct, 2011
Just a tad!
13 Oct, 2011
how wonderfull lulu and bet you all felt you had known eachother longer, jamie is so lovely and kind of brian to bring you goodies to, love the painted card, clever brian, nice to see you all in the flesh so to speak lol :o))
13 Oct, 2011
thanks San, great card isn't it!
I think Jamie was a bit overwhelmed by ou 3 girls!! Lovely boy!
13 Oct, 2011
i bet he was lulu, brian a lovely artist. very talented
13 Oct, 2011
Thanks for sharing you GoY day, Lulu . . . how lovely to have such a fun get-together. It's great for us to "meet" other members, and see all the smiles! And wow, Brian can certainly paint - what a talent. :))
13 Oct, 2011
Thanks again Lulu, it certainly was a fab day, and thanks too to Brian for getting me there.
Bamboo just say the word I am sure we could sort something out .
13 Oct, 2011
that's lovely that you all met up like that Lulu, glad you all had a good day :-)
14 Oct, 2011
We sur did! Bamboo, when you coming!! Lol
14 Oct, 2011
I met up with Hilda in London and she lives in Belgium!
14 Oct, 2011
Ah yes, that's one thing I was going to say - if anyone has a need to be in London for any reason, particularly central London, and they have time, let me know and maybe we could meet up even if its just for tea or lunch. I quite fancy tea at the Ritz, lol!
14 Oct, 2011
if you go to the ritz you have to dress up after 12.00 but you can dress casually before that!!! we got turned away cos my son had trainers on!!!
14 Oct, 2011
A GoY blitze at The Ritz!
14 Oct, 2011
they wouldnt know what had hit them.
14 Oct, 2011
Oh well, that rows me out then, I wear trainers all summer - alright in winter, then I switch to boots, guess that'd be acceptable. But I didn't really mean the Ritz, tedious having to dress properly, but somewhere or other a bit more relaxed.
14 Oct, 2011
Do you think flip flops would be appropriate!!
14 Oct, 2011
Ha ha, no, of course not - although posh sandals, even if they're toe pegs, should be fine... not that I'd ever wear anything like that myself though, for reasons of comfort I'm afraid.
14 Oct, 2011
before 12 lulu they would be fine!!! ~ i think
i was joking really bamboo ~ it wouldnt be my choice cos i dont like dressing up. just thought i would warn you ~ we tried to go for a 21st birthday treat ~ only so we could say we had been there ~ instead we have to say we have been thrown out of the ritz ~ but in reality they were very nice.
14 Oct, 2011
Ach ts good to dress up sometimes! Arent you dressing up for hallween?
14 Oct, 2011
nope. sorry, dont like it.
14 Oct, 2011
Phshaw, Halloween, yet another Americanism I studiously ignore, sorry Pixi25! Always had a party on Bonfire Night though...
14 Oct, 2011
You and I both Bamboo, ever since my kids grew up. Now we go out for dinner that night every year to avoid it. Wonder what the Halloween equivalant is for Scrooge :)
14 Oct, 2011
I ignored it when my kids were small as well, I can't be doing with all this commercialism. All Hallows Eve is a Christian thing, when in the past, Christians would pray at special services prior to 1st November, which is All Saints Day. Now its called Hallowe'en and has turned into a commercial spendfest... I'm not religious any more, but really, this all drives me bonkers, not least Valentine's Day, which is supposed to be a celebration between lovers of their intimacy - now you get mums sending their sons cards so they don't feel left out. And don't get me started on the origins of the Maypole...
14 Oct, 2011
Lol!!! Go ahead Bamboo....would love to hear it :)
14 Oct, 2011
Ha ha, the language used to describe the origins would definitely be too colourful on here - basically, it was a day when all bets were off, so to speak, and prancing round the Maypole was about ending up paired off in the bushes with, preferably, a total stranger of the opposite sex as a way of preventing inbreeding... Still want your kids to dance round the Pole, lol?
14 Oct, 2011
Wow, never knew that!
Maybe time to bring it back? :)))))
14 Oct, 2011
Well I guess it would make life more interesting! Sadly, though, it was the younger people who took part...
14 Oct, 2011
Think I did a blog on maypole dancing way back this summer!! It was quite fun really! Lots of wee kiddies dressed up as faries!
By the way, when is Halloween.....thank goodness we have a mile long drive and electric gates hahah!
14 Oct, 2011
And I'm grateful for being 3 floors up with an entryphone! 31st October...
14 Oct, 2011
How lovely for you all. Maybe one day, when I am not such a new member, I will be lucky enough to meet some of the lovely people I talk to on GOY. A really warming blog. Thank you... Xx
15 Oct, 2011
gloucestershire isnt so far away breda!! there are several from GoY in your county!!
15 Oct, 2011
Bredakelly, I see you ARE in Gloucestershire!!
16 Oct, 2011
Happy, friendly, generous gardeners, wonderful animals and food ......A perfect day!!! Sigh...and I'm not in the least bit jealous:-( Fancy seeing Tet with alcohol...such a shock!!!:-)))))) Really enjoyed your blog Lulu and lovely pics:-)))
16 Oct, 2011
aha BA you are back!!!
16 Oct, 2011
LoL Hic!
16 Oct, 2011
What a lovely blog and pics,Lulu...so pleased you were able to meet up..just great..what a great site this is..:o) love the hand painted card from Brian..something to treasure forever..and your lovely memories for all of you ...
16 Oct, 2011
And Karen and I meet up to .
18 Oct, 2011
So pleased you all had a lovely day, i've only met one goyer, but send xmas cards to quite a few goyers.
18 Oct, 2011
That's a nice gesture Clarice. I keep forgetting to write mine in time!!
18 Oct, 2011
I hardly ever get round to sending them, often write them....ah well.....:-)
18 Oct, 2011
Maybe we need a Christmas Card blog instead!
18 Oct, 2011
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See, they're all real people after all! lol Sounds like you had a good day
12 Oct, 2011