My journey to work
By mageth
Having dropped my youngest off at school I have a twenty minute walk to work. I thought some of you may like to hear about what I see every day on my way. on a lovely spring morning it sets me up for the day
The trees bursting with new growth
bluebells are out
and white bells
Across the stream (by bridge of course)
Past the ancient oak at whose base the badgers once used to live
The wild garlic is beautiful but I wouldnt like it in my garden
Cow parsley in flower
The end of the path. This footpath runs through a new housing estate. It used to be farmland and ancient wood. It must have been magnificent before they started to build
15 May, 2010
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How lovely to have this walk to work, Mageth, especially after the long winter.
15 May, 2010
Invigorating and a wonderful start.....or end, to any day. Thanks for taking us Mageth :0)
15 May, 2010
thanks everyone. It really does have a calming effect after the first rush of the morning...getting everyone out of bed, finding lost shoes and books, doing packed lunches, feeding the cat and guinea pigs, hanging out the washing, putting the new wash in, emptying the dishwasher .......the list is endless isnt it :o)
15 May, 2010
Wow - that's some walk to work! Care to swap for my sweaty commute to London? no I thought not.
15 May, 2010
What a wonderful walk to work. Fantastic. All your troubles and cares would fade away seeing something so beautiful every day.
15 May, 2010
Lovely blog Mageth... Good pics :o)
15 May, 2010
Enjoyed your lovley walk to work...thank you for sharing with us.........
15 May, 2010
no thanks Sarah, I used to do the train commute in my previous life. this is much more to my liking. great, I usually see ducks, jays. lots of robins and the occasional woodpecker. no one at work appreciates things like that. Thanks terra and B.
15 May, 2010
lovely walk mageth, nice pic to thanx for sharing ;o))
15 May, 2010
your welcome San
15 May, 2010
That lane is beautiful. I love it when the trees are just coming into leaf. Pitty they have to build houses. It spoils the countryside.
16 May, 2010
this estate is huge Hywel. At least 3000houses. it has 3 schools, shops, community centre and church. i suppose people need the housing and we should be grateful that the planners left at least this thin ribbon of nature intact. : o(
17 May, 2010
That's big :o(
They are going to build in the field behind my house soon. 40 bungalows. That's nothing compared with this lol
17 May, 2010
Lovely walk Mageth............
18 May, 2010
Recent posts by mageth
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What a lovely walk, Mageth, it's beautiful :-))
15 May, 2010