Stage 3 or The Saga of the Pond
By mandym
I expected Stage 3 of my garden redesign to take ages, because of all the digging, moving plants etc. How wrong could I be! Stage 3 went swimmingly (pardon the pun) – at first; plants moved from raised bed, hole dug and lined with old carpet, pond liner in and filled, and rocks in position around the edge all within a day. Marvellous. I went to bed that evening tired but happy in knowledge that I did it all on my own, despite the husbands idea that I would need him to take over (he didn’t want a pond for that reason).
The next day the water level has dropped by about 2 inches, a bit of settlement in the ground? No, a hole in the liner. So I emptied it, put more liner in (fortunately a friend had given me a huge amount so I had loads spare) and rebuilt the edge with the rocks, unfortunately managed to drop a rock and rip the liner, ‘SUGAR!’ says I, and dismantles the pond AGAIN and replaces the liner for the second time.
A few days later I built the waterfall, the pond is really looking good and the husband says what a good idea of his to have a pond on the patio! However, getting in and out has filled the pond with mud and detritus so before I buy pond plants I decide to empty it one last time and clean it. BIG mistake, we also decided to have a BBQ and some hot ashes…… you guessed it, another hole! Husband denies it is his fault and blamed the Icelandic ash cloud. I have no pond liner left so have to buy a pond repair kit.
Anyway, the upshot is Stage 3 completed, pond is looking good, plants are in and I’m leaving it for a couple of weeks before I get any fish. Three weeks, 3 pond liners and one pond repair kit later, my husband is congratulating himself (well, he did put the coping stones on the edge for me) on a job well done.
9 Jul, 2010
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Thanks Mad, it's in quite a shady area, only gets direct sunlight for about 3 hours a day, I'm going to get 4 or 5 fish for my daughter (she's 9), my husband has a large aquarium in the house so he says he'll test the water regularly for me.
9 Jul, 2010
That is lovely Mandy, it already looks like it's always been there :-))
9 Jul, 2010
you have made a very good job of the pond ,liked the banter between you and hubby ,it made me laugh .
9 Jul, 2010
Thanks Annella. I think he's starting to convince himself that he really built it Khayla, I'll keep him right though, (lol).
9 Jul, 2010
Well done Mandym,on not giving up your plan for a pond.,despite the hurdles you had to face along the way.It looks great...just enjoy now,you have certainly earned it......
9 Jul, 2010
Thats a funny story!!! I made a pond last year and this year it looks amazing. I have 7 fish, 6 toads 9 frogs and 4 newts, Do be careful of the Heron though, it doesn't take long for them to find your fish. Good luck with your pond.
9 Jul, 2010
Lovely. Your pond has already and will continue to give you hours of enjoyment. I Just love mine and all my fishes plants etc
9 Jul, 2010
Thanks Bloomer, Lulu and KF. I've put a recliner next to the pond so that I can relax and enjoy it. My daughter can't wait for the fish to take up residence. I'm just worried about Herons!
9 Jul, 2010
what a lovely effort and a super pond. enjoy all the pleasure you will get from it. :o)
9 Jul, 2010
Fishing line is good for deterring herons! As yours is a raised pond (which mine isn't) there is a different way of setting it up and I am sure someone on GOY knows how to do it, it really IS a must!!! Enjoy!
10 Jul, 2010
I'm glad you got your pond and it's all your own work so well done. I hope you don't have any more trouble with it. Take no notice of those who try to setal the credit ( and just for you to know women do that aswell ).
10 Jul, 2010
Thanks for the tip Lulu, I'll give it a go when I get the fish. I must admit Seaburngirl I enjoy spending a lot of time messing about in it or near it! OH and by the way Hywel, I don't believe a woman would ever take undeserved credit - unless it was on a card! ;o))) (lol)
10 Jul, 2010
Oh yes they do :o)) I know from experience
10 Jul, 2010
your pond looks really good Mandy, youv'e made a super job of it, now you can relax by it watching your fish and enjoying a nice cuppa ! We love ours and spend hours watching our fish and sitting round it !! :o)))
12 Oct, 2010
Lovely job Mandy congratulations on the wonderful sight you can look upon each day, by the way your husband sounds just like my dad he use to do the same but I have a good laugh when this happens either way men or woman as shows how sad they really are.
11 Feb, 2011
Thanks sixpence, I must admit him-in-doors is very proud of what I've built now and tells everyone how clever I am! What a turn around (lol)
11 Feb, 2011
So he should be, now it will make him think hehe, you don't need him, am pleased he tells people you done it all and good he is proud of you. lol not like my dad he use to say he had done it all when it was my mum, I have lady friend who does the same, her hubby does the things and makes out she has done them lol
11 Feb, 2011
How's the pond doing this year?!
11 Feb, 2011
Ponds going really well, Lulu, have a resident frog/toad (never know the difference), the birds have used it all winter and it's stayed clear - so far. :o)
11 Feb, 2011
Oh well done! Toads are warty and walk, froggies hop!! Which doesn't really help when they are sitting at the bottom of your pond!
12 Feb, 2011
Pleased to read that your pond is looking so good this year. You certainly deserve it after all your hard effort in getting it all sorted, Mandy.
1 Mar, 2011
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Who will he blame when it turns green I wonder! Men!!!! Not to worry though, it will improve, but apparently it is more difficult to keep a small pond clear than a bigger one. Does it get much sun mandym? We have taken to partially covering ours for part of the day with that bamboo stuff in a roll, which still lets the air in. Will you have any fish? We inherited our's complete with fish, only 3 (one has disappeared) but they do pollute a pond.
It will be so exciting when the frogs arrive, and if you're lucky newts.
It looks a lovely job.
9 Jul, 2010