How am I doing?!
By mandym
I joined GoY in April beacause I’m having a sabatical from work and decided to spend some time in the garden. I’ve always enjoyed gardening but have never really had the time to do all the things I’ve wanted to do. The garden has always been neat and green with a border along one side of the lawn, the garden has a large patio and is west facing. There is a south facing side patio that my husband used to dump his building equipment, bricks and general rubish. There was no privacy for the side patio because the people in the next street could see through the fence. There are a lot of things to do this year and it seemed like quite a daunting job. So I decided to split the task in hand into stages.
Stage one: turn the side patio into any area that is private, colourful, a pleasing place for a morning coffee and some where to grow a few veggies. This what it looks like 3 months later
Stage two: Dig borders along the back fence and the south facing side fence, buid a rockery and add a small water feature. I did the underplanting of the silver birch last year, it’s looking fantastic today! I have tried to keep the colours along the back vibrant with reds, oranges and yellows and the side pinks, blues and purples. I’m quite pleased with it so far, it needs to fill out and I need a few shrubs for structure. The solar powered pump hasn’t arrived yet for the water feature, but I think the honey pot looks good just as a feature on it’s own (although the water tank under it is ready to go). I’m going to buy a Cypress to plant behand the honey pot to add a little height and make the pot stand out from the fence a bit more.
Stage three: Build pond with water fall in raised bed area. This is a job for the next couple of weeks, I have a small raised bed that a bit of something and nothing on the patio, so I think a small pond will look really nice and give the boring patio a bit of a lift.
I’m just trying to work out where to rehome the plants I have in this border then it’s digin time!
18 Jun, 2010
More blog posts by mandym
Previous post: Oh my!!
Next post: Stage 3 or The Saga of the Pond
Thanks Cazzalyn.
18 Jun, 2010
Welcome to Goy. You are certainly not sitting down on the job. You have worked wonders in a very short time. I don't know if you meant a cypress tree behind the honey pot or if we are thinking of different plants. A cotoneaster horizontalis would give you the green and height without intruding itself and its roots in to your water feature. I look forward to the next update.
18 Jun, 2010
Your garden looks fabulous So neat and tidy. Easy on the eye, a real pleasure to see. When you've dug your pond could you possibly , think about doing my I seem to be in my garden quite a lot but it always looks unkempt, and kind of natural
18 Jun, 2010
can i ask where your getting your solar pump from as ive looked,prob in the wrong places,thanks chris,love the garden,the fenceing is realy nice
18 Jun, 2010
It's all looking lovely Mandy. Look forward to seeing the water feature in action...:o)
18 Jun, 2010
What a gorgeous garden you've done fantastic xxx well done and thank you for sharing xx
18 Jun, 2010
Thanks Scotsgran, I did mean a cypress tree, but I like your idea of a cotoneaster. Thanks Great, I would love to come and help in your garden but as you can see I'm a bit booked up at the moment LOL! I think natural is a lovely look for the garden, I'd like mine to be a bit more natural, but my tendancy to OCD stops me :o)))
Hi Chris, I ordered the solar pump from a company called PowerBee via Amazon, like you I scoured the internet for one, I'll let you know if it's anygood.
Thanks Dylan and Kimmy for your lovely comments, I'll post again when I've done the pond.
18 Jun, 2010
you have done really well,love your raised bed.
18 Jun, 2010
Thanks Michelle, I'm moving the plants from the raised bed and turning it into a pond with a bit of a bog garden over the next couple of weeks, hard work but I'm looking forward to it.
18 Jun, 2010
Your garden looks lovely and inviting, what beautiful colours you have picked.
All your hard work is obviously well wirth while, look forward to seeing some more as you go along. :)
19 Jun, 2010
looks lovely and so tidy
19 Jun, 2010
Thanks Caz and Viv for your lovely comments, I've been out planting some summer bulbs today, a bit late I think, but hopefully I'll get a few flowers this year to keep the colours coming.
19 Jun, 2010
looks great. i think the idea of apond next to the patio will be great, you can sit on your lounger watching all the wildlife it will attract
19 Jun, 2010
I agree Mageth, hope I'll get frogs, my daughter would love that!
19 Jun, 2010
You've been very busy and it's all paid off. Your garden looks great. Good luck with stage 3 :o))
20 Jun, 2010
Thanks Hywel, started stage 3 today. Moved plants, dug pond, put sand and pond liner in and then filled pond. I'm now relaxing with a nice cuppa, surveying my hard work! :o)
20 Jun, 2010
Sounds good to me :o)
20 Jun, 2010
if I know you, you won't have been sitting for long! It's coming along so well, I'm dead envious! Don't buy a cotoneaster, you know I have loads and will provide whenever you want, just say! xxx
23 Jun, 2010
Hi Lucy, haven't been able to sit about admiring my hard work for too long, liner sprung a leak! Had to empty pond, so decided to make pond deeper then line with old carpet and sand plus two layers of liner (got absoloutly tons of liner given to me free from a friend). Anyway spent yesterday redoing pond and it looks brill, even managed to get pump installed (aren't I clever), making waterfall today then putting coping stones on wall around pond on Saturday, job done!!
24 Jun, 2010
Very impressive :-)
28 Jun, 2010
Thanks HR :-))
30 Jun, 2010
You really have done loads in a very short time, Mandy. It puts me to shame as I am a slow-go gardener. I like so many of your ideas and lots of them are ideas I've done my best to explain to hubby. I think I'll just ask him to read your blogs and look at your He might just then understand what I'm on about! He's not into the gardening much at all :(
I'm slowly working my way through your blogs and photos and have really enjoyed what I've seen so far. Good luck with your spring planting/plans this year :)
1 Mar, 2011
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Lovely garden. Love the hanging baskets too. It has given me a kick to get mine done :-)
18 Jun, 2010