My new garden project again???????
By mark61
Good afternoon all.What a beautiful day.I am welcoming any suggestions for my next project but hurry as you have only 30 minutes otherwise i will be building my own idea.:))))BBFB
A little teaser for you all
Right TT this is one is just for you,i am still working on my own project so this will have to satisfy your loo needs lol .I will build something for gnomes either this week or next.:)))))
Hi all its julie his woodworking garden craft widow,he as asked me to put some more teaser pictures on for you sorry they are late.He was seeing his grandchildren this morning as it is there birthdays this weekend.Can i PLEASE PLEASE ask that you all dont give him any more suggestions as we are running out of garden space lol but then again it does keep out of my hair for quite a while.It surprising the work i have managed to get done since he as been busy lol.Hope you all enjoy.
Finally finished hope its been worth the wait.I didnt start it again till late as seeing grandchildren.Then when got home had scaffolders and i hadnt been able to do anything in the week aswell.So i hope its ok as i have kind of rushed it for you all so its not as good as i wanted it to be.:)))))BBFB
3 Jul, 2011
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OOOOOOOOoooo how about a Windmill, yer that would be good,
3 Jul, 2011
looks like I am the only one playing on here today Mark,
3 Jul, 2011
Go on then, ill join in Yorkshire, too hot to be outside :))
A Beehive compost bin mark..
Storage seat..
A raised bed..
3 Jul, 2011
Far to hot today daisy,
3 Jul, 2011
Hi thankyou daisy and val i think its too hot for everyone today.But me im going to get burnt.I have already done half of one idea without wood ???? for you yorkshire.Daisy im sure your will be pleased at what im going to make today.Thankyou again for your comments:))))))
3 Jul, 2011
Oooooh, can't wait Mark..
3 Jul, 2011
A miniature garden. An ice cream booth
3 Jul, 2011
ice cream booth, Yer
3 Jul, 2011
Now I just have to get an ice cream Cinders, you started me off now, Hurry up Mark, lets see what you made,
3 Jul, 2011
An outdoor loo for Flower Pot People ...
3 Jul, 2011
Oh no she's popped up on here now, have you got a thing about Loo's Tt
3 Jul, 2011
The Flower Pot People keep asking for
"Time off in lieu"
3 Jul, 2011
your far to good at this Tt,
3 Jul, 2011
lol hahahaha get me one :( im to hot . mmmmm ice cream, im working on it may not be ready i need plans lolol i think iv bitten off more than i can chew with this one.Really testing my mind.I will do my best to try and finish it today.
Terratoonie you are making us laugh so much with your comments its hurting our sides now.But i am getting concerned about you lol.Well its all good fun and this is something different for a change.:))))))
3 Jul, 2011
I think Tt has a weak bladder, she keeps talking about the loo,
3 Jul, 2011
lolollol i agreeeeee peeeeeeeeee lolol :)))) BBFB xx
3 Jul, 2011
Looking forward to your next project Mark...
Spend your pennies wisely ;o)
3 Jul, 2011
i will mmmmm £2 not alot but it will do lolol donations welcome though as i am running out of wood now lol.
3 Jul, 2011
Make a gnome loo or flower pot person loo...
to just spend a penny..
3 Jul, 2011
lol at all the comments, im sure you will come up with something to inspire us all mark, cant wait to see :o)
3 Jul, 2011
Hope I'm not too late, been busy in the garden,
I think a sentry box to keep watch over all those tools! I have put another couple of ideas on the other (previous) blog.
What about a gondola to fetch the cornetto in?
A gnome would certainly need a' nome to live in!?
Making a toilet would be easy peeeeeeeesy!?
3 Jul, 2011
I liked Sticki's potty idea on the other blog ...
Mark could make those at his convenience.... ;o)
3 Jul, 2011
lol sticki, i cant think, my brain has sun stroke haha
3 Jul, 2011
Thanks terra, a box where the potties would 'guzunder' ?!
3 Jul, 2011
A chamber for the gnomes' chamber pots ... ?
3 Jul, 2011
Very good. Have you heard the term 'guzunder' before?
Ps there ought to be a sign saying TO LET - oh, sorry, did I miss a letter out?
3 Jul, 2011
Guzunder... that's a Worcs. olde Englishe worde ..
Do you know... TO LET with a missing letter was going to be my next comment... great minds think alike ..Lol.
3 Jul, 2011
I bet I'm too late now - look forward to what you do though :)
3 Jul, 2011
I think 'guzunder' maybe from midlands or the north - it is another name for a potty - cos it 'goes under' the bed!
3 Jul, 2011
Yes, I had already "translated" that from the original Worcs. dialect... not far from Derbyshire where they have Blue John...
3 Jul, 2011
Oh yes, very good I forgot that one!
3 Jul, 2011
You lot are completely potty!
3 Jul, 2011
just been thinking, you could build a nice BAR for the patio, and put one of those little beer fridges behind it,
4 Jul, 2011
I agree Kfunsters completely knutso:) Do we actually know what Mark built?
4 Jul, 2011
Perhaps he really did make a boat and has sailed away?
4 Jul, 2011
knowing Mark it could be anything,
4 Jul, 2011
He is obviously still busy!
4 Jul, 2011
Sticki, have we found out what he is making yet, !!!
5 Jul, 2011
Something in which to grow lavatera ?
5 Jul, 2011
Oh God, she's back and still on about the Loo,
5 Jul, 2011
Think he must have been locked in the lavatory by TT??
5 Jul, 2011
yes I think the same, I hope she does'nt suffer with a weak bladder, Lol if I had the time I would go out with my camera taking photos of public loos and put a blog on here for Tt
5 Jul, 2011
I think you will have to do that now!
Mark may have gone looking for more wood ~ or perhaps so many people got the answer right he is out searching for armfuls of red roses!!?
5 Jul, 2011
I sent him a PM telling to pull his finger out, you got me thinking about loos and a blog now,
5 Jul, 2011
In the museum near here there is a three-seater!
5 Jul, 2011
well next time you go take a photo of it, anyway, who would want to sit on a three seater, two could be doing a wee and the other one doing something else , Terra has a lot to answer to on here,
5 Jul, 2011
Oh, dear.. what can the matter be ...
5 Jul, 2011
Bit of a problem till Saturday I think TT
5 Jul, 2011
Except there is a difference - everybody knows that he's there!
5 Jul, 2011
Oh you naughty naughty people...
all I did was mention Lavatera... and Oh dear ... ;o)
5 Jul, 2011
Stop making me laugh TT and yorkshire!
5 Jul, 2011
Poor ole Terra is locked in the lavatory, haha. naughty aye, that's why my daughter made me wear the naughty step t shirt,
5 Jul, 2011
In tennis, they call it a "comfort break" ...
Mark will be back in time for next year's Wimbledon ...
5 Jul, 2011
I thought you were on probation from the naughty step!
Perhaps Mark is making you a bigger one?
5 Jul, 2011
Is he making an umpire's chair? Or the new Wimbledon toilets? The new ones have a roof on!!
5 Jul, 2011
terra will like that if they have roofs on, I honestly don't know what he is making, hope he is not a starter and non finisher with his wife,
5 Jul, 2011
... but on sunny days ...
you can take the roof off... ;o)
5 Jul, 2011
I don't think I will go on a sunny day thanks!
5 Jul, 2011
it would be nice to go on a sunny day with the roof off, I quite fancy that,
5 Jul, 2011
Excuse me ladies, we are still discussing Terra's toilet problems,
5 Jul, 2011
Porta loo is the same as a potty? Are we back to the beginning?
5 Jul, 2011
" Ladies " that's the place ...
Mark is making signs... LADIES and GENTS
5 Jul, 2011
It's taking him a long time!
5 Jul, 2011
looks like we are Sticki, well thought of Terra, I like it, I will send him a PM asking him to commission you your own Loo sign, and seat, let me know what you would like,
5 Jul, 2011
he wants to pull his finger out, we are already up to 62 comments on here, and 72 on his other blog,
5 Jul, 2011
Is he making 2 loos? One for ladies and one for gents?
5 Jul, 2011
Where does he live? It would be quicker to go and look over the fence!
5 Jul, 2011
Outdoor signs, please ...
5 Jul, 2011
think he must be, hope he makes the signs to go with them
5 Jul, 2011
Which other blog ?
5 Jul, 2011
he lives in Barnsley, Oh no I don't believe this, we are back to the flower pot men, o.k. Terra, I will PM Mark and tell him this is what you want,
5 Jul, 2011
The first garden project I think terra, im so busy jumping between them I have forgotten what it's called.
5 Jul, 2011
I can't keep up with you TT, blog one and blog 2
5 Jul, 2011
Hi all thankyou for your comments.I am so lost with them lol.I am having a few problems with my project so i am hoping it will be ready for the weekend.Please all be patient and i will go as fast as i can xxx:))))
6 Jul, 2011
don't forget you have to make Terra two loo signs also, your lost with all our comments, how do you think we all feel, we've ended up discussing everything on here whilst waiting for your new project,
6 Jul, 2011
Hi Mark ...
... hoping you will be flushed with success... :o)
6 Jul, 2011
Aye Up, Terra's off on the loo theme again,
6 Jul, 2011
No one has told anyone to "bog off" yet! (OOh a bit lame!)
But hey ho it's after 6, wonder why it's gone so quiet!
xx Loo
6 Jul, 2011
Bog off Lou. Lol
6 Jul, 2011
I knew thank was coming, thought that comment might create a stink!
6 Jul, 2011
A smell Dear, a smell,
6 Jul, 2011
I think Mark is being quiet cos it's taking him ages to read through all 82 comments?
Perhaps we ought to shout "gardez Mark?"
6 Jul, 2011
83 now, Lol
6 Jul, 2011
Gardez Lou! 84
6 Jul, 2011
Mark is very welcome to comment on his own blog ...
... any time ... at his convenience .... ;o)
6 Jul, 2011
Do you think it will be commodious?
6 Jul, 2011
Oh he will be flushed with excitement at all these comments!
6 Jul, 2011
I think he has gone on holiday?
6 Jul, 2011
to Bognor!!!
6 Jul, 2011
Very good and then on to Looe!
6 Jul, 2011
Ha ha you lot, very funny, he told me he had put his house up tolet
7 Jul, 2011
And someone will have to be flush to buy it!
Someone who wants new a' commode'ation!
7 Jul, 2011
Very good lulu and Yorkshire.
7 Jul, 2011
why Thank you Sticki my Dear,
7 Jul, 2011
94 on here now,
7 Jul, 2011
I wonder If Mark is making a hat box for lulu - she has some very posh ones you know!
7 Jul, 2011
Yer, bet he is making it of Good wood
7 Jul, 2011
He'll create a new market for hat boxes ;o)
7 Jul, 2011
'aint trees good enough?
As-got to be a top hat
How about a bog garden? - nothing to do with hats - sorry!
7 Jul, 2011
Oooh... I like the new photo ... :°))
Hope there won't be a yellow patch on the lawn ;o)
7 Jul, 2011
if i have im sending it to you lol x :))))))))))
7 Jul, 2011
Lol. I would prefer you send me a Gnome Loo :o) x
7 Jul, 2011
I would like a new gnome to go to because i am P*************d off tonight!
7 Jul, 2011
I don't want a loo! A gnome that helps out would be good.
7 Jul, 2011
Oh lulu what's the matter?
7 Jul, 2011
Lou has probally been left home alone, David doing band practice or cricket Lou. cheer up love,
8 Jul, 2011
8 Jul, 2011
are you fed up Lou cause Mark is taking so long on this project of his, I hope for his sake its worth it when he's finished.
8 Jul, 2011
8 Jul, 2011
Nice one "Loo" nice one,
8 Jul, 2011
Oh very good! I think we shall need to collect some wood for Mark, he has been making so many things - and if we collect too much we can keep it for bonfire night!!
8 Jul, 2011
Hi all absa`lulu`tley lol,
Hi Val i will put a teaser picture on in the morning.Will be complete before i go to bed tomorrow:))BBFB
Hi Stickitoffee yes please for the collection ,may keep me going all summer.Nooooo not on bonfire.:)))))xxxx
8 Jul, 2011
Hello Mark, will see what I can do! Hope the new project is going well - as you can see we have been very busy on here.
8 Jul, 2011
all this for a bonfire, I hope its worth waiting for, and where is the teaser picture that was supposed to go on this morning,
9 Jul, 2011
Maltesers ... did someone say Maltesers ?
9 Jul, 2011
Teaser Dear, not Malteaser,!!
9 Jul, 2011
Looking forward to the Malteser picture :o)
9 Jul, 2011
Oh Dear, getting really fed up now, have you not finished whatever it is your making,
9 Jul, 2011
Hi all finally finished at last i hope you like it.My future projects will not be done like this as you all know you can get impatient waiting for the final product.In future they will be done like my normal blogs in one day.All i need now is some lovely colourful flowers.Car boot here i come for some bargains for the finishing touch.:))))))
9 Jul, 2011
Oh my god Mark that is just fabulous, I love it, clever you, well worth waiting for, you deserved that Carlings, good man,
9 Jul, 2011
WoW, a choo choo and NOT a Loo!
9 Jul, 2011
Well done Mark, you certainly kept us all guessing, but its excellent. So tomorrows picture will be complete with plants.
9 Jul, 2011
Ah, excellent, Mark ..
... a fantastic train, with a less-fattening centre ;o)
9 Jul, 2011
Oh that is fabulous, well done Mark! Very talented.
Sorry Julie, will try not to make more suggestions!
9 Jul, 2011
Mark, have you thought about making more of these and selling them, its just brilliant, you could take this one to the car boot and take orders for it,
10 Jul, 2011
Hi all,thankyou for all your fantastic comments.Malteasers is it what a fantastic idea for a giant water feature lol.
Hi cinders wasnt able to get any plants but as soon as i do i will add new pictures.
Hi TT watch out for my new malteaser blog and i had to go and buy some lol.
Hi Sticki ignore the wife she loves it really lol.
Omg Val you are kidding the stress this one gave me was enough lol.xxxxx:))))
10 Jul, 2011
you now have a profile so it should be easier to make them, I might commision you for one, depending how much you want, Lol
10 Jul, 2011
Ok thanks Mark
A giant edible malteser will do for starters!!
10 Jul, 2011
Hi Val will have to consider your offer!!!.:))))))
Hi stickitoffee if its a edible one my wife will beat you to it lol.:)))))
I have planted the wagon now with some nice colourful flowers hope you all like it.:)))))
11 Jul, 2011
Right Matey, you can do better than that, looks like they have been thrown in from a great distance,
11 Jul, 2011
Hi Val i do not know which way to take your comment ,i got these today cheaply as they were dying but they will bloom up and become stunning flowers with some great care which i will give them.Im sorry if i have offended in any way as that as been no intention of mine but i think your comment was a bit blunt it maybe just the way im reading it lol :))))
11 Jul, 2011
sorry if you took my message the wrong way, I was actually joking with you, in future I will be more careful how I put things,
12 Jul, 2011
val lol der me i am the BBFB after all xxxx
14 Jul, 2011
Forgiven, x
14 Jul, 2011
Love the train Mark and the blog has entertained me for ages, I`m playing catchup tonight and having a really good laugh, as I work my way through your blogs...
1 Aug, 2011
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how about a penny farthing bike,
3 Jul, 2011