Forgotten Gift.
By meadowland
A happy memory returned today……a few years ago a close friend of mine was living in the house next door…..One day,as usual,I returned from a plant buying trip and realised there was no room in our garden for this beautiful shrub…….Crinodendron Hookerianum.A shrubby plant,evergreen with bright red Fuschia like flowers.My friend was keen to relieve me of it,which I was very pleased about.Sadly,in the last couple of years she has developed Dementia and had to go into a care home.Miss her so very much.
Today,the house has new owners who are very keen gardeners and have discovered this lovely shrub in full bloom hidden by many others.Of course I had to relate the story.They had cut down the shrubs which were strangling it and low and behold there it was!
Have included a couple of photos and wonder has anyone else grown this shrub.
28 May, 2015
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That's a happy ending, Julia :) I've a feeling that DottyDaisy (Angela) might grow Crinodendron??
28 May, 2015
I'm pleased the plant has survived and been found again :o)
I've seen photos of them on here in the past but don't remember what it's called.
28 May, 2015
That is a nice story and a nice plant.
28 May, 2015
Agree with Linda! DottyDaisy has just put pics of hers up. Lovely shrub.
28 May, 2015
I'm sorry about your friend. But now the shrub is uncovered it will be a joy and a constant reminder of her.
28 May, 2015
Love the story! That's what gardening is all about, plants that remind us of friends, outings and special occasions. I am not a great lover of cut flowers and always prefer a plant that I can see for years to come which reminds me of the event and the giver. I have had one of these for a few years now and have always had it in a pot because they are a bit like Rhodo's and prefer that type of soil. However as I plonked some Azaleas in the garden last year on a live or die basis (old ones out of pots) and they have thrived, I have now put this in the garden and it said "thank goodness for that, room at last" and is putting out shoots!
As you said your new neighbours are keen gardeners, did you point them in the direction of GOY?
29 May, 2015
Lovely story, although sad ! What a lovely surprise to see the shrub again Julia ! I have heard of it but never come across it ! I'm going to have to look for this. Its so unusual !
29 May, 2015
What a lovely story, I hope your new neighbours will love this shrub/tree as much as we do.......we have been growing it for many years now, so it is quite mature.
29 May, 2015
I bet it made you smile when you see the plant, and bought back a lot of nice memories. I enjoyed reading your blog and photos.
2 Jun, 2015
What a nice story about a lovely shrub I did put a pic on a long time ago but sadly I lost the plant in the bad winter 2010 I think. Perhaps it has performed so well in your neighbours garden because it has been protected by other shrubs. I think they do a pink flowered version of this called Ada Hoffman,
2 Jun, 2015
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Very nice story. I'd love a shrub like that in my garden. Looks like little lanterns.
28 May, 2015