Thought provoking blog
By meadowland
If any of you saw this week’s GWorld programme, I’m wondering if you felt the same as me listening to Monty and Rachel talking whilst they were potting up the’ lasagne’ way.
I’m sure there are many of us that can
empathize with both of them…..It was Rachel’s sentence that struck a cord..
“The garden has been looking after me” …this is so true…a reverse of roles.
How many of you have felt the same during an illness or a particularly sad time?
13 Oct, 2019
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I didn't watch it Julia,but I also 'lose 'myself in my mind,when I'm in the garden...Time has no meaning ,when I'm out there. not to say that I'm not like that indoors too,at times :o) lol They have both had their challenges ,so I empathise with them too..
13 Oct, 2019
Haven't watched this week's show yet, trying to make them last as long as possible......
Have been there too. My Dad was ill for two years before he died and it was a nightmare.
As soon as I got back from any of the many care homes he was in, the garden was where I could concentrate. I did a vast amount of compost mushing for some reason. Open the bag, grab a fistful and rub it through my fingers and into pots.
Real simple stuff but theraputic beyond belief. I thought it through, all the bad stuff, as I felt the soil go through my fingers. It was like letting it go, without having to say it all out loud to my poor OH, again and again and again.
Everyone should have a hobby of some kind, I think there's more than gardening that helps allsorts of problems, but if I need peace, quiet and comfort, a garden is the place for me.
13 Oct, 2019
I too am in my own little world in the garden.
If the family are staying with us and we have had very busy days, I enjoy going out into the garden when the little ones are in bed and finding a few jobs to do just to help me unwind and feel calm again! I also feel in control again!!!
13 Oct, 2019
Gardening has been a welcome sanctuary for years. Sifting/sorting life's ups and downs. After WWI many of the returning service men suffering from 'shell shock' were encouraged to garden. My paternal granddad being one, he was at the Somme.
13 Oct, 2019
I agree with the statement, so much to gain in gardening.
13 Oct, 2019
Absolutely Julia. For me, the garden is a huge consolation after losing our adored son. Without a peaceful space seeing what is flourishing, I think I would be lost. Even just sitting looking at the flowers is healing and so good for our mental states.
13 Oct, 2019
I agree too. I have all my life found peace in the garden.
I used to go down there to clear my mind when I felt sad as a small child, and as a teenager putting up with bullies, bad school teachers, and idiotic family members.
And when as an adult I was working with more bullies and self-righteous idiots who strove to make everyone's life as miserable as they could, and the first thing I would do after coming home was to go down the garden.
And now as I am caring for Beryl who is quite disabled I find things to do in the garden, in order to relieve the stress of being a 24 hour carer.
I must also say it makes me feel sad to go down the garden these days because Beryl, who loved the garden and was always down there with me, is unable to come down there any more,
and although it does relieve the stress to a certain extent, it is also sad that I am there alone and she is stuck in the house alone.
I always try to find flowering plants in pots to take into the house to show her, and I cut bunches of flowers for her too … so that she isn't completely without the garden. It helps her feel better for seeing them :)
13 Oct, 2019
All these comments are relevant to all of us it seems..and as mental health awareness is something very much in the news these days,and rightly so,in my opinion,gardening is certainly a positive thing to do,and enjoy. also Forums like this,where we can discuss and talk about lots of things between friends and not just gardening.. A kind of Therapy in a different form,and if it helps anyone at all,that can only be a good thing..xx
13 Oct, 2019
No it hasn't upset me at all. I don't dwell on the past. It has gone, and having come through a lot of bad experiences has made me a stronger person …
Not dwelling on it helps me be able to talk abut it frankly. It's better to get things off your chest.
I do have many happy memories too :)
13 Oct, 2019
For me...the peace and quietness calms my soul. Especially with the hustle & bustle of working in Midtown Manhattan - the trains, planes, traffic. Coming home to the quiet stillness of 'my secret hiding place (my garden) is like a retreat for the soul.
13 Oct, 2019
I agree with all the comments, gardening is so therapeutic in so many different ways. It provides a sense of being in control, nurturing, beauty and joy.
I felt quite emotional reading your message Hywel. You have definitely come a long way from enduring a lot of pain in your life. I think it’s so very lovely how you fetch some flowers from the garden for Beryl, you are both then connected to the garden.
13 Oct, 2019
Ive so much enjoyed everyone's comments. Isn't it wonderful to belong to a group of people who all feel the same way? Just being able to stand in the garden and take it all in is the most healing thing I can think of. If I ever have to go into a care home (where you are locked in!!) being out in the garden is the thing I would miss most of all. Let's all continue to count our blessings...
14 Oct, 2019
Yes, it keeps me going, carrying on gardening. They were wise words on GW. I hope she will be ok, Rachel I mean ☺️
14 Oct, 2019
Thank you for this blog, Julia - as Stera says, it’s good to share our feelings, and it certainly helps to talk about any sadness.
15 Oct, 2019
Oui! Nous avons passé un tres bien vacances dans une apartement avec une vue epoustouflante . . . Merci!
This site doesn’t like my French - serves me right for trying to show off. Sanary-sur-Mer is a beautiful place and we had 24 degrees of sunshine every day: perfect for healing our souls.
16 Oct, 2019
17 Oct, 2019
I cannot express how much all of you have helped me over the years, back when Goy first started I spent many a sleepless night on here knowing that no-one could see my tears, it didn't matter if I cried whilst while calming my mind, I treasure the comments and messages I've received, especially in my bad times, I'm not in a good place at the moment having just lost my beloved sister, feel as though I've lost part of myself and don't think I'm ever getting it back, even saying that, having read all of these comments it does help knowing I'm not alone in my grief, we all have had moments like these and there will be more, its part of living.
Yet again its pouring once again, I did manage a couple of hours this morning deadheading and generally pottering around,( in sunshine would you believe) it did help me as it always does and now I'm indoors and continuing my therapy with my armchair gardening. ….They were very wise words....
17 Oct, 2019
When I was recovering from the big C .....I spent as much time as I could in the garden, and it helped me enormously and it still does, because you never know if it's going to return, so I know what Rachel means, when she says, the garden is looking after me.........
17 Oct, 2019
Lincs my heart goes out to you.
17 Oct, 2019
Sending heartfelt sympathy to Lincs . . .
I had an email yesterday from the NGS (National Garden Scheme) and there are several lovely positive stories on their current website about how much gardening has helped different people in a time of need - very much worth a look :)
18 Oct, 2019
Lincs, I am very sorry to hear your sad news, only time will ease a loss like that, keep enjoying your garden, and thinking of the good times you and your sister had.......sending virtual hugs......(っ.❛ ᴗ ❛.)っ
18 Oct, 2019
When Rick was so ill last year and part of this, it was the garden that kept me going and feeling positive. Rachel was so right in what she said!
My thoughts are with you Lincs at this sad time.
1 Nov, 2019
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I, for one, feel that gardening has, and still does, help me get through the bad times, especially these past years with Mum and her Dementia. It's a place I can 'switch off' in my mind, no matter what job I am doing. Just like yourself, I empathized with both Rachel and Monty.
13 Oct, 2019