Fallen for them!
By meadowland
It has been a long wait…sent away for one Symphyotrichum novi- belgii ‘Vasterival’ (bit of a mouthful)plant in the Spring. It was tiny and in 6 months has grown 4 feet.
The tiny star like flowers are so pretty growing on dark ebony stems.The foliage is light and airy.
Very different from the clump forming Asters.
Hopefully it will go through the winter being planted in a sheltered border it should.Will divide it in the Spring.
The following photos show different aspects of the plant.
A few general photos of the garden today…it was a day of tidying ,weeding ,laying bark and grass cutting….the temperature was just right,no strong sunshine, low humidity too.Perfect…The rose bed is in the process of alteration…6 of my roses were becoming so ugly half way through the summer despite the regular spraying for blackspot….so I took the bull by the horns and removed the 6 leaving only 2 which seem to be so much healthier….at either end of the bed I will plant another Nandina Firepower and the Crispy Pink Photynia. Will add photos later.It was quite an alien thing for me to do but this year has been one of reducing the garden work.
The next photo shows the Skimmia Japonica…since the Trachycarpus has been removed this skimmia has come on in leaps and bounds.So pleased to see it with multiple flowers this year.
Reflecting on this year,it has been one of varying weather extremes and consequently our gardens have reacted accordingly sometimes not so positively. Despite this we stalwart gardeners soldier on.That’s about all for now…Happy Autumn gardening to you all.
14 Sep, 2023
Previous post: Our venture westward.
Next post: Follow the 'Fall' Foliage trail.
I can understand you need more space between the roses especially as they had blackspot this year Julia.
Mine have grown so big now that I struggle to get through them to prune and spray, but couldn't bear to part with them.
I just love my roses!
Your new aster is very much like mine, but had lost the label and will put a picture up incase you may know the name.
Your garden always looks perfect to me!
15 Sep, 2023
It's a very pretty plant, I haven't heard of it before.
Lovely views of your garden :)
15 Sep, 2023
I agree with Hywel, your garden looks perfect to me( the lawns especially) &that is a lovely plant. It needs to have a simpler name tho!
16 Sep, 2023
your garden is beautiful Meadowland :)
17 Sep, 2023
Hello again Julia, I have been trying to transfer my recent photos on to my chrome book consisting of the aster.
Not only can I transfer them, now my files have disappeared! So maddening!!
18 Sep, 2023
Julia, that really is a lovely Aster. I always forget just how big your garden is ... it looks stunning in these photos.
18 Sep, 2023
Julia, I am going to contact Tony, the 'Tree man' this week to see if he will not only prune and shape the large Pittosporum, but also do the same with other tallish shrubs as neither Michael nor I feel able to stand on steps with a hedge trimmer or pruning shears these days ... :o((
I will email you this evening.
18 Sep, 2023
Thank goodness!
18 Sep, 2023
I have a local computer shop Julia and will take it in there to see if they can help. Fingers crossed!
19 Sep, 2023
Symphyotrichum novi- belgii ‘Vasterival’ that's cetainly a mouthful alright! I wonder how Monty & others would get on with saying it? But as they say about the rose - "'by any other name'", but why can't they leave the names alone?
It's a lovey plant & really stands out in the picture from a distance! All your other plants are lovely too!
19 Sep, 2023
That is a very pretty Aster Julia, I have a beauty in my garden that was sent to me by a friend last autumn, its white with only a hint of blue and like yours has grown enormous I love it ... The rest of your garden looks amazing, so much colour, its a credit to you....I have posted a pic of my white one, thanks for the name, I grew up knowing them as Michaelmas Daisies so much easier don'tcha think.....
22 Sep, 2023
I also knew them as Michaelmas Daisies when I was growing up in London! Our local corner shop (yes, it was on a corner!) was below the owner's house & they had a garden with lots of them which I always admired as a kid!
23 Sep, 2023
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Your aster is a very beautiful one, Meadow. I like the airy ones too, they seem to have much more grace!
Obviously, 'editing out' is catching! I find roses less and less rewarding and removed a large white DA rose myself this week. I am pleased you are happy with the results: they look good.
15 Sep, 2023