Half Term Report
By meanie
As we’re now well into the summer I thought that I would do a blog on the successes and let downs so far.
As far as the let downs go, there have been a few. The season got off to a poor start when the winter losses became apparent – these included most of my Toad Lilies, all bar one of the perennial Lobelia, my Penstemon “Electric Blue” and several young Salvia in the cold frame. The Penstemon “Huskers Red” has been hit hard by the winter and performed poorly, with but a handful of flowers.
Another poor performer has been one of my favourites – Clerodendrum ugandense. I think that this may be my fault though, as I may have put it outdoors a little too early.
This may also be the cause of my disappointment with the Gloriosa this year – twenty six blooms in total which was a good score, but they were all on short stems. The other reason for this could be the lack of any real warmth for any period of time so far this summer. The winds are responsible for the scrappy leaves, which have made the vine look a bit of a mess frankly!
And sadly, it doesn’t look as if my Erythrina will bloom this year. It grew so rapidly in the conservatory early in the year that it had to go outdoors. Whilst it has grown well, I put it in a poor spot and the wind accelerating through the gap between our houses has damaged it badly. I’ve lost racamme of flowers that was forming, and barring an unexpected heatwave I think that’s it.
But boy have there been some successes!
The first was Hymenocallis festalis – I’ve tried several times with this and failed. But when I saw some large bulbs for sale I just had to try again………..
Next delight of the year came in the shape of Lathyrus sativus azureas………
……….which was grown from seeds from Plants of Distinction.
My next highlight was the discovery of Hill House Nursery in Devon.
From Hill house I got a Lobelia that I’ve been after for a while – Lobelia laxiflora……………
Best of all, this has just given me viable seed.
Wendys Wish is one of the strongest growing Salvia that you could wish for, and has thrived in partial shade too.
I grew a different Datura this year – D.wrightii. The blooms are up to 20cm across and 27cm in length, and so very fragrant. My Datura of choice from now on.
Scadoxus multiflorus is a relative to Amaryllis. The bulbs sat in their pots for three months or more before suddenly the flower stem started to emerge. From nothing to full bloom in nine days!
I’ve tried to grow Tacca chantrieri from seed several times and failed. So when I saw a large plant reduced to
£15 as it was out of bloom I had to snap it up! I figured that I would maybe get flowers next year and then be able to collect fresh seed so that I could finally grow one from seed. But ten weeks later the first flower stem emerged, closely followed by a second!
Finally, my seed grown Plumbago capensis………..
That’s my half term report – what has disappointed or pleased you this year?
18 Aug, 2011
More blog posts by meanie
Previous post: In praise of Plumbago
Next post: Garden centre cheapies!
Scadoxus was very easy to grow Paul, you just need to be patient! Go for it!
18 Aug, 2011
Excellent Meanie, love the Datura and Plumbago, The Scadoxus is just brilliant.... my failures include my Hymenocallis festalis no show, Lily Nepalensis, and finally Bessera elegans no show... still here's to next year and maybe a summer we can call decent...
18 Aug, 2011
18 Aug, 2011
Horticulture: excellent
Photography: excellent
Blog writing: very good
Meanie has excelled himself this year!!
You have had some brilliant results meanie, i love that plumbago ~ it is just beautiful.
My failings [many but here are a couple] : put the hostas in too closely now they look a mess and I havent got enough stepping stones in my steep flower bed so I keep falling over!! I also need to try much harder with the planting.
My successes: more fuchsias survived the winter than I expected, I have cleared one tiny area which is now much more open and I like it much better. Cosmos seeds have done really well and well worth growing.
18 Aug, 2011
Surreylad - I failed on three occasions I think with the Hymenocallis. The larger the bulb the better!
As far as the Bessera goes, I put ten corms in and seven came up. Of that seven, four have flower stems, so it's clearly a little temperamental! Should have my first flower in the next few days.
18 Aug, 2011
Thanks Sticki!
I could do a whole blog on my failings - wrongly sited Campanula, overfilled beds, forgetting to remind my brother to water my Deppea seedlings when he looked after my house whilst I was away (that was really gutting!) and no flowers on the Sprekilia again!
18 Aug, 2011
those may be small failings but the successes are fabulous!! none of us is perfect!!!
18 Aug, 2011
The Hymenocallis festalis flower is a real stunner and the Lobelia laxiflora... what a lovely one. And the Plumbago too. And the Lathyr.....sorry...they all look stunning Meanie, hope the success this year outweigh the let downs.
As for me - very happy with the single Gloriosa flower i've had! The un-expected scent of the brugmansia has been a delight.
Let down's - the biggest healthiest Gloriosa with lots of buds snapped in last weeks winds. The other 6 or 7 brug var's i purchased this year haven't yet flower, and it feels like waiting for x-mas as a child, hope we have time left for them to open this year. A smelly pond with a waterlily that refuses to open her bud that has just been sitting there, teasing for the last 3-4 weeks.
Have learned a lot so far this year so over all - happy!
18 Aug, 2011
Sticki - as a bloke I always assume that I'm perfect!!!
Funguy - Thank you! Just one of them would outweigh the flops. Treat the Gloriosa as described in that blog and you'll have more to play with next year. I always tie mine up as they climb to protect them from the winds.
18 Aug, 2011
I did assume that but didnt like to say!!!
...being female I am much too polite!!!
18 Aug, 2011
You know what they say; to "assume" makes an "ass" of "u" and "me"!!!
18 Aug, 2011
oh dear!!
nice one ~ hadnt heard that one.
bit like expert ~ an unknown drip under pressure???
18 Aug, 2011
Meanie i grow easy plants , i love blogs on here because i see plants i would love to have and grow.
there beautiful :)))
18 Aug, 2011
I read this excellent blog earlier and put it on my faves as i was rushing out.
Wow Meanie, where do i start, Love the Scadoxus Multiflorus, I was looking at them on the internet yeaterday, Bulb,right? I wonder how they will do up here because i need a few :)))
Hymenocallus Festallis is now on my wishlist, ill check them out. Also going to look at Hill House Nursery now,
really enjoyed your blog and your unusual beautifull plants..
18 Aug, 2011
Mark - the only ones that require any extra care are the Scadoxus (from my research it seems that it can suffer bulb rot from overwatering when not in growth) and the Bat Flower.
Youngdaisy - Yes, the Scadoxus is a bulb. Best grown in a pot undercover for the reason that I gave Mark above. It is tender too. As far as the Hymenocallis goes, get the largest bulbs you can find - best bought in person maybe. These people boast some good sized bulbs though............
18 Aug, 2011
Good blog!!! Low of the year is easy, losing so many plants in the winter :( The high is more difficult I think it is my Yucca whipplei starting to flower at the moment its an amazing plant. Blog on this to follow soon!!!
18 Aug, 2011
Just googled that - stunning!
18 Aug, 2011
The link doesent work Meanie but i did find the Scadoxus elsewhere, ill order some early next year, you have motivated and inspired me, thanx...
18 Aug, 2011
I've cheated for you - click the word "Hymenocallis" in the text above the photo. That'll take you to the page.
18 Aug, 2011
Wendy's wish shall be going on my favourites list Meanie...and I'm pleased to report that all my toad lilies are doing fine....strange eh? I checked the local weatherman this week and the lowest temp. we had overnight last winter was -10, which is really bad for here...but I'm wondering how bad it got in Oxon?
19 Aug, 2011
Homebird - the tender bulbs (Lilies not included in that - mine have been the best that they've ever been this year) I grow in pots. By allowing the pots to dry out thoroughly I never lose any if stored in the DRY compost. It does take up more space though.....
There is an abundance of fruit all around here too! For Sunday lunch I did leg of Bambi cooked with damson and red wine.
Karen - Wendys Wish is really easy to strike from cuttings, so once you have one you'll be sorted no matter how harsh the winter. I would offer to send you one, but it's protected by breeders rights with the proceeds going to the Make a Wish foundation, which is one that certainly deserves to be respected.
My outside thermometer hit a low of minus 20c last winter, which tallied up with the minus 18c that was forecast for that night. We must have had the best part of a week where daytime temps never got above minus 3c!
19 Aug, 2011
Nice blog Meanie love the Scadoxus most amaryllis are easy to grow and stunning if you can cover them and watch the watering this year the my bulbs are doing fine they should all flower the deppea splendens is still growing and its just producing a flower stem so will post photos have a look at this one for sale this I am going to try to win on ebay.
19 Aug, 2011
I have another failure to add, it looks horribly as though my pretty little acer is dropping it's leaves - I hope it isn't dying.
19 Aug, 2011
this is becoming a confessional ~ do you know what you have started meanie??
19 Aug, 2011
What beauties and especially the last one what a gorgeous blue
19 Aug, 2011
We all make mistakes Homebird. A spoonful of Damson jam (or Quince jelly) in beef casserole is a good tip too.
I'm always here to listen to your sordid secrets Sticki!!!!!!!!
Thank you 6d - Plumbago is sooo easy from seed!
20 Aug, 2011
I shall be looking out for it then Meanie :o))
20 Aug, 2011
i dont have any.
20 Aug, 2011
Sticki - there must be something! I got expelled from sunday school!!!!
20 Aug, 2011
That's definitely a goer then Meanie.....thanks for that info.
20 Aug, 2011
What on earth did you do??! I thought they were meant to be loving and forgiving?
20 Aug, 2011
You have had some seriously good successes Meanie.
My failing this year has been the clems up the new wall, really need an irrigation pipe.
Success with Lobelias and salvias, phlox firestar look great, also rugosa roses.
20 Aug, 2011
Sticki - I told the lay preacher that I thought the devil was a better person as he didn't ask us to worship him every week! I was only nine and hated sunday school. I'd heard my dad discussing this with his uncle (a religious man) earlier in the week so I can't claim the argument as my own............
Lulu - when the Lobelia bug bites who knows where it'll lead! Lobelia was the first plant to really get it's claws into me.
20 Aug, 2011
Oh Meanie I'm sorry I had to laugh! I know I shouldn't but having spent a lot of my childhood being indoctrinated and made to go to a type of church three times every Sunday I wish I had been able to think for myself a little more!
20 Aug, 2011
Good Lord!
I remember asking if Hell really existed and was told it did, I was gobsmacked.
I was expelled from sunday school too, for arguing the case, and from Brownies, for doing naughty deeds instead of good, fair enough but worst of all from the church choir (the only thing to keep me sane as a kid) for giggling at a funeral when the pall bearers were so old they could hardly walk let alone carry a coffin! Thought I would learf to keep my mouth shut by now but nope!
20 Aug, 2011
Glad you didn't lulu - you really made me giggle.
20 Aug, 2011
Learf or learn!
20 Aug, 2011
I knew what you meant!
I don't think you should have been expelled - either of you - makes a good story tho!
20 Aug, 2011
Exellent blog and pictures as always Meanii, I covet that Lathyrus...
21 Aug, 2011
Sticki - I was less free thinking and more inspired by what my Dad had said.......
Lulu - I always knew you were trouble!!!
Thank you Rbtkew!
21 Aug, 2011
As my Dad once told me when I was at school, I could be as naughty as I liked the trick was, not to get caught!
21 Aug, 2011
My parents put the fear of god into me over my misbehaviour, so I made damn sure that I wasn't caught!!
21 Aug, 2011
Am home alone right now having sent my folks off to church!!
Dad said, betcha log onto GoY!
21 Aug, 2011
you not allowed in the church service lulu?
well done for the escaping meanie!! bet you have more stories you could tell.
21 Aug, 2011
I decided catching up on GoY was more rewarding! Am still up in N Yorks till tonight. Lovely sunny!
21 Aug, 2011
i agree ~ my OH has gone to church too!
it was sunny here three hours ago but its cloudy now. bet its lovely in yorkshire.
sounds like you and meanie had a lot more fun than i did!!
21 Aug, 2011
You will just have to make up for it now!!
21 Aug, 2011
was a bit worried about the last comment i had made ~ i didnt mean together!!!
its not so easy as you get older but they couldnt take the fun streak out of me ~ i still love to giggle ~ just doesnt often happen ~ thats why i like coming on here ~ it makes you smile and it makes you laugh! i loved those sunday school stories!!!
21 Aug, 2011
Yes, I giggle alot on here too!
Pixi and I were coming up with horsey puns on a pic I put up. Found myself walking through the woods thinking up new jokes and laughing out loud.
Yes I liked sunday school stories too. Long time ago now!
21 Aug, 2011
i meant your naughty sunday school stories ~ where you got expelled!!! sunday school wasnt much fun where i was!
21 Aug, 2011
I was expelled from the church choir! I was in fact very sad about that as I loved singing then, can't sing for a toffee now!
The brownies for naughy deeds cos good ones were alot less interesting! Also I couldn't sew the badges on!!!
21 Aug, 2011
they should have taught you!!!
im sure you could be persuaded to sing for a toffee ~ i have some very nice toffee vodka in my freezer ~ nearly all gone now though!!
21 Aug, 2011
David keeps trying to get me to sing in his band! We got a mike and everything...........I have to be a bit tipsy!
Still can't sew!!
21 Aug, 2011
sewing doesnt matter ~ there is very good glue that does the job these days!!!!
lots of music at sons wedding and open mike in evening ~ they got a lad of 14 to come up and play on the guitar and sing ~ he was amazing!
21 Aug, 2011
Lawd Meanie's going to have alot of comments in his inbox!! Maybe I should have gone to church! Still can't work out why the vicar hasn't learnt it all by wrote by now! D and I often get the giggles in church when the dogs behave badly wagging their tails agains't the pews! Needless to say Sluggy hasn't been to church yet!
Sound like your sons wedding was great fun!
21 Aug, 2011
dogs in the church? that would be more interesting ~ do they sing? be like vicar of dibley service??
i was just thinking the same about meanie's blog ~ sorry meanie ~ feels like talking at the back of the class when im supposed to be paying attention!!!!
21 Aug, 2011
they just wag!
They woofed during our wedding though!
21 Aug, 2011
It's fine to talk at the back of the class - the teacher should be saying something worth listening to!!!!!!!
21 Aug, 2011
if only i was still at school ~ i could chat away at the back and i would say ~ its ok ~ meanie says its fine!
[did you mean for the teacher or the pupil?] i do agree tho meanie but teaching is a tough job.
lulu that is just great!! did they woof when its time to say you object to the marriage or when the groom can kiss the bride?
21 Aug, 2011
it was the objecting to our marriage. You can see it on our video!!! oh and once during our vows!
21 Aug, 2011
21 Aug, 2011
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Nice idea for a blog and I will also do one similar - I was discussing the favs and let downs this year :))) All your plants here look excellent with lovely colours Scadoxus multiflorus is very nice especially -
18 Aug, 2011