The disappearing squirrel...
By n3tyy
As usual can’t sleep so reviewing photos. These made me smile. Tyler was acting in a rather odd manner but then I saw why. Cyril ! There was a patio stand off, but what happened next was soooo funny… Cyril jumped on to the table, had a snack, then jumped on to the tree, looked at me and Tyler, very cheeky, then jumped into the ivy, Tyler’s response was hysterical… hope you get what I mean…. as Cyril jumped Tyler turned and looked into the corner of the room to see where he had gone……. made my day and had one confused dog for a while :o)))))
5 Dec, 2011
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Squirrels make me laugh. They tease my cat too.
5 Dec, 2011
Cool pics! :)
5 Dec, 2011
Lovely story in pictures :o)
5 Dec, 2011
Great blog and pics,..It made me smile ..thanks :o)
5 Dec, 2011
Oh I love it, our pets are so funny, if that had been a squirrel on my patio I know Brynner would have gone ape at the window. How on earth do you keep the window clean, I`m forever washing paw and nose marks off mine, it drives me mental, lol, plus looks disgusting..
Great photo`s...
5 Dec, 2011
Tyler is very nosey Paul, and yes the squirrel is such a tease Sticki, I think he knows that I won't let Tyler out when he is around, so it's a ner ner ner ner moment for him :o).
Cheers Pixi, Terra it was crazy how they turned out :o)
Glad it cheered you up Bloomer, mad pets and wildlife, magic :o)
Well Lincslass, Tyler doesn't go to the patio doors that much, but my front lounge window is a nightmare and like you it drives me mad. Every day I am there with the windolene/dettox and yes it looks gross, I am so embarrassed if someone comes to the door and I haven't cleaned yet :o))))
5 Dec, 2011
I have the same problem with our Grandson,N3tyy..a fingerprint expert's dream ! Lol.
5 Dec, 2011
That was so funny, brilliantly caught on camera!
5 Dec, 2011
Oh good grief Bloomer, grandson only six weeks but know what I am in for now :o) Thanks Sheilar, I couldn't have directed that better, crazy how it just flowed then Tyler looking for him was just the icing :o)))))
5 Dec, 2011
Congratulations N3.,how won't mind at all..just keep a damp cloth handy.! problem:o)
5 Dec, 2011
5 Dec, 2011
That was so well caught, N3, it's the last photo that really made me snort, poor pet, looking up expecting a squirrel to materialise out of thin air or rather, a solid wall! Lol!:0)
6 Dec, 2011
Thank you. Me too Libet. Bless, Tyler kept looking, obviously thinking 'I will get that squirrel when he comes through the wall' Then he would look back at the tree and so on..... very funny :oD
6 Dec, 2011
D'ya know, both your 'infamous' carrot hurling blog, and this one have popped into my head I don't know how many times today...and I've had to explain myself twice already! Bursting into fits of sniggers isn't a good look in a dull old meeting!! :o)
6 Dec, 2011
Ha Ha. That is funny Libet. Well I am glad it cheered up your dearly meeting, hope you didn't get in too much trouble. This does seems to be my life!!! There was another incident that crossed my mind today then I forgot. No doubt I will remember and will share with all, to cheer you up once more hopefully. To you and all, when times are miserable, keep thinking of me cowering, the shocked policemen and the disappearing squirrel. :o))))))) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
6 Dec, 2011
I surely will! ;0))xx Thank you! You owe me a waterproof mascara, I looked like a wee panda today!
6 Dec, 2011
My lovely dog use to do exactly that Ny3 , in fact we bought a garden dog sculpture that looked just like him staring up into the trees looking for the squirrels , I still say have you seen them when I pass the sculpture .....
6 Dec, 2011
A lovely idea to have the sculpture Amy. We took Tyler to the park a few months back and he chased a squirrel, but he scared him self to death as he ran up the tree, then it was like watching a cartoon, him slipping down trying to grasp on... very funny.
6 Dec, 2011
Better make sure I get my Avon Catalogue this week Libet ??? Either that or send you some bamboo :o))))
6 Dec, 2011
i think the squirrel was teasing your dog haha, great shots :o)
15 Dec, 2011
Oh he does. I am convinced that Cyril knows that Tyler can't get out, so teases him all the more. Thanks :o)))
17 Dec, 2011
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excellent photos - love how dogs are so nosey - :D
5 Dec, 2011