A Christmas Confession...????
By n3tyy
We have always had a real Christmas Tree. This year my OH had the idea to make our own for outside the house!!!!!!!!!!? Was very impressed actually. Pic.1 However, not to be out done, I was just about to go and order the real tree for indoors when I had an idea……. ‘anything he can do I can do better’ …. well hopefully!! just as good. Took a while to make the wooden frame, at least to stop it splaying out and picking it up time and time again. The ‘green’ is from the conifers in the garden and smells divine. The best bit is there are no needles to pick up, and it has saved a small fortune. My son is convinced I have watched too many episodes of ’Kirstie’s Home Made Christmas’ :o)))))) Merry Christmas to you all.
20 Dec, 2011
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Looks really lovely, well done.
20 Dec, 2011
thats brilliant kirstie, oh sorry i mean n3tyy!
how did you make it ~ after the brown paper ~ how did you hold the greenery into the frame?
20 Dec, 2011
Move over Pallet man! A star is Born!!!!
20 Dec, 2011
Looks great - well done!
20 Dec, 2011
pimpernel you are a stirrer!!! is this you in the new avatar or is it robin hood?
20 Dec, 2011
That's a great idea! No mess, minimum cost, the same wonderful smell and exactly the same effect - a win/win situation all round then.
So, Happy Christmas!
20 Dec, 2011
Thanks Lili,Caz,Sheilar. Have a fairy on top now Pimpernel :o) Kirstie is good :o))) It's hessian Sticki, I then put string from top to bottom around the tree, and put the bits of conifer into the string, the more I put on the more it held up!!! That was a few days ago, thought I would wait a while to see if it was still standing, it is and guests have been and think it is a real tree!!!!!
20 Dec, 2011
you clever thing. move over kirstie we have a new expert.
20 Dec, 2011
Thanks Ojibway. All of the above and as I said no one knows it is home made and it can all be recycled :o)))))))
20 Dec, 2011
LOl....It is Pimpernel the Spy...Robin Hood is another story of my ChildHood.
20 Dec, 2011
Think I might patent it, can't have Kirstie copying me :o))))
20 Dec, 2011
Brilliant idea! looks fab! :)))))
20 Dec, 2011
NT3yy is is seriously good looking..it may even persuade me to have one next year. Brilliant
20 Dec, 2011
i thought pimpernel wore red?? where is the other story you were going to tell about storks pimpernel??
yes i think N3 you better put copywrite on quick, alternatively phone the program makers and be on as the expert help she always gets in.
20 Dec, 2011
Ha a thought Sticki. Well watching some stuff on TV lately mine can't be all that bad :o))))) Watch this space.
20 Dec, 2011
Well if I can convert just one person Pimpernel :o))))
20 Dec, 2011
I've just had a moment of clarity...The work involved looks too strenuous ....You moved the Dresser !
20 Dec, 2011
How on earth did you know that Pimpernel ?? Not too strenuous a bit of brute force and the odd expletive!! :o)
20 Dec, 2011
DOH !!!! From the photo's me thinks :o)))))))))))
20 Dec, 2011
You didn't cut down half the tree by the front door to make this did you?
20 Dec, 2011
That's a fake as well Sticki
20 Dec, 2011
Well I suppose you have been spying to find that out pimpernel?
20 Dec, 2011
For a moment I thought it was phase 1 of the hanging basket competion.
Think I will give up now until new year..
20 Dec, 2011
Tree outside the front door is handmade too Sticki !!! I need a lie down in a darkened room. Most confused :o)))
20 Dec, 2011
The hanging trees of Blackpool competition pimpernel?
20 Dec, 2011
What I meant was, after your OH had fixed the tree by the front door, did you go out and cut lots of bits from it for your indoor tree?
20 Dec, 2011
Really like it, its brilliant. Great idea.
20 Dec, 2011
Sorry No Sticki in one of the 'Moon' photos you will see a conifer in the front garden to the left, we took branches from that tree, not so much that it lost its shape, and some others from conifers in the back garden, and used these to make both trees. I also put some privet bits in at first to give it a base. Hope this makes sense!!!
20 Dec, 2011
We are having a 'Hanging Basket of GoY' competition I hope. ;o)
Thanks Grandmage saved a fortune and enjoyed it to boot!
20 Dec, 2011
Well it's very clever, well done both of you.
21 Dec, 2011
That is brilliant,N3 ,what a genius you are..naturally,with being a no nonsense Northern lass..!...please don't try a replica of Blackpool tower..that would be just showing off ..Lol...You could earn yourself a bob or two,sending your tip
into a paper or magazine who pays the most !
21 Dec, 2011
Thanks Bloomer. THE TOWER - WATCH THIS SPACE !!!!!!!!! :O)))))
I have to say now it is done I just love it and the fact that I haven't paid out a fortune! I felt like a big kid when I was making it, remembering my days at school in the Art class, wanting to be the best and running home to my parents to show them what I had made. I just thought that everything at Christmas seems to be excessive, and this was a way of appreciating what we have, what nature provides, and what we can do if we try!! Thought it might have 'drooped' by now, but it hasn't and, even if it does I can just pop into the garden to refresh it : Never even thought about a magazine, didn't know that they would pay, no harm in trying Haha !! :o)
21 Dec, 2011
You watched Blue Peter too then? Its fab!
21 Dec, 2011
Oh yes Pixi - Never got a badge though!!!! Wonder if it is too late ?? :o))))
21 Dec, 2011
Me either! :( I dont know could we lie about our ages?
21 Dec, 2011
Well we could try. Still got bits of my school uniform in the loft! Might fool em..........:o))
21 Dec, 2011
How resourseful of you and a great idea! I agree Christmas can be very costly. I like to save as much money as I can to spend on plants!!! Well done N3tyy.
If its not too cheeky to ask - how did your OH make the one for outside. I see it is on a single trunk. Is that a twiggy obelisk I can see just poking out from the base? - Such a good idea. You could adapt it very well for making large decorations for an outdoor party or even a wedding and finish it with flowers! You could even make mini versions to decorate the table, using chicken wire to form a small cone. thanks for sharing.
21 Dec, 2011
School Uniform,N3 ? ..gonna do a Britney Spears for us then ?Wheeeeeeeee !
21 Dec, 2011
Thanks Poppy. I was just about to go out and buy the usual real tree at a cost of £50!!!! I have recently decided that I am going to make more of an effort instead of just buying 'stuff' and like you that is money towards my garden. Have a lovely Christmas
21 Dec, 2011
Hahahahahah Bloomer. Lets think............more Britney Fears!! .... what to sing?.... I'm not a girl. Maybe should keep that for Halloween :o))))))
21 Dec, 2011
Lol,N3..maybe a better idea for Halloween..I will remind you nearer the time !I bet you are thinking "Oh goody " .Lol.
21 Dec, 2011
Brilliant NR what a good idea :o))
21 Dec, 2011
awesome and very happy Christmas
21 Dec, 2011
Oh Bloomin 'eck Bloomer. Thanks for that :o))) Thanks Amy and Paul A very happy Christmas to you all xxx
21 Dec, 2011
21 Dec, 2011
Great job....Merry Christmas N3tyy....hope you have a good one x
21 Dec, 2011
That's brilliant. It's given me great ideas. Yes whoever thought of it should patten it! Imagine the trees that wouldn't be cut down every year!
Happy Holidays!
21 Dec, 2011
Thank you Angie Well I thought of it so am going to go for the Patten ;o) Save lots of trees and money !!! Happy Christmas
21 Dec, 2011
Thanks Scottish. Have a lovely Christmas
21 Dec, 2011
Don't worry,N3..I will have forgotten by tomorrow,never mind Halloween..you can rest easy :o))
21 Dec, 2011
Haha Bloomer twill all come back to bite us, no doubt A happy halloween :o)))
21 Dec, 2011
As long as we are happy Bloomer :o))) xxx
22 Dec, 2011
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That is so clever and looks great! Well done.
20 Dec, 2011