Garden Visitors
By n3tyy
Just a few photo’s of the garden and its visitors. Lots of pigeons and then one day a white one (with black tips on its tail) appeared, it was here for a few hours then gone, lovely little thing. I have a little visitor every morning a baby blackbird who insists on tapping on the window or hopping into the kitchen wanting to be fed (no fear of Baggy – the cat). I have had to chase it off several times to save it. One day Kai and I were watching the baby blackbirds being fed by mum and dad when all of a sudden Baggy appeared, grabbed a baby and ran up the garden, I opened the patio door and ran after him but he went under the decking !!! spent the rest of the day wondering if I had traumatised my Grandson (and that was just me running after and shouting at the cat to drop the bird – he turned and looked at me as if to say Yeah right !! :o) ) !! As my OH said it is nature. It is becoming a habit now though, he was in his buggy watching the birds and trees when a Sparrow Hawk swooped and grabbed a sparrow, and later baggy appeared with a mouse, Sheesh!!!! Photos not brilliant as most taken on my phone. Oh well never a dull moment (except for the clouds and rain) !!!!
New Feeding Station
17 Jul, 2012
More blog posts by n3tyy
Previous post: Hellooooooooooooo Summer Garden
Super pictures N3tty - I love watching the birds in the garden. I do hate it though when the starlings start bullying all the others!
I'm sure your grandson won't be affected by those horrid moments of 'mother nature'.
Garden looking good too!
17 Jul, 2012
Absolutely Muddy. Lots of wildflowers thrown in and looking okay would be great to have some sun to bring them on.
Thanks Scottish. They are great. We have the starlings and pigeons battling and bullying. I'm sure he won't and he does nothing but smile so no harm done, maybe Nana is more affected (sure the children would agree) :o))))
17 Jul, 2012
I do wish nature wasn't so cruel. I know it is, but I wish it wasn't. I wonder why they call it 'mother' nature.
17 Jul, 2012
nature is cruel but we cant stop that, but love your garden and great pics, nice new feed station to ;o))
17 Jul, 2012
Ohh, poor little blackbird :'(
You never know, maybe seeing that sparrowhawk in action will turn your Grandson into the next Chris Packham ;o)
17 Jul, 2012
WHat lovely photos :)
17 Jul, 2012
Its more upsetting for us than it is for the children, I spend ages watching the birds and am always shooing the cats away if I catch them stalking, I`ve never seen a sparrowhawk around here, thank goodness, although I think they are a very handsome bird and would be thrilled to get a photo....
17 Jul, 2012
It is Hywel, but that is how it is all balanced out I suppose. ' Mother Nature / Mother Knows Best !!!???
Thanks Sandra, looked at the feeding station again and it sort of gets lost in there :o)
Here's hoping Geranium then he can help me :o). Was so sad about the blackbird.
Thanks Pixi, not as good as usual, but I end up running round the house (almost carrot like?!) looking for camera/phone and use what I find first. :o))))
It is Lincs, and I try and shoo Baggy away as much as I can. The Sparrowhawk is always in the neighbours garden but I have never seen it in mine and only had seconds to get the photo.
17 Jul, 2012
lol :)
18 Jul, 2012
Recent posts by n3tyy
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It just goes to show that it's more than just plants that make a garden. Love your wildflower meadow in the first photo :-)
17 Jul, 2012