To Be..... Or Not to be.......
By n3tyy
A Christmas tale of 2010…. I was working in my dinning room when I saw a red ‘blob’ in the tree. I squinted and then realised it was a Robin. As you can see from the photographs I was some way away at first and, therefore, the photo wasn’t very good. I moved towards the window and took some more photos. The Robin stood stock still. So I tentatively crept into the kitchen…. still there…. Opened the door to the garden….no movement…. took another photograph!!! I walked toward the Robin….. still there head on one side……. then with camera still to my eye, I thought…………….. Tony or Conor have played a stupid trick on me and as I came within a foot of the Robin realised this was going to be one of those fake, but very lifelike Robins that they had stuck in the tree (very funny and I will get my own back) Feeling rather foolish, having taken several photographs (and about to retrieve it and stick it somewhere else) ….. all of a sudden the ‘fake’ Robin screeched, and flew into the ivy, I screamed and nearly dropped the camera, and Tyler dived for the kitchen door !!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t know who was more scared………….!!! Must have been in a trance or something. Anyway a cuppa, a sit down, some Bakers and me and Tyler were fine again, and the Robin still visits so I know it didn’t die of shock Bless :o)))))
14 Dec, 2011
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Awww hahaha!
Tell us!!!!!!! Bloomer lol!
14 Dec, 2011
Will do soon Pixi! ..Shower time now ! :o))
14 Dec, 2011
Very funny. Life is full of surprises.
14 Dec, 2011
Thats very funny LOL.. spec savers here we come :o))
14 Dec, 2011
The two robins who regularly come into my garden (one tall slim one and one short fat one, with names, of course - but I'd be too embarrassed to tell you) pay no attention to me whatsoever, even up close. They often do that cutesy thing of perching on the spade handle, after worms of course. But they are aggressive little things if their territory gets invaded - the original "angry birds"?
14 Dec, 2011
Lovely story of the real robin :o)
14 Dec, 2011
Well Bloomer these things do seem to happen quite regularly. Really need to hear your tale ....... watching this space??!! :o) Very Funny Pixi !
It is Chris...albeit that was one of the shocks eek!!!! :o)
That is just what my son said Amy. What a numpty! But am sure it was pretending to be fake :o))))
Now Ojibway.... You really will have to tell us the names ???
Glad you liked it Terra. Was just listening to the news and there is so much sad stuff on there, it is nice sometimes to have the lighter moments, even if it is a mad Robin :o)
14 Dec, 2011
'Fat Boy' and 'Slim'. See why I was embarrassed? Just silly!
14 Dec, 2011
I think they are fab. :O) Now I need to think of a name for mine!!?? You think you are bad, I have 'Harry' Heron, and Cyril Squirrel :o)))))))
14 Dec, 2011
Lol, can just imagine that N3tyy, bit like me the other day opened the compost bin to put some veg peelings in to see a little mouse staring back at me screamed like a nutter.
Funny how we name things , we have Sid the squirrel and fatty the pigeons, they are very fat, make a good pie:-) and the magpies that we call penguins!!!! ever since our daughter when she was really small came running to tell me very excitedly that we had penguins in the garden.
14 Dec, 2011
Excellent Simbad! Bet it was the same and the poor mouse ran squealing after almost being attacked by a giant bearing veggies :o)))) We have fat pigeons, of the wood type I am told, no names. I love the name for the magpies, love it when the children say things like that, so funny and great memories :o))))))))
14 Dec, 2011
what a lovely blog and i love all these other stories that are now appearing on it.
what a good thing GoY is!!
Robbie Robin
Roley Robin
Rufus, Red, Simply Red etc ~ would they be ok names for him?
14 Dec, 2011
Thanks Sticki. He has now been named ROLEY ROBIN :O))) Coz he is round and fat. Yep GoY is a good place for us to make friends, chat and share our experiences.
14 Dec, 2011
oh I have enjoyed this blog, Roley has his beady eye on you!
come on Bloomer you can't keep us hanging on......
14 Dec, 2011
Beady would have been another option!!
14 Dec, 2011
Great stories and tales from everyone :)
14 Dec, 2011
Oh,Roley Robin is it only me,being a "lady" of a certain age,that remembers him from 'Woman's weekly',during the years,Nineteen hundred and frozen to death ? .I think it was that magazine anyway.I couldn't wait to read it every week..just loved him.:o))...and for those of you that have asked for the 'Taser tale' (me and my big mouth) ..are you sitting comfortably ? then I'll begin !..sometime tonight :o)
14 Dec, 2011
no i remember Roley and was it Richard?? my grandma had it in whatever magazine it was.
yes please i am looking forward to the taser tale!!
14 Dec, 2011
I don't remember a Richard,but you're probably right,Sticki..that is the only magazine I seem to remember,not many around then :o))..Right,off to make a start..Lol.
14 Dec, 2011
Brilliant photos. Robbins are such cheeky little things lol
14 Dec, 2011
possibly the people's friend??
14 Dec, 2011
I am loving Roley Bloomer. Must say haven't read Woman's Weekly :o) but my mum remembers Roley from that. Going to finish chores then settle down and wait in anticipation for Bloomer's Taser Tale. ;o)))))))))
Thanks Hywel, Pamg hope you are all sitting comfortably.....
14 Dec, 2011
was the sister called robina or rosina? i think they had cousins and one was called richard
14 Dec, 2011
I can't remember,Sticki...and wait no longer,the blog is done !
14 Dec, 2011
i found it ~ BRILLIANT
14 Dec, 2011
Thanks Sticki..could I dine out on it,do you think ? Lol.
14 Dec, 2011
definitely ~ send it to a magazine.
14 Dec, 2011
I was embarrassed enough .Sticki..I would feel a right idiot ! Lol.
14 Dec, 2011
you dont have to put your own name!!
14 Dec, 2011
How come ? surely they would want to know...
14 Dec, 2011
i dont know but in the local newspaper it often says 'name supplied and witheld'
14 Dec, 2011
I think as all the members on here could read it if they wished,is enough publicity for me..our other neighbours don't even know ! ...
14 Dec, 2011
its very funny.
hate to say this but i bet specsavers would pay good money for it!!!
14 Dec, 2011
funny you should mention them..Russell has just been ! Lol.
14 Dec, 2011
14 Dec, 2011
Off to read it myself now Bloomer :-)
Funny you should mention specsavers we had an incident in our town centre a while ago were a lady drove through the window of costa coffee, luckily no-one was injured, the thing that made everyone laugh was she was on her way to an eye appointment at specsavers !!!!
15 Dec, 2011
Now,that is funny,Simbad..! :o) How embarrassed would she be?..and in the paper too ..oh dear,glad ours didn't get that far..I would have had to move ! Lol.
15 Dec, 2011
That made me lol N3tyy! I put one of the Xmas tree Robins out on a branch in my old garden and the resident Robin attacked and ''killed'' it, poor little thing must have had a shock when cotton wool came out! Off to read Bloomers tale now....
15 Dec, 2011
very funny , can just see you now sneaking up then all the screaching haahah, love robins and can be so tame, let you really close, ours comes down and sings near me when working in the garden, think waiting for worms :o)
15 Dec, 2011
haha very funny, thanks for cheering me up on a cold and chilly evening, sounds like the sort of thing I would do.
16 Dec, 2011
In the end it was Sanbaz!!! Scared the living daylights out of me and the dog :o))) They are lovely and he/she does come down when we are gardening.
17 Dec, 2011
Glad it cheered you Kfunsters. Should have seen me ... so professional with the camera, then............ Sheesh :o)))
17 Dec, 2011
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Briliant,N3 ,you have made me laugh this morning.I can just picture it ! Lol..What are you like?! :o)
I must tell about an incident involving the police,and a Taser gun,who came to our 'wildlife area'behind our fence last summer,after my phone call ! ..not told anyone before :o))
14 Dec, 2011