my tropial fish and a few other things
By noseypotter
i havnt done a blog for a long time but sure theres people who want an update on what im up to or my dogs or art etc .
this young lady passed away . i had a terrible picture to copy but i guessed i got it farely right as the ex partner of this lady cried all afternoon .
28 Nov, 2012
Previous post: dougall and humbug
Next post: mentle break down
Hello doggies, hello Nosey! Hope you are all well and flood free!
You have lots of fish there!
My little pond is now fish free :( Having put my one remaining fish, after loads of mysterious fishy deaths...into a friends huge pond. I hope he/she is ok because the flood water came up, under her pond, lifting the lining. She found lots of floundering fish!
28 Nov, 2012
Hi Nosey, another good blog from you all be it a long wait since the last one. Your work gets better and better. I like how you have given life back to that young lady in quite a touching way, I would think the partner finds it quite comforting.
28 Nov, 2012
Hiya Nosey, its good to see you, still busy with your art which as usual are very good, it must have been a very emotional few mins to unveil the one of the lady, love the cheeky face in the last one,I think its very tempting to produce the real painted face, think of the fun one can have in a few years time when the lad refuses to show off his photo`s as its just not the done thing, lol, and all your verrrrrry wrinkly pals, I can see there`s not a lot of room left for you on the sofa........
Am I right in saying the pottery in the tanks is your own work?.
28 Nov, 2012
Very enjoyable Nosey to see what you and all your pals have been up to recently, lovely moving artwork xxx
28 Nov, 2012
How often do you get to cuddle up with 5 mates when ever you want. You don't even have to ask so I see it more of a gift for me or a pleasure though not always the most comfortable lol. Thank you grand xx lol. You don't often get in that predicament lol. I hope there ok at least they can't drown I guess. I'm up on a hill myself which is defiantly better really. The partner has her pride of place in his bedroom he said the eyes follow him round the room when he's in there which is a lot as he's not very well. I do seam to have the knack of eyes even if I say so myself. The pottery in the tanks is mine linclass some made for the tank and some broken sculptures out of the kiln from an air Bubble exploding under the emence heat. It's a shame to chuck the broken stuff away after putting so much into making them. Infact it's really annoying me I think the ink belongs as the photos to me are a spontaneous slice of time but it's not my choice and it makes drawing it hareder lol. John Street .Thank you all so much.
28 Nov, 2012
wonderful fish tank. As a kid we had several large tanks at home and my favs used to be the Botia macracantha, though I think they have renamed them. Your art work has always been amazing np. You may remember my eldest girl was doing art at A-level. it was good enough for her to get to uni to do fashion design. She was really inspired by your work, so thanks. [and all your tattoos!]
glad the dogs are well.
28 Nov, 2012
Hi Leigh I was only thinking this week you hadn't been on for ages and there you are! love all your pretty fish, your art work is as great as ever what a lovely memory for your friend to cherish.
Nice to catch up with your dogs I guess they always make room for you on the settee :o)
28 Nov, 2012
Hi Leigh , your new picture is brilliant ,there's so much expression in her face ,I'm not surprised her partner cried , you have pictured her as he remembered her ...
Your fishies look very healthy and so many beautiful colours , it's always nice to see your dogs at home , good luck with the latest ' Baby ' pic.. Take care xx
29 Nov, 2012
wow i feal somehow proud that i was an influance and did the job . to me thats what talkings all about thew now virtual lol .that kind of makes me an A level in a strange way . im glad i could help just a bit suprsed is all . i lost jerry ie stumpy if you look at one of my blogs as im not going to make a big deal of it . he had a stroke that blinded and deafnd him all in one go but he was asleep after 14 good healhy years . the rest are fine especialy the boys as i call them being about there irthday and hence the name humbug lol are nice and big and cuddley . ive been sorting me out as it goes and feal much better if anything lol .anyway thanx again x . ill be back lol
29 Nov, 2012
Hi Nosey - it's good to see your animals and pictures. Sorry to hear about your old dog - he had a good life. Your dogs all look very cuddly. The fish are fantastic! My son-in-law has several tanks and fish designs on pictures, clothes, walls - you name it! They are fascinating to watch and my daughter says they have their own individual characters. They have just had a baby boy (not the fish!) so it remains to be seen whether the fish decrease in number - no sign of that yet!
29 Nov, 2012
i love my fish had them since i could get me hands in my dads pond lol . they do have great characters and at night just turn the house lights out with some nice music and just watch the fish . i have 25 clown loaches which i love and they are the ones in the pictures with the 3 black stripes on a yellow background .thanx melchis xx .
30 Nov, 2012
2 Dec, 2012
Love your fish and your dogs are gawjus !!!!
26 May, 2013
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Hello Nosey! Not heard from you since April when you did your last blog!!!! How you doing? I can see you have been very busy, doing portraits now? I'm glad you took the face paint off that little lad! Your sketches are as brilliant as usual.
28 Nov, 2012