dougall and humbug
By noseypotter
just a little photo update on my dogs now i have 2 new adittions ie sausages 2 handsome sons dougle and humbug . ive had them all neuterd now and there all doing realy well . i love them to bits .
one of the last ones is my mums dog i drew for her 80th birthday this may the 28th .
27 Apr, 2012
Previous post: sausages puppies as asked for
Next post: my tropial fish and a few other things
Lovely pics as always, I love them all. :o)
27 Apr, 2012
thank you so much . dont be scared dogs are what you make them and great friends they are . i love them to bits . lucky my mum isnt on this sight as she hasnt seen her picture yet . im not sure its my best but i hope the frame will make it better . i hope my mum likes it .
27 Apr, 2012
In the second to last pic, he looks as though he's laughing at you, I bet its chaotic when they decide its playtime in your house, I only have two and thats fun, lol.
Your Mum is going to love her painting, great pics Np.....
27 Apr, 2012
Is that 6 doggies I count Nosey?. When lined up in the doorway...what different noses and chins...if dogs have chins....they have. The one on the left has a lovely 'world weary' expression. Like I have when I have read the Daily Mail. Like 'not all that old crud again'. The one in the middle ' You don't get past me without a tie on and a jacket'. The right hand doggie 'er would you mind putting your cigarette out sir'
27 Apr, 2012
I'm with Pixi on this one, scared stiff of dogs me!
27 Apr, 2012
Good to see you and your dogs again, NP. The new pups are looking very well.
Your mum will love her picture, I'm sure.
27 Apr, 2012
Fun and games at yours every day NP I'll bet. They have grown..:))
27 Apr, 2012
Lovely photos, I was trying to count how many there are but I gave up in the end!
27 Apr, 2012
Just lovely, like Lincs the last but one made me giggle......the puppies have grown so much!
27 Apr, 2012
thank you so much i have 6 dogs now in my lovley pack . i sometimes try and be quiet and just study the way they intereact with each other . the springer is top dog and 14 and obviously the pups at 6 months are the youngest .i love the one in the door way with mum in the middle . your right you can realy see there personality lol . great discription and very fitting . ps knowone notices sid the black pug only has one eye or did you think he winked a lot lol . dont worry i think one persen ever even walking them has noticed lol . sharpei pronounced with a silent H or should be are very alloof and full of there own importance or seamingly lol .i nearly called them ying and jang but hay ho lol .
27 Apr, 2012
Hi Leigh ,lovely to see all your doggies again ,gosh those little ones have grown, do you ever get a chair of your own to sit in in your house ? BTW Tony's BSA has gone , Son in law is now the proud owner , have you still got your bike ? Take care Amy xx
27 Apr, 2012
yes i still got my bike amy just of the road while i train these young whipper snappers . i got a car at last so not long before i vissit you now .i sometimes lay down and have a living quilt lol . see you soon lots of love leigh xxx
27 Apr, 2012
these are smashing shots them all. All those little eyes looking up at us, very nice. Bet you never get a minutes peace!!
27 Apr, 2012
I noticed the one eyed pug Nosey, only because it is my fav. I would love a pug & it would have to be black.
When I bath the Affenpinschers they look like pugs, maybe I should shave them & pass them off as pugs!
Great photos & mum will love the painting :-)
27 Apr, 2012
Excellent photos Nosey - looks like they're all fighting to get in the shot!!!!
27 Apr, 2012
Hey Nosey your mum will just love that painting, have you nearly finished it? Great photos, what a house full you have!!!!
27 Apr, 2012
Hi Nosey nice to hear from you again, dogs are sooo gorgeous and the painting for you mum is amazing:)
28 Apr, 2012
5 happy, loved pooches!
28 Apr, 2012
after walking a pug i realise what terrible breathing they have thow i love little sid willinilli . id imagine your affanpincher is healthier like that . easy friendly dogs to keep with real character . a boston terrier would probably be a healthier choice .
ive finished the picture now grandmage just got to get it from the framers .
6 happy pooches lulu33 lol glad you all like them . id have hundreds but you got to be realistic xx .
28 Apr, 2012
I love all dogs!
I have 2 staffie/jack Russell's and a Staffie called Barney aka Booboo. I love em all!! ??
26 May, 2013
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hey Nosey! Long time no see! Great pics of your dogs!
Though I have to say I'm a bit scared of them..all dogs that is! Hope you are doing well :)
27 Apr, 2012