I'm leading you up the garden path.......
By oddbillie
Well, as the end of my time off draws to a close, I was hoping to get out the back today and finish the other half of the path. Then I looked out of the window and saw this:
Not the most appealing sight when there’s much to be done. We had to wait for another ton of gravel to arrive anyway so we just had to wait….and not long as it turned up about 8.45am – neighbour not happy as had to knock her up – oo-er vicar – to move her car off the drive so the lorry could get on to drop the gravel bag over the fence.
When the guys had gone, we decided to do a trip up to the tip to relieve the garden of some of the sh…..bags of clodgings, weeds AND stones that we had collected over the week! This turned into 2 trips but we cleared about 17 bags of rubbish – and heavy rubbish at that!
When we returned from the 2nd trip, we sat out on the steps of the decking and looked down at our half-finished path and I don’t mind telling you, my body was aching all over. Ali looked up at the rain-filled sky and said not to worry if I didn’t feel up to it. I thought of my poor aching limbs and also how nice it would be to actually just have some free relaxation time during my HOLIDAY. I looked towards the bottom of the path where I still needed to dig some stones and more clay up in order to drop a slab in and surround it with gravel so the gate would clear it……..BIG sigh!
I suggested 2 hours maximum to work on it for today and then finish it at the weekend. So, we had some tea and toast – with real butter…a real treat for the holiday! – and then set to work. Whilst sat in the conservatory, before commencing work, we were paid a visit by the Colonel. He has been here 3 times before, but only for short periods. It was nice to see him again – The Colonel…..
So called because he looks like The Colonel. Very big and authoratitive!
Then these 2 little uns wanted to see what was happening thus far…
So, we got out there in the drizzle and whilst we worked, we had an eerie feeling that we were being watched….we were….
….by DEVIL SPARROW – check out the eye……wooooh!!!
Anyway, as I started to dig by the back gate, my back was in agony so I ended up on the floor with a trowel tapping and a digging to lower that area for the slab & gravel. Then we levelled some sand over the area and laid out some membrane. Well, 4 hours after starting and with the drizzle still drizzling, we got this far…..
YIPPEEEE! Finished the main path!!
How it looks now down by the gate/pond area…..
Think I’ve found one of the Romans who built that road/wall Gee!!
Looking up from near gate….
….and down from upon the decking….
And that’s it guys ’n gals. Phase 3 of the garden complete. The next section we want to save for and work on is by the side of the decking so we can move the gravel that is left at the bottom of the garden in the big bag and then work on the border alongside the path – week off in October…..let me have 1 day off, please Ali??
So, now we are both aching and Ali has hit the sack whilst I sit and write the blog that sees the final bit of work in our garden, for now. We’ve come so far in such a short space of time and to think that 2 weeks ago, I knew nothing of GoY and now I am a fellow addict who has enjoyed sharing our journey so far almost as much as sharing yours with you – thank you for that and for the great advice I’ve received and kind comments on my blogs.
My final job of the day was…….’I’m going on a slug hunt…..BUT I’m not scared!….
Can you believe that this little slimy git was munching on my Calceolaria…..
….and he munched on…..
and in less than 6 minutes…..
….the greedy tyke had nearly finished the lot! I won’t say where he went from here but let’s just say he was escorted from the restaurant!
As were his friends….
To end this little blog, that is not so much funny tonight, but more…well, victorious, in completion of the path, a pic I took yesterday entitled:
Calceolaria & Coreopsis from down under…..
12 Aug, 2009
Previous post: The progression of a path......
Next post: When you're smiling....when you're smiling....
Well thanks Bob, that means a lot. I'm trying to work my way through everyone's myself so will be starting from scratch with yours tomorrow.
It has been hard work and back in late March, we didn't think we would even get the GH up this year as every time we were off together, it was chucking it down but as soon as that went up....whoosh, but most of it has been don these past few weeks. Although I'm aching like hell now, it's been immensely pleasurable and especially seeing what you can achieve with some imagination and effort.
Most of the 'hard' stuff is done now so looking forward to digging the border so I can add the colour!!
As for Han Solo, if I do dig him up, he will be coming over to the dark side......80)-
12 Aug, 2009
Great blog, OB. I trust you have informed the Coroner about finding that Roman body. Also the police will need informing as most Romans seemed to be murdered (if I remember my history lessons). Your pathway looks brilliant, mind you don't trip over the Roman nose when you walk down it :)
12 Aug, 2009
Thanks Gee. You have seriously lost the plot girl - very funny tho! lol!
I was thinking of speaking to Trevor Eve on Waking the Dead as they seem very good at cold cases on that programme....
12 Aug, 2009
i love this blog had me lol,your path looks great,hard work moving garden rubbish and then shoveling gravel.such a relief when its done.i love the face,great quirky touch.
12 Aug, 2009
Fantastic!! You have worked so hard OB on your "holiday"....but just think, you could have spent it lazing away on a beach somewhere, with nothing to show for it!!
Your garden will give you years and years of pleasure...it's coming on a treat, and I'm well proud of you! "Carry on Gardening"....you won't regret it!
Love to you and Ali....you are so enthusiastic, your garden can't fail to be brilliant!
Di x
12 Aug, 2009
One of my favourite programmes, OB, although I remember Trevor Eve as Gumshoe!!
12 Aug, 2009
Thanks Suey. It has been a hard slog but one which has brought great pleasure as each little bit is completed. Then, when the accessories/plants are added into the mix, it starts to all fall into place. We still have a lot to do but half of the garden is done. We bought the face in Tenby a few months ago knowing we had the gravel on the veg patch. We do like the 'quirky' items like the face, meerkats, snail, frogs etc. We like to laugh and we feel that it would be nice to reflect that in our outside haven.
Thanks to you also, CD. To think, lazy, hazy days on a beach......ice cold beer, relaxing, no painful joints, no aching limbs, no whinging off Ali....oops, sorry Ali!!
In the short fortnight or so I've been on this site, I have drawn so much inspiration from the many helpful and generous folk. I have seen gardens that 6 months ago, not only would I have not had any interest in them but I certainly wouldn't have wanted my garden like any of them.
But, something happened and Ali's enthusiasm for the veggies spilled over and before you could plant a lily bulb, bang.....I was smitten. In the past couple of months, I have been wondered and amazed by the colours that nature throws at us and have taken on a newfound respect for people like all of you GoYers on here. I can appreciate exactly where each of you are coming from with your gardens and as each day passes and each of our ideas change in some way, I am happy to share, learn and above all, enjoy what I get out of you guys and the bug that is....gardening!
We're even looking at getting up to the Chelsea Flower Show next year!! Now that would be something.
Thanks CD for you exceptional comments and I hope that you will continue to share our journey with us over the coming years. THANK YOU
12 Aug, 2009
On a Sunday night ....Shoestring?
Used to love that programme!
We've been buying all the WTD DVD's offa Ebay to catch up with them all. Missed the first few series but really good chemistry between the actors.
12 Aug, 2009
Great blog and the photo`s compliment it,I`ve followed your progress from the start and enjoyed reading all about your sojourn into the gardening world and yep you are hooked but lets face it you are enjoying it,now sit back and relax for a while,apart from the pottering bit,lol,it never ends........
12 Aug, 2009
I know Lincslass and thanks for following our progress.
Ali smiles each night now as I don a trowel and old plastic pot to go on a slug hunt or if I do my deadheading around the decking in my pots! lol!
Always something to do LL and I will be immensely happy and chuffed if I can get the border dug out, worked over with fish bone and top soil, ready to plant next spring.
12 Aug, 2009
I look forward to sharing your journey OB :)
Mine started many years ago, with a trip to Chelsea...and I've never looked back....here's hoping the same peace, contentment, and absolute joy, follows you both in your gardening years together x
12 Aug, 2009
Thanks CD.
Your comments are truly appreciated and I look forward to learning from you and the many like you as I enrich my experience with you guys knowledge & inspiration.
Thanks again.
12 Aug, 2009
I've just discovered your blogs and have spent a very enjoyable half hour reading my way through them. Progress on your garden is great and I love the little animal photos/comments. Looking forward to more updates.
PS. Our summers are as brief as yours!
12 Aug, 2009
Thanks KM. Appreciate your comments.
For a newbie on the garrden front, I'm doing okay, I think!
Between us, Ali and I have an understanding that we don't have anything we don't both agree on but as we have very similar tastes, it generally works out well.
The wildlife came first when we moved in followed by the veggies for Ali. I then introduced the planting on the decking etc and I've been hooked since. Then the photography started and now I've got 3 great subjects to enjoy.
Thanks again for your comments and hope to post frequent blogs, if not always updates but just wildlife pics.
PS. Summer - what's that? :0)
12 Aug, 2009
It's looking great OB :))
13 Aug, 2009
I haven't read all your "journey blogs"...yet...have just dipped in from time to time. I admire your tenacity to get the job done and have enjoyed your "humour" too....the best of luck to you and Ali on the wonderful journey of discovery you have started.:))
13 Aug, 2009
Brill stuff Oddbillie when collect the slugs and snails on to the bird table in time for tea !!
Garden looks really smart
You could get CSI to look into the roman.
Unfortunately CSI Norwich doesn't quite sound the same as CSI Miami LOL
13 Aug, 2009
Lovely blog made me smile. The photos are lovely as well
13 Aug, 2009
What a great achievement,really enjoyed your blog it was inspiring, funny and the visuals were good. Hope you get up a good head of steam for your next holiday.
13 Aug, 2009
Hi Ob yes it is very addictive, before I retired I only pulled weeds every now and again and only cut the grass when I could'nt see the back fence, since I retired I have transformed my garden, and when you sit back and just survey all you have done and see all the plants growing that is the most satisfying part of it for me. And as for you both agreeing well gadening has to be a partnership if you both don't agree then it don't get done is my motto. I have four subjects I will be enjoying, the three you have mentioned andthe fourth (when I decide to start itjust in planning stage) project and that is a garden railway, I am what they call an anorak and I have a fair collection of model locomotives both steam and diesel, so in the near future I will be putting a track in amongst the plants.
13 Aug, 2009
Thanks Grindle.
AA: Nice comments and the tenacity comes from not having much time when I return to work!! It has been great so far thoogh, thanks.
MB: I don't know about the CSI Norwich....perhaps Grisham would like a transfer from America!!
DH: Glad you're smiling and that you liked the photos.
Stroller: Thanks very much and it's funny because I have drawn so much inspiration from so many folk on GoY since joining a short while ago. Don't know about a good head of steam but more importantly, a good bucket of cash to pay for the next phase!!
Thanks all so much for the kind remarks and I look forward to updating you all as time goes by. :0)-
13 Aug, 2009
Can't say I'll be replicating that one Bob but I have seen it done on a programme a few years ago, although that was a small 'sit-on' one. and it looked impressive!
I am intrigued to see the end result though, as I'm sure it will look great and give you immense satisfaction when completed.
Go for it Bob:0)-
13 Aug, 2009
More congratulations from me OB, looking really good now. Back to work for a rest then, eh? :o)
13 Aug, 2009
Thank you PG. I will miss working out there though - obviously there's still the pottering each night - but will look forward to saving some more cash to commence with phase 3! Oh Joy!!
I won't know what to do when I return to work!! :0(
13 Aug, 2009
You've done a fantastic job so far OB, don't let the fact that you have to return to work stop you in your tracks...lol
I look forward to seeing more fantastic blogs, and updates of your progress, and of course - the photos.
13 Aug, 2009
I always enjoy your blogs OB, and I think you're a very very very hard worker! When you've finished you can come round mine, I've got a path needs replacing ... maybe on that day off that Ali gives you in October?
13 Aug, 2009
Silverbelle: thank you kindly and work....pah, I'll be home at 8.30 at night and straight out taking up the patio slabs next to the decking!!lol
Jan65: I think you've told me a secret you shouldn't have there...a WHOLE day off? I was expecting just a half day - WOO HOO!!
13 Aug, 2009
Well done you ..always a shame when work interferes with erm more work .
You ve achieved a lot in a short space of time and ponds and paths need bedding in a period of time to allow them to settle .. ladies dont seem to get this concept .
As we sit and ponder it looks like laziness but its in fact serious planning often only properly achieved with a cool one .
Jane often comes to interrupt me and i completely lose my train of thought meaning I have to open another and gather my thoughts again ..
13 Aug, 2009
Thank you Ray. At last someone singing from the same hymnbook!
I feel that many a cool one will be quaffed in the coming weeks as I sit, perplexed over my next move....
Thanks for the understanding sir!!
13 Aug, 2009
I agree there Bb you have got to sit back and take stock now and again and a cool one helps to stimulate the brain cells (or in my case cell) so that the planning stages can thrive and prosper, any interruption will always make those plans take a step backwards and yes another cool one is needed to re-gather the train again, or in my case once again, I would have to put the train back on the tracks!!
13 Aug, 2009
Just as well I brew my own now make Janes wine too ..think she coming round ( in the morning ! ) to my way of thinking lol
13 Aug, 2009
Yet another great blog Dan! (Dunno how I missed this one!!). Well done you, path finished at last!
Not too keen on the slug pics tho! Eeeeeeew!
14 Aug, 2009
I'll second that Hatter, it looks like a get together at the houses of parliment :~))
14 Aug, 2009
well done OB a great blog and a lovely pathway to gate, loving the buried head to lol, its come a long way and looks so lovely from the house and deck area, isnt it worth all the pain, i think so, you will have many happy times in your new garden and i cant wait for october when next part begins,, well done you! :o)))
14 Aug, 2009
Yep! It does, Digger! Lol!
14 Aug, 2009
The slugs aren't as slimy though, eh digs?!!
Thanks SB. It is worth the pain...now my body is starting to recover!! Can't wait for the border to be ready so I can mix it with decent soil before Winter and then 'watch out Spring!'.
14 Aug, 2009
14 Aug, 2009
i love the spring and all the lovely spring bulbs, it makes you feel great after winter to see them flower OB :o))
14 Aug, 2009
We bought a whack of bulbs the other day, with the last of the garden money, and are looking to pop em in the woodland border under the conifers ready. We got daffs, tulips, crocus and other colourful wonders. Also, planted some small Iris bulbs in a big half-barrel tub for the Autumn so looking forward to seeing them!!
14 Aug, 2009
sounds great OB, lots of colour, im going to get more bulbs to this year, it will look so bare in winter so will be ready for some colour by springtime
14 Aug, 2009
Autumn coloursorted then! Good stuff! You're so organised! You make me sick! With envy!
Lol ;~D
14 Aug, 2009
Not me MP. SB maybe, but not me!
We just happened to pass the bulbs at the GC!
14 Aug, 2009
lol OB, im not at all organised, i see something i buy it, i never plan but always thinking, im the same in the house,i look and think i better clean that, or i better tidy today, i wish everything was tidy all the time, but seems i dont have enough hours in a day
14 Aug, 2009
I keep thinking about procrastinating but...........
14 Aug, 2009
you just did with that word mari lol
14 Aug, 2009
but what does it mean????????
14 Aug, 2009
Putting things off til later!
14 Aug, 2009
How ya doing Digger?
14 Aug, 2009
My fingers hurt.......
14 Aug, 2009
Your fingers???????
14 Aug, 2009
Hey Dan! I havent seen the meerkats around lately, & you promised to introduce me to them!
14 Aug, 2009
Yes, my fingers hurt..................
14 Aug, 2009
14 Aug, 2009
Typing to much! ! ! !
14 Aug, 2009
Ah! Now I understand! You're a big soft s**t yourself!
Mmmmwwwwaaah! xxx
14 Aug, 2009
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- Losing the plot........
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- A little water never hurt anyone..........
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Brilliant Ob I have caught up and read all your blogs they are brilliant as is all the work you have got through it looks fantastic, especially when you decide to release Han Solo from the gravel :o)) well done.
12 Aug, 2009