Brwm Brwm to Bryngarw Park.....#1
By oddbillie
So, 3 my weeks off work is nearly at an end and with virtually all that time being spent in the garden/house, Ali decided to allow me time off the premises and a few hours out at a lovely place called Brynarw Park. It’s not your huge Country Estate but it has nice house where you can stay overnight in one of it’s plush rooms or hold your event/special occasion there – my supervisor from work held his wedding reception there.
We decided to go early, about 9am, as the weather was supposed to worsen this afternoon and so after a cuppa to wake us up, we got washed and dressed and as I went to come downstairs, I happened to glance out of the landing window and saw some little friends on top of our conifers….
‘Better get myself cleaned before my litle sister gets here…’
Twistin’, shake it shake it shake it shake it baby….
….hey we gonna loop de loop….
….shake it out baby, hey we gonna loop de la….
….bend over let me see ya shake your tailfeather….
….come on let me see ya shake your tailfeather…
‘What you up to Bruv ya nutter?’
‘Er, nothing sis. Just hanging girl, just hanging!’
‘You know different don’t you GoYers?!!’
‘Bruv, you’re such an embarassment AND in front of all those GoYers!!’
So, after Ali screamed at me to ‘Hurry Up!’, I raced downstairs and we jumped in the brwm brwm before making our way to the park. The entrance sign is quite an impressive piece of slate…
The start of our walk….
Wierd & wonderful….
Tilt your head to the left and look at this trunk. Can you see the hidden monkey’s face…..?
The welcome party was there….
‘I can see me bum from here…!’
The house…
Loads of bat boxes around the grounds…..
….and newly planted trees, which is fantastic!
One of Nutty’s cousins appeared up a pear tree….
Here’s looking at you kid!
Time for breakfast….
Following on from our Pot-making exploits in the garden last week, we decided to participate in a wood carving lesson, as it’s always good to learn new skills. This is my finished effort which isn’t great, but it’s a start and we did only have half hour in which to carve something….!!
Health & Safety stipulates: Don’t overstretch….
Just liked this…whatever it is!
This beast was easily 10-12ft in circumference….
….and so on we wandered….
…and took in the…weeds!
Time to wash your socks Ali…
Our Green & Pleasant land….
Albino wasp entering….
….and re-emerging!
Luckily for Ali…..
….she lives another day!!
….and that, is when we will continue on the second half of our walk.
14 Aug, 2009
Previous post: When you're smiling....when you're smiling....
Next post: Brwm Brwnm to Bryngarw Park - #2.....let's finish the walk!
Wonderful pics. Great captions :o)
14 Aug, 2009
Thanks both. The final installment will be on tomorrow!
14 Aug, 2009
Most entertaining ,thanks..
14 Aug, 2009
So impressed with your wood carving oddbillie, in half an hour.... I'm in awe :-)))
14 Aug, 2009
Yeh thanks BB. And I missed the first 15 minutes of the lesson due to looking to being stuck in the toilet!! But you soon catch on to it...80)-
Thanks LL
14 Aug, 2009
thanx for the tour OB, great shots and what lovely area, must have been so peacefull
14 Aug, 2009
Lol....great blog as usual OB :))
14 Aug, 2009
It was SB and at one point we sat on a small seat on the side of the path, in the middle of all the trees - no-one about that early - and just sat....and listened....nothing but the birds singing and water running in the river.....heaven!
We're going to try and go back in each of the four seasons to photograph the changes and we'll now be looking for more places to visit - time off together, permitting!
14 Aug, 2009
Loved the trip Ob thanks for taking us, looking forward to the second part. (I see Brucie got in on the act again)
14 Aug, 2009
Thanks CD.
yes Bob. He seems to follow me round!! Ironically, that's the irst thing I said when I saw...sorry, carved it!! 'Orite my love!'
14 Aug, 2009
Great blog, & amazing pics AGAIN, Dan!
Thanks, I really enjoyed that walk, but the wasp freaked me out!
Loved that twisty grove & the wierd plant! Wonder what it is???
Anyway, a tour de force, encore!
14 Aug, 2009
Thanks MP. There were loads of those 'white' wasps flying around but totally disinterested in us. Just in and out of those weeds constantly so no real threat there.
Some great trees and shapes all round but can't put everything in a blog!!!
15 Aug, 2009
Looks like you had a great day!
15 Aug, 2009
Only a couple of hours MP but it got us out of the house!
The old limbs are slowly starting to 'come down' from their shock at 3 weeks usage so looking forwward to getting some money for the next stage.
15 Aug, 2009
I know the feeling! I'm in the process of setting up a website to sell my jewellery & flowers & stuff!
It is backbreaking work, setting the garden up! I'm nowhere near done with even the layout, but it all comes down to affording each step!
So it's back to work on Monday for you!
I'm back the following week, then Uni on 7th Sept!!
15 Aug, 2009
Is the Uni thing running alongside your job for the 4 years, Marie?
yeh, not looking forward to going back but gotta pay the bills and until we win that elusive lottery, well, gotta keep going!!
15 Aug, 2009
will be lovely to go back in the 4 seaons OB and see whats happening and what changes there are, look forward to next pics :o)
15 Aug, 2009
Well they're separate,Dan, but I'll still be working! Gotta get plant money somehow!!
But I've decided to go on to the relief staff. Better wages, fortnightly pay & I'm not tied to a rota!!
Damn! I knew there was something I went to the shop for! My lottery ticket! Came back with bread!!!!!!
I second that, San!
15 Aug, 2009
go get your ticket mari, you may be a millionaire, please remember us if you win lol
15 Aug, 2009
Will do!!!
15 Aug, 2009
Sorry M, that's what I meant. Doing Uni as well as working :0) Great if you be on more money as well.
Go for it girl AND the lottery ticket!!
I got first dibs on any win as well SB. They owe me a fortune in refunds through non-winning tickets over the years!! :0(
15 Aug, 2009
Hee hee!
AND on relief, I get to choose whether to work or not!!
That way I can make sure I have SOME time for the garden & the crafts!
15 Aug, 2009
That's the way!!
15 Aug, 2009
15 Aug, 2009
think we have only had a couple of £10 wins and one which was about £40, over god knows how many years OB, but cant stop just incase the numbers come up lol
15 Aug, 2009
That's about right SB! lol!
I do all ours online as we were always forgetting to get tickets due to shifts and what not so now I pay for up to 8 weeks upfront and get an email from camelot the week my last ticket is up.
Much easier for us and we so want to win so we can give up work, move to a nice house in the country with a HUUUUUGE garden that we can make ours from scratch!!
Oh, the thought of it........
15 Aug, 2009
Sounds like heaven!! I REALLY want to move back to the countryside!!
15 Aug, 2009
The problem is, we've just got back on the property ladder and so will be paying off this mortgage until we retire!
We're not greedy, just a lotto win enough to pay off the mortgage and a little nestegg would do us. We could still work doing other things but.....well, you gotta be in it to win it, as they say!!
Staying down the the daughter's tonight for drink and takeaway. Should be fun! :0)~
No pints this week tho, before a certain someone says owt!!
15 Aug, 2009
oh yes OB what a lovely thought, i dream about it all the time, but think thats all it will ever be, just a dream :o(
15 Aug, 2009
But it's the dreams and talking about them that keeps us ticking SB.....
Still, it would be nice for them to become reality once in a while...
Now, did you mention pond last week!!!
15 Aug, 2009
lol mari, we had the pond conversation lastnight mari, dont think he will budge on that, so may just have to make it myself he he , baz says it will just be more clutter in the garden and more electricals,you know what they are like , if its not their bag they aint interested, now if it was something for his old cars thats another story :o)) lol
15 Aug, 2009
That was Dan who asked you about the pond!
BUT, yeah, girl, you go for it! You shoulda found a way to make him think it was HIS idea! Leave it a while, & say "You know that pond you were talking about putting in for me........."
Usually works!
15 Aug, 2009
lol mari,, oops so it was, i was soon asleep after typing that, sorry OB, just so tired, brain on melt down here . yes im going to wait a while like you said mari,,, was you that said it wasnt it lol
15 Aug, 2009
Yep! It was me! LOL
15 Aug, 2009
A lovely blog.You have really got to grips with that camera now! The gnarled tree trunks very impressive,and wildlife photos excellent.Thank you for sharing.
15 Aug, 2009
Great blog, amazing photos. Loved your wood carving - a new career for you, perhaps?? Going to read Part 2 now.
21 Aug, 2009
Probably not Elke! Be great if I was that skilled though eh?
Thanks for the kind comments :0)
21 Aug, 2009
Great blog, but not so sure about the carving - less wrinkles would have been better (and easier).
30 Aug, 2009
Wasnt it a self portrait?
30 Aug, 2009
Was it? Whoops, I think I've put my foot in it - again!!
31 Aug, 2009
LOL!!! Not that he's admitting to!! ;~)
31 Aug, 2009
Winning the lottery does happen seems more likely than the sun shining at the mo. Lol
1 Sep, 2009
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Enjoyed that brill blog and photos, thanks very much.
14 Aug, 2009