Brwm Brwnm to Bryngarw Park - #2.....let's finish the walk!
By oddbillie
So on we go with the second half of our walk….
Well, it was quite early and the sun didn’t really come out, in fact, it was drizzling pretty much all the way but whereas in the past I would not have entertained the idea of a walk and least of all, in the rain, I now don’t see it as a walk but more an opportunity. To see, smell and listen to the many wonderous things that nature provides for our endless entertainment…..and it’s all FREE!!
We continued our walk and if I could have put the sounds of the many birds onto a photograph, it would have been spectacular, but, no matter how hard we looked, those feathered friends just wanted to tease us today and not show their faces!!
So, down the path we went….
Spotting some more nice things to look at….
The holly and…….enough Daz. Songs out of season an all that!!
Haven’t trees got great form….
Wonder if Pooh Bear lives in there….?
As I said previously, the birds were determined NOT to be caught on camera but after much toing and froing on one particular part of the path, I did get a slightly frantic and blurred pic of this robin. He made me work for it mind….
Red Rowan berries for Gee19!! The tree wasn’t as nice as mine though Gee. Very scrawny!!
We finally arrived at the wetlands section of the walk where the wooden walkway peserves the land, the wildlife and more importantly, keeps the mud off your boots!!
Just some water….
Lovely form on this tree….shame it’s not still standing.
Big beavers round here methinks!!!
Another cracking tree….
More water on the River Garw…
I’m saying nothing……
Another nice stretch of river…
Then we reached their Japanese garden> Anybody know what these are? Interesting things….
Nice shot of the big pond and bridge…
The walk across the bridge…
The next pic was taken from on the bridge looking down in to the pond. Check the lily closely and you will see a little hoverfly just above it….
A couple of nice trees form the Japanes garden…..
And as we left that area, these ones looked like they were dancing with their arms in the air….
We both love the form that water can take and love the relaxing sounds it creates. We sat by here for a short while just……well, just…..
Then Ali decides to try and hide from me. ‘Yeh, job well done there girl!!’…
‘Do your Harry Worth impression Ali….’
Ooooooookay! Onwards methinks……
Just to prove they do have birds here I guess…..
Trying on hats for Ascot!
Another very serene spot….
At the end of our walk now so we wandered up toward the house to see some flowers….
Very rich colour…
And as we turned to walk back down to the car, who should I spot in a bush……
A BIRD! – a blackbird, and doesn’t he look great…
Lo and behold, as we reached the car park….
….and a fledgling robin I think. Just about see some red showing through on the chest….aaahhh!
And that, Ladies & Gentlemen, concludes our little walk around Bryngarw Park. We are hoping to try and return each of the 4 seasons to see the difference.
A nice few hours spent ambling around in the light rain and when we got home, this fella was there to welcome us…..
Caught in the act!
15 Aug, 2009
Previous post: Brwm Brwm to Bryngarw Park.....#1
Next post: On Golden Pond......
Thanks BH. I take it you shared the first half on the previous blog?
Overall, a very nice, calming walk :0)
15 Aug, 2009
Great 2nd part blog Ob, I wonder what it is about water that is so enthralling, I love to stroll along a river bank and listen to the sound of the water, even in a garden with a pond and fountain it's so relaxing. That bridge in the Japanese garden is nice and the flower gardens are stunning, thanks for taking us along with you on your walk.
15 Aug, 2009
Thanks enjoyed it again, looking forwould to the next time you go.
15 Aug, 2009
Wonderful, as per!!!!!!!!
Love the baby robin, & Ali, nice to meet you!!
15 Aug, 2009
Cheers Bob! Yes, the water thing seems to calm a lot of people and is such a relaxing element considering it 'can be', so ferocious and deadly.
MP: Glad you enjoyed and look forward to the Autumn walk!!
15 Aug, 2009
I will indeed! What a gorgeous place!
15 Aug, 2009
Another great blog OB, brill walk thanks. I think I need a cuppa after that. :~))
15 Aug, 2009
All that walking and I'm STILL not out of breath, must be getting fitter. Great walk, OB, thanks.
15 Aug, 2009
Yes water and rivers can be very deadly when not appreciated properly, have you seen any of the progs with Gryff Reece Jones on the Rivers of Britain? The very first one was where we stayed in Scotland and the waterfall he actually got into and waded down was the one I hiked up to and that was very powerful.
15 Aug, 2009
Thanks digs. We did the very same thing and went home and brewed up!!
You feeling better now mate?
Wagger: Wish I could say the same about being fitter!!
Bob: No, sorry mate, I've not seen them but will try and catch the next one if it's still running- the series not the!!
16 Aug, 2009
Actually its Griff Rhys Jones my apologies to him for a miss-spelt name.
Yes it is the last one next Sunday but if you have BBC I player you can watch the series.
16 Aug, 2009
What a lovely walk there. It looks an interesting place.
17 Aug, 2009
Very nice. Thanks for the walk!
21 Aug, 2009
Thanks Bob. I haven't but I'm sure it will be repeated at some point as they generally are.
Thanks Hywel and Elke. There isn't loads to do there but the walk was a nice, relaxing way to spend some time.
21 Aug, 2009
Thanks for the rowan berries, OB. Rowans have been a favourite of mine since having one in a previous homes. The thrushes loved it.
30 Aug, 2009
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Great blog Oddbillie - what a beautiful place. Loved the photos of the river and the Japanese garden and that stunning garden bed near the house. Terrific photos - thanks for the tour.
15 Aug, 2009