On Golden Pond......
By oddbillie
Well folks, back in work since Monday and boy, am I enjoying it….‘you asking me?’
‘Well, NO, I’m not!!’
‘Well I only asked…!’
Okay boys, chill pill!
Finished early yesterday, Thursday, after 3 very loooooong days – my supervisor is on hols so either myself or my Asst. Mgr have to work an extra late night. I’ve just done 3 × 10-8pm shifts plus an 8AM start this morning – Thursday!! Knick-knacky noo-naahed now! Got home to find my Pond Starter kit had arrived so went about trying to sort the plants best I could, to pop in the pond. I got 2 floaters, 6 oxygenators, a marginal, a miniature water lily and 5 snails!
They looked like this to start….
Okay, not exactly On Golden Pond I grant you and I don’t know if I’ve done it all correct but I’ve tried my best and the pond now looks like this….
Close-up of one of the snails who made himself at home on one of the rocks in the pond…
Also got these creatures whizzing around on the surface…ANY IDEAS?
Thanks to Noseypotter who has since informed me that it is indeed Mosquito larvae!! So we gonna have mozzies by our pond…..
That done, the weather wasn’t lending itself to allowing me some time out there in the big G so I pottered in and out, in between downpours and managed to get some nice close-ups of my begonia’s with a splash of water and some other bits…..
Some of Ali’s nice Sweet Pea….Mmmmmm
A splash of colour outside the GH. Rule Britannia……
And the Cosmos – Pink Sonata are Blooming marvellous!
As I made way to come indoors, I was paid a visit by this cheeky little thing:
’GOY! Gi got a gerry in gy gouth….gook!
‘Excuse me! I’m talking to you Mr Lummox!’
’Don’t be scared, my bark is much worse than my bite…..!’
(Groan from the auditorium!)
‘Fine. Ignore me’
‘NO! It’s too late. No good trying to flirt with me now mister….’
‘Goh, go on gen. Gight, gake the gicture guick goz gis gerry is gore gike a gogato….!’
‘And before I go, have one of my best side!’
‘And just for you…..!’
Then she was gone but wasn’t she sweet?
So as I walked up on to the decking, I spotted my Gazania’s….I know, you’ve seen them before BUT, remember I had lost them all to the pesky slugs and thought they’d had it? Then, after moving them and doing a copper tape job on their pot, look……….
Okay, I know they look a bit bedraggled due to no sunshine yesterday but look closely…..9 BLOOMS!!
I’m well chuffed….sad I know!
Anyway, time is alas, the bearer of bad news as it hath told me I must go. Thanks for looking!
‘For Gawd’s sake woman! Don’t get in a flap because he took my photo and NOT yours!!’
21 Aug, 2009
Previous post: Brwm Brwnm to Bryngarw Park - #2.....let's finish the walk!
Next post: 'HEY, YOU...get offa my cloud......!'
Thanks GG.
I do enjoy creating the blogs as well as taking the pics. The wildlife just lends itself to captions and the like!
Glad you enjoyed it and thanks again for the kind comments:0)
21 Aug, 2009
Lovely blog love the story and your pitures
21 Aug, 2009
Thanks DH and thanks for giving me my 1000th message!!
Seems like I've ben on GoY longer than 4 weeks or so!
21 Aug, 2009
good job on the Gazanias. Keep the seed for next year. I took my seeds from a golf course in Arizona (snitched it, shhhh) this spring & planted them & they all came up, most years mine will come back again. So beware they will reward your efforts.
21 Aug, 2009
Thanks for that really enjoyed it. :)lol.
21 Aug, 2009
Great blog OB Glad to see you're still able to keep us entertained as well as take photos and sort the pond AND go to work. Well done! Love the bird pics. We also have Mum blackbird going back and forth all day with rowan berries for her fledgling parked in the bushes. Lovely to watch.
21 Aug, 2009
Wouldn't have the first clue how to do that Doon!!
Idiot.....hope not!
Complete novice....OH YES!!
How and what do I do Doon as would be great to try it...and also, when do I do it?
Thanks in advance
Thanks Clarice, glad you enjoyed it!
21 Aug, 2009
great blog Bill.
21 Aug, 2009
Great bloog and photos Ob.Glad to see the pond is up and running ! Wont be long before all manner of wildlfe move in...started already !!
21 Aug, 2009
great blog and loved the pics OB, how do you manage to take the birdy pics without them flying off.you seem to be real close to that little chap, pond looks fab to, not sure about mozzies though :o))
21 Aug, 2009
To your usual amazing standard, Dan!!
Loved it! Mozzies? Ewwwwww!
21 Aug, 2009
We have moz larvae in our water butt....unwelcome guests! Will try that copper band stuff it you get results like those gazanias....lovely. Hope pond thrives.
21 Aug, 2009
thanks Sandra
BB: Just waiting for the froglings now....
SB: Stood on the decking with the zoom on. Mozzies or flys then? YUM YUM :0)-
MP: Generous as ever with your comments. Thank you.
Fluff: I've also recently purchased some copper strips that you simply bend around the base of the plant and sink about an inch into the ground. Similar to the tape but on the soil as oppose to the tape which is around the tub/pot.
Let me know if you're interested and I can get you the link for the chap I buy mine from on Ebay.
21 Aug, 2009
Would copper wire do as well, Dan? Ive got a big reel of it, & I think it might be a good substitute?
21 Aug, 2009
You would have to make sure it was tightly wound around without any gaps Hatter, they can cross small amounts of copper but don't seem to like crossing a couple of inches.
Great blog OB. love the captions and photos, the pond looks brill. :~))
21 Aug, 2009
Ta Digger! :~))))))))
21 Aug, 2009
Thanks Ian. It's still a learning curve and not sure if the plants I have down there will survive but we'll see.
And yes MP, agree with digs on the copper wire thing. It may be better to buy the copper strips that have a very long guarantee and just bend around and sort of clip together. When you have a few spare quid, I got mine offa ebay for £10 for 5 strips - free P&P.
I've put 2 together and placed my puffball flower in it and it's been slug free since!!
21 Aug, 2009
Ya welcome :~))
21 Aug, 2009
Great Ob...yes please to the link...which is cheapest...cash-strapped!!
21 Aug, 2009
Sounds great! I'll check back when I can afford it!
21 Aug, 2009
To be honest Fluff, it depends what you want it for as in pots or on soil.
If it's to put around plants in the ground, then you can't use the tape anyway, for obvious reasons.
However, if it's for plants in containers, then the tape is far cheaper as you get a fair old bit on a roll. The following link will take you to the guy I buy mine from on ebay. He has different sized packages of 2 rolls, 4 roll and so on so you choose which you prefer or what amount you need. Just cut & paste into your search bar.
Any problems, let me know:
21 Aug, 2009
Fabulous blog and photo`s whatever did you do before you discovered Goy,you seem to be having a whale of a time and I certainly like sharing your exploits,lol,very entertaining,thanks...........
21 Aug, 2009
pic of dragonflies would be goos OB,:O)
22 Aug, 2009
Thanks Lincslass. Not sure what I did to be honest...lol!
Ali had 'sort of' urged me to write a blog about the garden and had got me a link to set up a general blog but I never got round to it. Then, I found GoY by accident whilst looking for an answer to my original pond question. The rest, as they say, is history.
I just can't keep up with everyone's pics and blogs and feel bad when I can't get round them all...too many good things to view but glad you're enjoying the journey with me.
SB: When they are big enough...can hardly see them on the water they are so small but fear not! Your suggestion.was already forming in my head after Noseypotter had enlightened me on there origin!! Keep watching......
22 Aug, 2009
I'm missing summat! Thought you said they were mozzies? Have you got dragons as well????
22 Aug, 2009
No MP. Not missed owt. Guessing SB just calling em dragons!!
Be great if they were though.....awesome photo opportunities don't you reckon!!
How you getting on with your camera? The pics from your day out with David looked crystal clear and great quality!
22 Aug, 2009
no i ment would be nice if you got dragonflies OB, doh!
22 Aug, 2009
It's definitely one of those days, Sandra!!
My camera, Dan, is falling apart!! The batteries have to be held in!! It's just an Olympus Camedia, but seems to take good pics! One day I'll get a better one though! I STILL want to look thru a viewfinder !
Dragons would be good!!
22 Aug, 2009
SB: I know that's what you meant,. Think MP was the confused one....well, it doesn't take much heehee!! :0))))~~
23 Aug, 2009
Sorry Ob...didn't get back to this blog yesterday...got 'tied up' with Ian & his underwear in another blog & Marie & her teasing of him!!!
Thanks for the link...I'll be using the tape on pots.
23 Aug, 2009
I'm finding it hard to give up the viewfinder too Marie!
23 Aug, 2009
I know, it's wierd, innit? I keep putting the damn thing up to my eye!
That's right, Fluff, blame me!! Lol! You started it!!
23 Aug, 2009
You must have BIG eyes MP:0)))))
Hope it works for you Fluff. Think you may have to just wipe over with a dry cloth periodically and it obviously need to go on a dry surface.
I'm the same with the viewfinder. Never use the eyepart!!
23 Aug, 2009
Hee hee! It doesnt even have an eyepart!!!
My last day of freedom, & it's raining!! It's not even raining men, either!
23 Aug, 2009
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I love it! I had as much fun looking and reading as you did creating it. I enjoyed every bit. Keep up the good work. The pond looks great from my view. I have no knowledge about them.
21 Aug, 2009