Dan & Ali's delightful day out at Dyffryn gardens #1.......
By oddbillie
Well, Wednesday saw a rare treat in that both Ali and I were off together and knowing this event was coming up, we planned a few hours out of the house and as Ali had visited this place yeeeeeeeeeeeeeears ago, she suggested we go there together. So, as I always aim to please and do as I am told, like a good boy, I agreed.
Before we left, I checked we had everything required for the walk…..
Well Ali was going to be there so we needed money somewhere along the line, surely!!
Now there has been some furore on GoY since my good lady joined last week, regarding the camera she possesses and the fact that certain GoY members who shall remain nameless, eh Sanbaz, feel that she should have a new camera. Well, to set the record straight, she actually does possess a better camera than me…..
Whilst I make do with the following….
That discussion over, I shall move on! Now, which gate shall we use today children…..the back gate …..
….or the front gate_……
Well the back gate Dan, ya donut. That’s where the car is!!
‘Oh yeh…..sorry!’
This little one looked on in disbelief as we walked down the path….
But not in as much disbelief as moi when I saw the little fly de butter that sent me scatty on Sunday as it teased me all day and wouldn’t settle long enough to take a pic! Well, there she was, bold as brass on the side of the Rowan…..SNAP!!
So, there we were, in the car, going on our holidays……okay, so we weren’t flying anywhere…..and we didn’t have any luggage…..and we hadn’t got up at ‘silly o’clock’ in the morning to head off, but……NO BUTS DAN!!!
You were not going on your hols but merely having a few relaxing hours at an apparently nice place so get on with it!!
Okay, so, approximately 20 mins after leaving home, we arrived at our destination, after a slight detour handed to us by Ali’s Sat Nav!! Nice to see not many cars there….
The wooden/glass building to the right is the cafe where we started with some tea and cake – carrot for me, cream tea for Ali….well, you need to build your stamina up for the long walk ahead!
I know we’re hoping to get frogs in our garden but not quite as big as this one….
A nice little play area for kids as well…..see you later then Ali!!
Entry to the gardens costs £6 per person…TWELVE QUID!!! Looks like we timed our visit badly….!
Someone had obviously told them that Dan was visiting today and that he was a sucker for plants because after you enter the gift shop to pay, you exit through another door where I found this little lot waiting for me….
I tried telling Ali that it had been put there for me but no go I’m afraid!
So, we turned right, walked about 40 yards to be greeted by this sight….
And so our walk begins….
WOW……he’s a tall un!!
Walked past a big patch of Erica x Stuartii – ‘Irsh Lemon’….
Now that looks interesting, let’s go up there….
As we do, say hello to this Dunnock who was bouncing around unaffected by our presence….
At this point, as I was taking the above pic, Ali excitedly tells me that a Hare had just gone bounding across the grassy area a bit further up…..I’ll take your word for it then shall I? Missed it so, bald I shall stay for a while longer!
At the opening of the next little area, we come across the first thing we want back in our garden….
Such an interesting and mesmerising shape and form to this piece of wood.
So, just behind that lump of wood is this…
Time to move on all….
Lovely colours on this tree…
Nice to see they put the bunting out for our VIP visit……..OH, they didn’t!!
Loads of Speckled Woods flying around and this one tried in vain to keep it’s wings open against the breeze blowing….
These were everywhere and so annoying. You could easily trip over them and injure yourself and what if………OY! Stop making a mountain out of a molehill!
Come on…keep up…
I have a feeling we’re being followed….
…and then there was light….
This is a lovely tree…..Acer Griseum….
Not fussed on the ‘Linda Barker’ wallpaper covering it though…..
Just kidding. Such a lovely, deep red on the bark. Very nice!
Cedrus Atlantica – Glauca
…look up to the sky and seeeeee….
Damn! I knew it was a mistake to let Ali mind my wallet….‘OY! Hands off woman!!’..
Love this pic….
And so we arrive at the Vine Walk….
As we make our way through the tunnel of vines…..
Oh, and there’s Duffryn House in the distance….
As we exit the vine Walk, we enter into the Heart Garden, full of vibrant reds….
Then on in to lavender Court and Folly….
And to end our first part of this extensive walk……some BIG leaves….
My hands are small against them….
But Ali’s are tiny!!!!!
Right peeps, go grab yourself a coffee and a cake before we commence with the second part of our walk around this beautiful place……
18 Sep, 2009
Previous post: Gardening Club: An unexpected surprise.....
Next post: Dan & Ali's delightful day out at Duffryn gardens #2.......
Thanks Ali and Dan, great walk and some brilliant shots, I loved the vine walk I would'nt have been able to resist picking a grape or three hundred :o))))
Come on then hurry up with the next part!!!
18 Sep, 2009
Thanks guys and glad you enjoyed it. Not far off completing #2 and may need a small #3 to end it!
Off to bed now though as in work early in morn so will post next part tomorrow night.
Thanks again both
18 Sep, 2009
Dan and Ali that was a brilliant walk and I`m not even tired, lovely blog and pics looking forward to part 2 .........
18 Sep, 2009
Thanks you two for taking us along on your walk. You've some lovely photos.
19 Sep, 2009
Thanks Gilli! be sure to stick around for part 2 tonight!!
Thnaks also Lincslass. We weren't tired either as it was sooooooorelaxing just ambling round the site.
19 Sep, 2009
Fantastic blog, OB, and great photos. Looks like a brilliant place to visit. Just one thing, I think your dunnock was disguised as a thrush - just can't trust these birds, can you?
Looking forward to Part 2.
19 Sep, 2009
thanks so much for the tour Ali and Dan, looks like you had a great time there and its so beautiful, love the arche and the trees are lovely, infact i like it all lol, and has for the camera Dan heheheh, great pic by the way, i love the piece of wood to, something i would like in m y garden as well
19 Sep, 2009
A lovely break together and a beautiful place to visit,thanks ;)
19 Sep, 2009
All this only 20 minutes away - how lucky is that? Roll on episode 2.
19 Sep, 2009
Nice one Dan, I like the look of this place a lot.
19 Sep, 2009
WOW! I wanna go there! Lovely!
19 Sep, 2009
It is absolutely stunning there and such a nice, relaxing walk. Hope to go back soon with a picnic but not told Ali yet.....ah, I might as well......she'll probably want to come as well!! LoL!!
19 Sep, 2009
she will probably read this Dan , lol
19 Sep, 2009
LOL! Maybe you'd better tell her!
19 Sep, 2009
Hello you two!!
If I'm lucky, she may only look at the pics....:0)-
19 Sep, 2009
AS IF!!! She's not daft you know!!
19 Sep, 2009
hi Dan, :o)) we dont want marital war fair do we lol
19 Sep, 2009
We're not married so I'm okay!!!
19 Sep, 2009
That's an elephant!
Indeed we dont!!
19 Sep, 2009
lol and you wont be if you start that milarky eheheh
19 Sep, 2009
Right, I've had me coffee and a cakey....ready for the next section! Please tell me there's a gifte shoppe??? Can't wait!
20 Sep, 2009
by the way Dan ive just noticed your wallet is a sadler,, and you tell us you dont have money huh,, lol Ali,, Dans loaded heeheh
20 Sep, 2009
'Noticed my wallet is a Sadler'?
What does that mean? It was about £8 in an Outlet shop on the centre I work at. Is Sadler expensive then?
OH, and a correction for you......
I USED to be 'almost' loaded and then I met Ali....SO, I don't have money....anymore!!
Nowt left in the coffers now San :0(
20 Sep, 2009
lol Dan, yes a good label sadler so you got a good deal there Dan, i have spent many happy hours looking at their web site at handbags lol, i have one but only because a good close friend managed to get me on at a good price one birthday :o) why do men always blame us females when the cash runs dry :-))
20 Sep, 2009
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....I wonder?
Didn't realise Sadler was expensive. Only bought it as I liked the 'then', it's 4 years old, colour - tan. Much darker now though!!
20 Sep, 2009
i got baz a new one a couple of years ago cause his was so old and falling apart, so treated him to a ted baker one which are normally expensive but managed to get that from one of them outlets, he went on about how long he had had the other and off his parents but he did get use to the new one when it got worn in, by me that is lol,
20 Sep, 2009
LMAO....it appears that you have just answered your previous question to me....LoL!!
I don't like new wallets mind. It's like an old friend when it's worn in....sad but I'm sure Baz will agree that it's a 'male' thing!!
20 Sep, 2009
lmao to Dan, i know what i said BUT only because thats what baz`s excuse would be for it breaking in well lol, and yes he would agree cause it is a male thing and also you men stick together heeheh
20 Sep, 2009
Will you please stop making jokes about wallets? I am still mourning the untimely demise of my 'old friend' at the hands of a cruel and merciless tyrant. (that'll be Carol then, when she gave mine such a savage beating it had to be laid to rest and is now entombed in that special place I have for such things, Errrrr the sock drawer actually)
20 Sep, 2009
lol ian , as bad as baz, he still has his in draw wont sling it lol
20 Sep, 2009
They just 'don't' understand Ian.......
Some things in life are just too precious, don't you agree?
Women...puh! :0)
20 Sep, 2009
20 Sep, 2009
LMAO! Arent they pathetic, San?
20 Sep, 2009
yep sure are mari lmao
20 Sep, 2009
20 Sep, 2009
Now do you see that women really are from a different planet. How can you not get emotional when your 'loved one' has to say goodbye to a faithful and constant partner and friend?
Women? Humph............
20 Sep, 2009
ROFLMAO!!!!! Men! Big babies!
20 Sep, 2009
Nice to see you're still awake Marie...
Digs: Correct me if I'm wrong but do women make MOOOOOOOOORE of a fuss about having 'another' handbag to go with their new outfit or'because I couldn't resist it.....'
Whilst we try to be logical and productive and save money by staying faithful to our trusty pocket friend - careful ladies, I mean our wallets - they seem intent on emptying the guts out of that friend leving it struggling for life...
20 Sep, 2009
Heee heee heeee!
I only spend my own money on stuff like that, always have! That way I dont have to listen to the whinging..........as much!!
20 Sep, 2009
Very good Dan I like that. My pocket friend .......... sorry Snigger, snigger, ahem, my pocket friend was savagely beaten to death in the quest for a new handbag and then the outfit to go with THAT!
20 Sep, 2009
nice one mari,, they do tend to keep on dont they when we get something new,, but if they spend dont even ask just go for it doh! men heheh
20 Sep, 2009
I'm off to write a blog on being arrested for assault.
How's that for guaranteeing a good following?
20 Sep, 2009
Didnt you just tell me that?? How you going to categorise that one? Garden rage??
20 Sep, 2009
I'm not sure, it was at the GC so it could be construed as gardening! ! !
20 Sep, 2009
LMAO digs.....you're pocket friend was savagely beaten.....Mmmmmmmm LoL!!
San: We go ahead and just buy it because:
1. We don't visit 27 shops in our quest to find 'the right one'
2. We buy the first one and NOT 5 different ones, so we can choose when we get home, which is ultimatley cheaper than buying the several that you ladies do.
Digs: You with me on this one mate?
20 Sep, 2009
HUH!! No imagination, thats all!
20 Sep, 2009
exactly mari, they buy the first thing because they hate shopping and cant be bothered lol
20 Sep, 2009
An ointment for every sore you girls...ointment for every sore.....
More explanation is obviously required, I see.
We do NOT buy the first thing because we hate shopping but quite the opposite.
It is exactly because we love shopping that makes us want to get 'in & out' quick so that we can appreciate it more. Spending hours walking around shops just makes you unappreciative of the finer points of shopping.
Look, I don't buy Ali flowers regularly because she would not appreciate them as much and would think something was wrong if I suddenly stopped. I am spontaneous with these gestures and she is therefore more appreciative of them and what they truly mean.
Us men are the same with shopping....simples!!
20 Sep, 2009
*WHAT EVER* Dan, if you want to keep dreaming go ahead dear ,, poor man lol :o)
20 Sep, 2009
So your philosophy is that if you love doing something, you do it quick & get it over with????????????
Poor Ali!
20 Sep, 2009
lmao mari,, nite all hehehehe
20 Sep, 2009
Very good... tochee Marie.
Nite San.
20 Sep, 2009
You jumped straight into that one !
20 Sep, 2009
Nite San, Dan fancy walking into that one.... Tsk tsk. :~))
20 Sep, 2009
Now I know why you kept quiet.......
20 Sep, 2009
Heee heee!
20 Sep, 2009
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Thank you I enjoyed that.
18 Sep, 2009