Happy Christmas to all my friends on GoY XXXXX
By oliveoil
Happy Christmas everyone, hope you and yours get all they have wished for and lots more. Best wishes also for a Happy New Year.
Hope to speak to you all again in the New Year, lots to do, baking and decorating cakes etc. plus knitting and forgot, gardening if it stays nice after Christmas. lol.
All the best everyone. :O)))))
18 Dec, 2013
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Hope so Pansy, it smelled delicious while I was putting on the almond paste, before I slapped on the icing. lol it has to have lots on it as the girls love to see Santa enjoying himself on top of the cake. This one is for hubby and me. The one I have done for Sarah has got a very large snow scene and lights up and plays carols when you switch it on. lol. Silly I know but eh ho they love it and that is all that matters. I couldn't be bothered to think of a theme so bought the very large Christmas decoration and cut out some tin foil to sit it on top of the cake. lol. It has got to the stage when all the themes for Christmas have been done. You name it she has had them on her cake. Ski slopes made from marzipan and covered in icing and Santa in a forest and Santa on a lake skating around. The best laugh we had though was on one of their birthdays. I made a chocolate cake, dome shaped, and made sails for a windmill stuck together with chocolate it looked magnificent until we lit the candles it melted and and the sails collapsed. We have never forgotten it, what a laugh we all had. Bless lots of fun.Can't wait to see her face when I switch on her Christmas cake lights, beats lighting up the street and much cheaper. lol. Have a good christmas. xx
18 Dec, 2013
Ah! What a fantastic story Mum! And what a beautiful cake..lots of love in that....and perhaps a bit sweet for you? Don't you end up hypo over the holiday! :))) on second thoughts, I suppose if you put a big chunk of cheese on it, that will counteract the sugar? ;)x
18 Dec, 2013
Glad you enjoyed the story Karen, lol. I shall be ok as long as I don't drive, booze booze booze lots of it gone into it. Not that much sugar on top of it looks more than there is really, but I shall enjoy in moderation. hic!!!
18 Dec, 2013
Cheese Karen ! Cholestral ! Hahaa!
Your cake looks lovely Barbara and I suppose I better get mine done now ! lol.
Have a lovely Christmas Barbara and a Happy New Year to you too. xxx
18 Dec, 2013
I know Rose...ha ha! :)
18 Dec, 2013
thank you Rose :O))))
18 Dec, 2013
Happy Christmas Barbara ...
Good luck with your cakes, knitting and gardening ..
pretty cake in the photo !
:o) xxx
18 Dec, 2013
That's an interesting theory Karen - perhaps it will catch on...How nice that you are allowed to do a different theme on that beautiful cake every year Olive- I was stuck with Santa,some trees, a reindeer and the reindeer's footprints for years - wasn't allowed to do anything else! Its easy to see why your family love yours.
18 Dec, 2013
Happy Christmas Olive.
18 Dec, 2013
That's a lovely cake, Barbara! Have a super Christmas! x :-)
18 Dec, 2013
Very nice Olive, I too love a snow scene with Santa, his reindeer, Mr Snowman and a couple of fir trees, little sprigs of holly around the sides, all of these things stem back to cakes we always had when we were children, the Yule Logs always used to have a little robin sitting on them, somethings are and always will be part of my xmas fare, I will be honest with you, I have to create a snow scene because I never perfected the art of cake decorating, lol....
Merry Christmas Olive to you and your family and Best Wishes for 2014.
18 Dec, 2013
Don't overdo things during the festive season Barbara ... but do have a very happy Christmas! ... :o)
18 Dec, 2013
A Happy Christmas to you too,Olive oil,and thank you ..love your cake..mine is all done too,but just found out my daughters new boyfriend doesn't like anything with almonds in ! looks like it will be lasting a long time ..goody,something to look forward to :o))
19 Dec, 2013
Good morning and thank you everyone for your good wishes. :O) I don't do fancy icing either, lol. Only the sort you can slap on and make into snow scenes. lol. As for not liking Christmas cake and almonds etc. my son in law does not like fruit cake so every year he has a chocolate log, made it yesterday, all ready now for slapping on some chocolate butter cream icing and then he can have it nice and early. Although I think we are educating him, he did have a piece of christmas cake last year. lol. Just got pastries to make and then I am finished. Yay Christmas is just around the corner then diets in the new year because I will have piggied out too much over the week. lol :O) Enjoy yourselves. :O)
19 Dec, 2013
Barbara, tell your daughter's boyfriend to take off the marzipan and pass it to you - I eat OH's since he stopped eating things with sugar in. (Cake's sweetened with dates so that's OK!) Not very good for the waistline but who cares - until January anyway.
19 Dec, 2013
A very happy Christmas to you and your family Olive....Im very busy in the shop now, but will get back on track with all my GOY friends in the New Year xx
20 Dec, 2013
Thank you Stera and Moti, hope you enjoy the festivities.
20 Dec, 2013
Merry Christmas Olive. Your cake looks wonderful. I miss out the marzipan and icing as my husband picks it off......why give myself more work?
20 Dec, 2013
Thank you Linda, we have one to taste before christmas, with nothing added to it. One with just marzipan on it oh loves marzipan. which we have started already, it is really yummy lol. and the one with icing sugar is NOT to be touched until after dinner on Christmas day, what are we all like. Busy at the minute baking for family and friends but so looking forward to my Christmas dinner with two of my daughters and son in law on Christmas day at their house. YIPEE no cooking for me on Christmas day. Hope you enjoy yourself too :O)
21 Dec, 2013
Sounds good. Barbara! You inspired me to ice my cake this year. I usually leave it un-iced because OH doesn't eat sugar, but this year I have decorated it. (I use a cake recipe which has dates to sweeten it - I think it tastes sweeter than a standard one!) I'm very pleased with myself, because I love marzipan.
Enjoy yourself!
21 Dec, 2013
Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you as well.
21 Dec, 2013
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Happy Christmas to you and your family Olive, one things certain they will all enjoy your lovely Christmas Cake;0))
18 Dec, 2013