Moth for Toto
By Bonkersbon

11 Aug, 2009
May not be a painted lady but look at my lashes ! Any idea what I am Toto ?
Comments on this photo
You are a Vapourer Moth. Your caterpillar is a pain in the a..e as it chews itsway through deciduous trees and in numbers can be a pest.
11 Aug, 2009
How can anything so pretty be so terrible.......
11 Aug, 2009
maybe a pest but still looks great lol
11 Aug, 2009
very in with them long lashes BB,
11 Aug, 2009
Cool pic BB
11 Aug, 2009
Great Picture and love the lashes!
11 Aug, 2009
Their not that terrible Milky. As for the lashes; ladies don't need them as you are already beautiful.
11 Aug, 2009
sweet talker you!
11 Aug, 2009
Reminded me of Betty Boops eyes! All come hither :)
11 Aug, 2009
I'm a stickler for the truth Sanbaz.
11 Aug, 2009
wouldnt have guessed toto :o)~
11 Aug, 2009
He he Toto you obviously been over doing the meds ..dont mind if they eat sycamore leaves as surrounded by them such tiny things too no more than 1/2 inch 12 mm across ..thanks for ID .
Sorry you not been too well lately Sandra ..thanks for other comments think Tasteyg will love your Betty Boo analogy Gee .. gee that seems like an awful lot of gees in there.
11 Aug, 2009
thanx BB, im alot better today, made myself get going and it worked :o)
11 Aug, 2009
Good for you Sanbaz.
11 Aug, 2009
toto san or sandra please, silly id name lol
11 Aug, 2009
We do find these (Pest)
12 Aug, 2009
No problem Sandra. I'll remember for the future or at least I'll try to.
I hope that they are not a serious pest for you Deida.
12 Aug, 2009
Well caught I like its eyes on the wings even though its a pest.
13 Aug, 2009
They are welcome to the self seeded Sycamores if they can strip the leaves faster than I need to clear them .. then no pest to me lol
13 Aug, 2009
I need some then as I have a great big tree at top of my garden from the grave yard and the leaves are left for me to clean up
13 Aug, 2009
Snap Morgana we live next to a graveyard too ..perhaps thats where they come from ? spooky.
13 Aug, 2009
LMAO I was put here for a completly different reason, which you would proberbly not belive I will give you a few clues, the church is called Salem which I live next door to directly opposite is another church which has the bishops eyes for its windows facing my windows, I am surrounded by water I live on a cross road just out side my front door and my son inlaws last name is Mathers who objects to my believes, but perhaps your right they always say one day the dead will all rise . My mother said before she died have they put you hear to die and then shove you over the fence lol :D:D:D
13 Aug, 2009
We have a cemetary down the end of the road. When I was little (ish) (about 10) I was walking past the cemetary with my dad after dark and I said I would be freighted to go in there in the dark. All dad said was, 'Those people are the only ones in the world you DON'T have to be scared of!' Never forgotten that lol
15 Aug, 2009
He was trying to say its the living you ought to be fearing about as no dead person ever hurt any one. Best neighbours I have ever had they don't complain, I can have my music on and you dont hear a peep out of them, where as the other side complains about me feeding a cat , my tv but it was ok when her son was there screaming with his mates at football and parties going on til early hours, when I had a small child woken up that had to go to school the next day, his mrs playing music from1 to4 in the morning when they lived there and her reving her car to park comming home at 2.30 in the morning,
15 Aug, 2009
Yeash....nobody needs neighbours like that.....
17 Aug, 2009
Lol Sid cause this family owns a business the association looks up to them and down on me and believes them over me
17 Aug, 2009
I'm watching you...................
17 Aug, 2009
That's a bit scary Dotty........... x-)
18 Aug, 2009
I know...........
18 Aug, 2009
Who is watching who lmao.
19 Aug, 2009
That looks strange!
22 Aug, 2009
Weird but wonderful..........
22 Aug, 2009
Your Moth is called a Vapourer (Orgia antiqua) family Lymantriidae. It is quite widespread according to my book, although I've never seen one.If you Google that name on your computer you should be able to find out more about it bonkersbon. Great photo by the way.
26 Aug, 2009
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Oooh..., how cool ! Dig those retro
11 Aug, 2009