Garden visitor - Restless Flycatcher (juvenile) giving me the eye!
By Bernieh
- 23 Aug, 2009
Comments on this photo
yes i agree he lovely... great photo
23 Aug, 2009
I agree aswell
23 Aug, 2009
23 Aug, 2009
Gorgeous photo.........
23 Aug, 2009
Thanks all - this is a little bird and has the loveliest call.
23 Aug, 2009
Oh just love him he's on my favourite page nice that he has a tuneful call pity we can't share that too!
23 Aug, 2009
I know Neellan - I've been trying to capture their calls with the video button on my camera, but there's always a plane in the background or a sulphur-crested cockatoo shrieking its head off. I've been thinking about uploading some of my little videos onto You-tube but haven't got around to that yet.
23 Aug, 2009
They'd love them and a much wider audience no offence G O Y!!
24 Aug, 2009
True - I'll just have to keep at it until I get clips without background noises.
24 Aug, 2009
:o)) sshh Australia Bernieh busy videoing!
24 Aug, 2009
Lol - thanks Neellan.
25 Aug, 2009
25 Aug, 2009
Pretty little bird, I could do with him catching my flies lol
26 Aug, 2009
He'd be very good at it, Morgana!
26 Aug, 2009
He would need to be my kitchen and liveing room is covered in spiders and their webs I have to depend on them to catch them as I dont like the pesticides in the house especially in the kitchen where there is food.
26 Aug, 2009
I also have a big problem with spiders - all around the outside of the house. Along with the spiders - which are great at catching flies - I also have lots of geckos which are pretty good fly-catchers as well. Yet there's always a fly or two that seems to slip on into the house.
26 Aug, 2009
Your spiders are poison I dont envy you at all , I think I would keep one of these birds in my home lol
26 Aug, 2009
Oh we're quite lucky here - the spiders around my home are not poisonous - but some of them look pretty scary!
26 Aug, 2009
My daughter would run a mile he he I have a very large garden spider in my house and she screamed saying kill it kill it, but no its still around the house some where, its good then they are not poisoness.
26 Aug, 2009
Actually I don't mind the spiders so much - hubbie is the one that runs a mile! Snakes are the ones that make me run a mile! Nearly stepped on one today going down to the mailbox - it's a 100 metres or so from our hose down the driveway to the mailbox - and a snake was casually slithering from one side of the driveway to the other!
26 Aug, 2009
I would be on my bike lol as in my case realy in my wheel chair lol
26 Aug, 2009
Fabulous little bird Bernieh!
26 Aug, 2009
Janey, it's definitely a little cutie and one of my favourites.
27 Aug, 2009
He's a beauty and a lovely clear photo Berneih
29 Aug, 2009
Thanks Paul - this one made a great subject.
29 Aug, 2009
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This photo is of "1. Garden Birds" in Bernieh's garden
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hes beautiful
23 Aug, 2009