Toad for Pansypotter
By Bonkersbon

21 Sep, 2009
Did your chap look like this PP ?
Comments on this photo
He looks an old-timer Ray.
21 Sep, 2009
Like a grandfather clock Dawn?
21 Sep, 2009
Whoo hoo Toto, you are especially witty tonight :-)
21 Sep, 2009
Not really Dawn. Have had an especially bad day and am now near to being a little worse for wear.
21 Sep, 2009
Wart ? Sorry to hear that Toto - not as pretty as your Kingfisher Dawn , but we love him .
21 Sep, 2009
I love him too, warts and all.
What's gone wrong today Toto, enjoy your tipple
Hey you two, take a look at Amy's 'Naked' blog, its quite amazing.
21 Sep, 2009
Have done Dawn and think even Toto would struggle to defend the male perspective on that one .. know I have lol
21 Sep, 2009
Lol Ray, we'll see what he has to say.
21 Sep, 2009
You notice how he says things then disappears Dawn? Like talking to an echo ...clearly that male nurse failing him you had the interview did you ever get fitted for that uniform ?
21 Sep, 2009
Yes, I've noticed Ray ... gone, as if by magic.
No, I havent been for the interview yet so I wont get the uniform until I get the job.
21 Sep, 2009
Good toad pic, BB.
This one seems to have all the green smarties :o)
21 Sep, 2009
I have a baby one in my garden would make a good companion:o))
21 Sep, 2009
Dont blame you Dawn .. perhaps we approaching this the wrong way ? Toto was Dorothys dog in Wizard of Oz so maybe we need a scarecrow a lion and a tinman ...Elton John might be able to tempt the male nurse out by singing Goodbye Yellow Brick road then we could sneak in and check hes ok ?
I d offer to play the part of Tinman but when comes to singing could be a bit rusty.
After all that dont ever say dont think about you Toto !
Thanks TT - sorry worried about Toto
Thanks Morgana actually found one tucked behind computer and often squeeze under doors to make thier way in.
21 Sep, 2009
Lovely shot Bonkers..............
21 Sep, 2009
You're right Ray, Toto was a Cairn terrier. OK, you be the Tinman and I'll be the scarecrow.
21 Sep, 2009
Thats it BB looks just like him although I think yours could be Great Grandad, mine's just a chip off the old block! lol
21 Sep, 2009
Thanks Milky ..Scarecrow Dawn ? cant imagine you frightening anyone..
Could well be PP when moved in found one in an old ice cream carton with a drop of water in .. the pond must be heaven for him .
21 Sep, 2009
You should see me first thing in the morning Ray, lol
21 Sep, 2009
~I am sure you look just as good as your avatar!
21 Sep, 2009
Mmm dont ge me started Dawn .. you got enough on with Toto lol
Agree Arlene - but remember that nice pic of you in that blue dress too .. oh dear beginning to sound like Toto can feel my pit calling ..night night x
21 Sep, 2009
~thanks Ray!That's kind of you!
Are you still as busy now~hasn't the few months of "so called summer?" gone quickly? Getting darker earlier and earlier!
I have so many Niger and Sunflower seedlings in the lawn,pulling them up by the handful ~ that I have had to go out and get trays to fit on the bottom of my feeders~ that seems to be working now and this morning there was a mob of various finches all tucking in,hopefully no mess! Yay!
21 Sep, 2009
You could have Paul the gardener as the scarecrow, I could be the witch. or even Dorothy as Its part of my name he he.
21 Sep, 2009
Now thats what I call A Toad Near the Hole, what are those green embelishments on Mr Toad? He's a good poser :-)
22 Sep, 2009
Brill photo BB...
22 Sep, 2009
What a handsome chap BB, he obviously likes your garden.
22 Sep, 2009
Nice photo BB.........
23 Sep, 2009
Mr. Toad...regaled in duckweed! we're seeing the end of a very strange summer. Lots of toads in the garden (due primarily to the fact that I've not been in the garden much) time to dig and tuck ...lots of stuff to get ready for winter and it won't be long! can't believe it was such a wimp of a summer.
23 Sep, 2009
nice pic
23 Sep, 2009
Toads, wart an' all are great for the garden and it's lovely to see them around. We haven't any here but had them in our other garden when we lived there. One used to set up residence under the peat bags in the greenhouse.
24 Sep, 2009
good pic nice to see them around I have one that lives under a old tree.good for the garden I also have frogs they come out at night and eat all the snails
26 Sep, 2009
You may find that the toad will emit some liquid into your hand if picked up but as long as you wash your hands well after handling it's o.k.
26 Sep, 2009
did'nt, know that lidak
27 Sep, 2009
They do it as a protective measure especially if other animals try to eat them as it doesn't taste nice.
27 Sep, 2009
Lovely to see a toad in the garden, havnt seen one for a long time, I expect we wont see any now as the pond has gone ;-(
6 Oct, 2009
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Fantastic shot Bonkers. Love his green sequines. was he going out?
21 Sep, 2009