Re-vamped garden path.
By Dottydaisy2

18 Oct, 2009
Have a lot of gravel to get rid off, so recycled it, as you do!!
Comments on this photo
Looks like a woodland walk Dotty, nice....
18 Oct, 2009
I love your path, looks great.
18 Oct, 2009
Oooo its Lovely DD, I agree with Pottyg, A woodland walk..
18 Oct, 2009
looks lovely :0)
19 Oct, 2009
Very nice.
19 Oct, 2009
Your path looks great DD
19 Oct, 2009
Beautiful! Come & do mine, please?
20 Oct, 2009
Absolutely lovely!
21 Oct, 2009
Than you all so much for your kind comments, Mad you live too far away.!! Potty it is our little woodland walk, little being the operative word lol
21 Oct, 2009
It's gorgeous, DD!
21 Oct, 2009
21 Oct, 2009
I like the way it has a definite destination.
23 Oct, 2009
Yes Wagger to the garden shed, and the compost bin behind the shed!!
24 Oct, 2009
25 Oct, 2009
i love it..i tried to nominate it for garden path ideas but its already been nominated...;-))
29 Oct, 2009
Gorgeous pathway
29 Oct, 2009
love it dotty, very cottagy :o)
6 Nov, 2009
Just nominated it for 'Design Ideas'.
6 Nov, 2009
Thanks Mad, just need a design for 30ft X5ft will do a blog I think.
Sanbaz thanks it goes with our house then lol
7 Nov, 2009
You're welcome! Just carry on as you are doing! I love that path!! A blog's a good idea!
7 Nov, 2009
lol didnt realise you had a cottage, lovely
7 Nov, 2009
Sanbaz....we dont, just my sense of humour. The bricks on the house are very old, well they look old lol
7 Nov, 2009
lol of well its whatever you want it to be, did i tell you we live in a chateau lol
7 Nov, 2009
No you didn't, can I book a holiday, I am very partial to Chateaus lol
9 Nov, 2009
Particularly if they serve chateau plonk!
9 Nov, 2009
lol dotty, what chateaus plonk heeheh :o))
9 Nov, 2009
Was that in stereo??
9 Nov, 2009
Dunno Mad, gone deaf.
9 Nov, 2009
9 Nov, 2009
Well that will be a case of too much Chateau Plonk §§§§§§
9 Nov, 2009
I thought that, but I'm too polite to say so!! LOL!
10 Nov, 2009
Always my problem, never know when to stop. (_!_)
10 Nov, 2009
Do any of us??? Lol! That looks like a posterior!! Lol!
10 Nov, 2009
It says 'I'm a regular ass' Madperth - it's an assicon!
11 Nov, 2009
Love it...........
11 Nov, 2009
There are quite a few more if you would like me to share them.
11 Nov, 2009
Why not, Wagger! Lol! With translations (where possible!) please!! LOL!
12 Nov, 2009
Ok, but some of them are a bit saucy!
(_ _ ! _ _) A fat ass
( ! ) A tight ass
(_ * _) An asshole
(_ x _) Kiss my ass
(_ X _) Leave my ass alone
(F = MC2) A smart ass
(_ ? _) A dumb ass
12 Nov, 2009
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! Brilliant!!
12 Nov, 2009
Which A, Mad?
12 Nov, 2009
(E=MC2) !!! YOUR smart A was wrong! Lol!!
(Says the one who forgot to click on submit!!!)
12 Nov, 2009
It is amazing how an innocent garden path can lead to a discussion on bottoms lol
12 Nov, 2009
Isn't it just!! LOL! Sorry, a big girl made me do it & ran away!! :~((
13 Nov, 2009
Hm!!!!!!!! My finger slipped, LOL
13 Nov, 2009
Hee hee! A likely story!!
13 Nov, 2009
You both need to stand in the corner and reflect on your actions !!!!!
14 Nov, 2009
Sorry miss! Wont happen again, Miss! :~{{{{{{{{{{{{
14 Nov, 2009
Believe that, Miss Daisy and you'll believe anything! (said from the corner)
15 Nov, 2009
OMG you are like The Terrible Twins.........
15 Nov, 2009
Never read that, Daisy. Is it 'citing? are they naughty?
16 Nov, 2009
I will send you my copy........
17 Nov, 2009
You'll love it!! Perfect role models for us 2!!!
Hee hee!
17 Nov, 2009
I was never like this before I met you, Mad - it's ALL YOUR FAULT - do you hear me Daisy? IT'S ALL HER FAULT, NOT MINE!!!! Nernernenerner.
17 Nov, 2009
I know Wagger, she is a bad influence.isn't she?
17 Nov, 2009
I've told you all before! I'm a good girl!! :~)D~~~~~~~~~~~~
18 Nov, 2009
18 Nov, 2009
Hee hee! Anyway, YOU started it, Wagger! The evidence is there, you know! LOL!!
18 Nov, 2009
What can I do with you two?
20 Nov, 2009
She's fibbing again, Miss!!!!!!! Make HER wear the dunce's cap. Here's an apple for you - ;-)
20 Nov, 2009
Bribery will get you nowhere young lady!!!
20 Nov, 2009
Young lady!!! Ooo. I like that!!! Thanks, daisy - now where are your glasses? LOL
21 Nov, 2009
You nicked them so she would call you that!
21 Nov, 2009
Oh you are awful........but I like you.(quote Dick Emery, you are far too young to remember,)!!!!
21 Nov, 2009
What is that under your grin, Mad? Dribble?
Not remember Dick Emery? Course I do, Honkytonk!
21 Nov, 2009
No, I was blowing a raspberry!
I remember Dick Emery too! MUCH better than Benny Hill!
21 Nov, 2009
Agree with that - always found Benny Hill a bit of a 'dirty old man'. Neither of them as good as Tommy Cooper though.
22 Nov, 2009
Never liked Benny Hill, husband loved it....wonder why? Tommy was the business though.
23 Nov, 2009
Well, they do say men are from a different planet! lol.
23 Nov, 2009
I agree, BH was really slimy! Afraid I didnt find TC funny tho!
LOVED les Dawson!
Men ARE from a different planet! Or have I just found all the martians?!
24 Nov, 2009
They're ALL martians, Mad, to us 'Venus in Blue Jeans' girls.
24 Nov, 2009
Lol! I'm glad its not just me!
One of the people I work with always asks me (joking) where I come from, & always gets the answer Venus!!
24 Nov, 2009
25 Nov, 2009
The planet I come from hasnt been named yet ...........
25 Nov, 2009
Did you arrive in the Tardis, Daisy?
25 Nov, 2009
Oh I have been rumbled Doc.....beam me up!!!!!
26 Nov, 2009
I said 'Tardis' not 'Enterprise'. You are boldly going where no man (or woman) has gone before. LOL er ,ohjy mrbrt drr upi shsom. That's Klingon for we might never see you again!
27 Nov, 2009
Em...................confused? I am!!!
27 Nov, 2009
Wagger you have lost me now.............
27 Nov, 2009
Beam me up Scotty - Star Trek - spaceship Enterprise - Spock - Klingon - one key to the right on keyboard. That's just how my poor scrambled brain works - should be locked up!
28 Nov, 2009
Hee hee! So THATS how its done!! Clever!
28 Nov, 2009
Isn't she just........
30 Nov, 2009
30 Nov, 2009
Now what shall we talk about....Bobs goodbye?
4 Dec, 2009
5 Dec, 2009
You have not heard then?
5 Dec, 2009
Just found out!! :~((
5 Dec, 2009
Shame isn't it? ;={
5 Dec, 2009
Its ridiculous the way some people can put whatever they want up, but others cant! Ah well, I'll still keep in touch with him!
6 Dec, 2009
You path is lovely looks really romantic:)
6 Dec, 2009
Welcome to GoY Vicky!
6 Dec, 2009
Thanks Vicky , not looking quite so good now, with all this terrible rain we are having, come on the spring I say.
7 Dec, 2009
No where looks as good as it did in the spring or summer
We are having an open day in the early spring and I am thinking every where doesnt look as good as it did when i made my dates!!!!!
Worry worry:(
8 Dec, 2009
But, when the spring arrives everything changes, early spring is a beautiful time of the year, good luck with your open day......
11 Dec, 2009
Just wanted to say your path is lovely and the comments made an interesting read LOL :-)))
11 Dec, 2009
thanks dotty daisy2
11 Dec, 2009
Nice to read you're enjoying us, Annella, daft as we are sometimes.
11 Dec, 2009
Love it Wagger I'm in your gang :-))))
11 Dec, 2009
Welcome! The more the merrier.
13 Dec, 2009
I will second that.........
14 Dec, 2009
Thanks all xxx
14 Dec, 2009
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Featured on: path ideas gravel garden ideas
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That looks nice Dotty.............
18 Oct, 2009