The wide border now.
By Spritzhenry

13 Nov, 2009
After all my shifting around and planting!
(Let alone the removal of Jap. Anemones!)
Comments on this photo
looks great, all that hard work was definately worth it:)
13 Nov, 2009
Thanks! :-)) As long as those wretched Jap. Anemones don't pop up again! Grrrr....
13 Nov, 2009
That does look good, love the different shapes and colours.
13 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Pp. I hope it'll be looking good in the spring, too! Lots of little bulbs hidden in there. :-)))
13 Nov, 2009
Look Spritz, has nobody told you it's November and gardens are supposed to look bare and boring waiting for the spring bulbs?
13 Nov, 2009
Yeeesss - but I never listen! lol.
13 Nov, 2009
Lol Me too Spritz out everyday looking for signs of new life
13 Nov, 2009
I have this phobia - it's called 'Anti-bare-earth-itis-ophobia' I think the name of this condition speaks for itself, doesn't it?
I thought everyone knew I suffer from it? LOL.
14 Nov, 2009
It all looks great.......
14 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Holly! I've just noticed that it's been 'filed' under grasses....have I used too many?
14 Nov, 2009
i think its just featureing your lovely grasses.........
14 Nov, 2009
It's that HUGE and gorgeous Carex, I suspect! You can't really miss it, can you? LOL.
14 Nov, 2009
no .but it all looks very nice......
14 Nov, 2009
Thanks. I'd like to amble round and take a look at it all - no chance! :-(((
14 Nov, 2009
lovely re arrangement spritz.
14 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Sbg! :-))
14 Nov, 2009
Looks great Spritz. You wouldn't like to pop round and remove my grape hyaciths now would you? They're up and on the rampage.
19 Nov, 2009
LOL. No thanks! When I had to deal with an outbreak of these thugs, I had to dig the whole area over - got three trugs of them out, and STILL they reappear! Unbelievable! 'Rampage' is a very good description of them.:-(((
19 Nov, 2009
Ooh....this looks lovely Spritz....such a lot of variety and textures....I love the grasses and they really make a show during winter.....beautiful colours too....:o)
19 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Janey! That's a lovely compliment! :-))
19 Nov, 2009
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Stipa Gigantea
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Looking good :~))
13 Nov, 2009