We've got snow - yippee! SEE BLOG!
By Sid

7 Jan, 2010
Me and Birts have got 4 inches of snow in our garden! I love it, but poor Birtie is not too impressed - it's up to her tummy and the snow gets caught between her toes lol
Comments on this photo
Glad you are enjoying the snow, even if Birtie isn't. Lovely photo of the two of you.
7 Jan, 2010
Wonderful pic of you both :o)
7 Jan, 2010
Fabulous photo of the two of you Sid...Birtie is saying "now dont you dare drop me in that cold white stuff ! "
7 Jan, 2010
Aww - thanks for the nice comments all :-)
Bb - that's exactly what she's saying! She doesn't often let me carry her around like this, but she really doesn't like the snow one bit x-) It was funny watching her walk through the snow - she put her back feet exactly into the prints left by her front feet and whenever possible she hopped from one of my footprints to the next. She kept very close to make sure I didn't go in and leave her outside!
7 Jan, 2010
LOL...no flies on that cat !!
7 Jan, 2010
Lovely pic of the two of you! None of our cats seem to like it...mine did the first day he was running about like a kitten but now he's fed up!
7 Jan, 2010
Happy New Year Sid and Birts! Smashing pic of you both....:o)
7 Jan, 2010
Love your photo Sarah..and I would be right out there with you if I were there! Cats don't like anything wet and cold..lol...poor Birtie...dogs and horses tho...whole different thing..just more games to play they figure..
7 Jan, 2010
Potty - aww bless, I bet it was fun to watch him!
Janey - Happy New Year! How are your puss-cats coping with the snow? :-)
Cat - thanks - I love the snow - brings out the kid in me! x-) Cat's think they're more delicate than horses and dogs do!
Blogg added - more snowy pics :-)
7 Jan, 2010
A lovely photo Sarah , Birts is braver than Marmy she won't go out at all , she's a right scaredy cat ...:o)
7 Jan, 2010
Birtie has been refusing to go out Amy! She got carried outside for this photo! She had a little explore around but didn't want to be left outside and kept very close to me! These cats are more sensible than us I think Amy x-)
7 Jan, 2010
I bet she dashed back in between your legs quick as lightening ... :o)
7 Jan, 2010
She did, but she made some detours to avoid actually going through the snow - jumping between my footprints and around the base of the walls LOL
7 Jan, 2010
LOL.. she will hide behind the sofa tomorrow ....
7 Jan, 2010
That's a nice photo of you both Sarah - I get the impression Birtie's sticking very close to you...lol :-))
8 Jan, 2010
Hi Sarah & Birtie its great 2 see u again & in snow to theres a Big Surprise lol :)
8 Jan, 2010
Thanks folks!
Jac is there anywhere that hasn't got snow?!
8 Jan, 2010
? lol :)
8 Jan, 2010
Hi Sid and Birts
Looks if you are having fun in the snow. Yippee..nice Photo
8 Jan, 2010
Nice photo. Twinkle our SIamese asks to go out but sits under the car port for about 5 minutes then comes back in again.
10 Jan, 2010
Hi Deida and Lindak :-)
Lindak I can imagine that - Birts does the same. I think she's starting to get used to the snow - I actually caught her having a little play in it yesterday! Just as well, as it's snowing again this morning!
10 Jan, 2010
Yes I can see she's not keen on co-operating lol
12 Jan, 2010
lol Hywel - I'm just lucky she wasn't squirming all over the place trying to get down!
12 Jan, 2010
Yes that's what Blodyn does too lol
12 Jan, 2010
I can't see the snow it is too bright, all I can see is the lovely cat. I wonder what she is looking at?
14 Jan, 2010
Gf - put your shades on! Birtie was looking all over the place....except at the camera, where my mum was making all sorts of strange noises and movements to try and get her attention!
17 Jan, 2010
Hello Sarah and Birtie~ do you still have snow? our February has become very cold...we had a nice thaw at the end of January...it actually rained steady for most of a day! but it's ch ch chillllly out there now... soooo... how are things now? are you out digging and planting?
13 Feb, 2010
Hi Lori - nice to see you! No, all the snow is long gone, although we have had a few flurries in the last few days. It's blooming cold tho - got an icey north-easterly blowing in from Siberia at the mo....brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!! Having said that, I have been wrapping up warm and getting out in the garden! Sowed some seeds and started tackling the veggie patch - had a little bonfire yesterday. But the plants are all late this year. We've got snowdrops up, but they're late. The Narcissus 'February Gold' will have to be renamed 'March Gold' at this rate! I understand Canada has had a very mild winter Lori? Are your plants more forward than usual?
13 Feb, 2010
Oh my! lol... who have you been talking to? certainly not someone from my neck-of-the-woods! We still have about a foot of snow on the ground....we lost most of what we had Jan 25th. when it rained all day...but snow followed very quickly after that...it's bone cracking cold at present and my lovelies are all still snug under their snow blankent.
13 Feb, 2010
Oooops! lol It was on the news - they were saying Canada didn't have enough snow for the Winter Olympics - I suppose it was a rather sweeping remark wasn't it!!! lol They were saying they were having to bring in truck loads of snow for the games.....perhaps you could offer up some of yours Lori?! LOL
13 Feb, 2010
It is often a source of confusion for the folk in the UK..you are forgiven!. Distances are VAST over here! the games are held on the other side of the country... winter weather is changeable there.
...when we first heard that they wanted the winter olympics in BC my husband and I just roared with laughter...(My husband was born and raised in Vancouver) Having them there is almost as chancy as having them in Calgary which is prone to chinook winds. We may not have huge mountains but we have snow back here in Ontario about 3,000 miles away.
Why Vancouver didn't try for the summer games, I don't know. It's a beautiful part of our country and contraversy aside it's the most beautiful city on the west coast in the province named for our mother country.
17 Feb, 2010
He he ... thank you for forgiving me Lori! You are right - folks in the UK find it hard to comprehend the vast distances in Canada - it's not much more than 1000 miles between the two furthest points in the UK! And I think that's what peoples idea of 'a long way' tends to be ... lol Well, perhaps you should be patriotic and fill up your car and drive over to Vancouver with some of your snow?!
18 Feb, 2010
Nope! let them find their own snow!
I haven't looked at the games on TV and don't intend to... saw the reports of the casualties and the pics of Arnold and the California flame contingent...and the multiple flame lighters on the internet... non-event, I'm afraid. I sound Grinchey don't I? Something about the IOC is very off-putting to me.
20 Feb, 2010
Don't sound grinchey to me Lori....personally I couldn't be less interested in sports of any kind....... But I still think you should share your snow ;-D
21 Feb, 2010
Oh don't get me wrong... I'd most happily send them every flake if it meant that we could enjoy the temperatures that they are having... and our spring could start now as well! I'm the soul of generosity...lol. but then again...snow's the best insulator...keeps my little green babies nice and snug...out of the wind and the frost so....I stand by what I said with this proviso...when they send us their warm weather, maybe but til then...Let them get their own!
22 Feb, 2010
He he...yes, that sounds a better deal all round... Incidentally, we've got another load of snow on the way.......ugh....it's getting boring now....
22 Feb, 2010
oh good grief! enough is enough, aye? long white winters can be very BORING...wonder what's up with the good old Gulf Stream?
24 Feb, 2010
Don't know - think out climate has turned colder and wetter for the past 3 years - just hoping it's not a permanent change! We did get a lot of snow last winter, but even more this winter. But it was much worse than this when my parents were young - they remember snow several feet deep here, which has never happened in my lifetime. Maybe it's going to go back like that? So much for global warming!!
24 Feb, 2010
Well there I go making assumptions... you've been enjoying warmer weather than usual...and I thought you were starting with the next ice age!! lol.... so many things work to produce our climate that it can wobble a little but usually rights itself.. We've had about ten years of warmer than usual weather, but this winter has been a little more like winters of old... the wobbles are shorter duration too. Each winter has at least three warm periods....thaws...but Jan. and Feb. are usually BITTER cold. Not this year! We had a day of heavy rain on the 25th of January! I don't ever remember anything like that! but in between the wobbles it has been very cold... prime flu weather...can't win, can we?
24 Feb, 2010
Seems the weather has been odd across the globe - do you remember last year when Japan had s'thing like 10 ft of snow? Madeira has had major floods and landslides, UK's had snow on and off since December............ And yes, flu season is well and truely under way!!
24 Feb, 2010
The shocker for me was the report of the loss of ice on one of the largest glaciers in Antarctica! looked like all was A-OK to the camera but the sensors told a different story! I know our old globe has her periods of warming and cooling but I wish she'd take something for the PMS!!!
26 Feb, 2010
LOL ha haha..... x-) Perhaps we should all be planting Evening Primrose, just in case!! lol Yes, alot (if not all?) glaciers are retreating at an alarming rate and have been doing so for many years. I visited a glacier in Canada and there was a torrent of water gushing out of the end of it....like a great beast bleeding out...it was said to be retreating several metres per year.
It was on the news the other day that there is a huge ice burg on the loose - it got broken off the end of a glacier .....(I thought it was the Arctic, but perhaps it was the Antarctic....the one that has land underneath!!....) and they're worried it's going to disrupt the ....Gulf Stream i think they said (which would make it the Arctic....I'm confusing myself lol.....anyway, I didn't like the sound of it.... without the Gulf Stream the UK gets weather like Siberia.....yikes... <:-(
Just googled it and found this:
"An iceberg the size of Luxembourg - as seen above - has sheared off from the Antarctic - threatening global weather chaos.
Scientists fear it could mean bitterly cold winters in Britain, and the north Atlantic generally, within a decade.
Australian glaciologist Dr Neal Young warned production of cold salty water, which keeps the earth's climate temperate, could be badly hit by the melting ice.
And flooding could become a major problem if the 965-square mile glacier, which holds enough water to fill the River Thames 100 times, moves north and begins to melt."
Doesn't mention the Gulf Stream.....seems odd that an iceburg in the South Atlantic should upset the currents in the North Atlantic.....hmmmmmm...
1 Mar, 2010
sounds like a course in oceanography! but it's a frightening possibility. For about ten years, I lived in one of the most northerly settlements in Ontario (eastern Canada) on James Bay...the smaller bay due south of Hudsons Bay.(I mention this because it is on the same latitude as London) with the first El Nino in the 1990's their winter climate changed drastically...and has continued to moderate..with increasingly hostile tendencies! swings of temperature from above zero to minus 40 degrees below! and very dry hot August temperatures...(August is autumn there..and prior to that time winter usually started in October) Take a google of "super cell storms", the most worrysome feature is the instablility...rapid changes that are so radical that they resemble a carbondioxide/oxygen reversal...
wonder if there is the technology about to anchor that huge floating continent of ice? I'm going to google "an iceberg the size of Luxembourg"~~ Having taken a quick look at the i'net...there is a real cult of "doom" on there aye? My husband was telling me today that he was looking at space.com and there was a report that the recent earthquake in Chile alterned the tilt of the planet!! Mother Earth is really getting grumpy!
2 Mar, 2010
I read the quakes often do that to the tilt..is common..maybe it is what is needed to make an adjustment every once in a while...not much we are in control of it seems.. :o)
3 Mar, 2010
Facinating stuff, thanks Lori..... I would have thought that the iceburg could be towed - it would just be a case of overcoming the inertia ...and possibly prevailing currents and wind...although something that kind of size would have one hell of a sail factor....I have no idea how big Luxembourg is lol Carbondioxide/oxygen reversal - is that what happens in that film...The Day After Tomorrow?? I always lose interest in that film at the bit with the wolves on a ship....oh, really! lol
Cat - the Chile earthquake was massive...the epicentre was 20 miles beneath the surface - how on earth do they work out something like that.....????! I read we are aparently due for a flip of the earth's magnetic poles....just think, this time next year we could be in the southern hemisphere??!!
5 Mar, 2010
From your vivid descriptions I can just see Birtie hopping about in the snow! Haven't seen snow since I lived in Ashton-under-Lyne, Loughborough and Leeds in 1956 - 1957 ! - But I can't say I miss it.
She's a lovely black and white cat, just like my goddess Jessie who will soon appear on my photos.
- Actually, I did see a bit of snow in Spain in 1958... hitch-hiked through it...
6 Mar, 2010
the evidence that a carbondioxide/oxygen reversal has taken place is found in the high arctic...this may be an urban legend but I have seen reports of mammoth remains found frozen in the tundra with unswallowed greenery still in their mouths!... There is evidence that the high latitudes where once quite warm... and the north magnetic pole at present sits just off of Ellesmere Island in the Canadian arctic... and is moving toward Siberia at an accellerating rate due to several factors... it's fascinating reading ...the physics of magnets and the solar wind's effect on them, it makes a person realize that our earth is a mutable creature...and we are but hitchhikers!
6 Mar, 2010
Gurth - I think most people in the uk are envious of you! Thanks for your nice comments about Birtie - she is currently spralled out on my lap, which makes typing difficult!! lol Will look forward to pics of Jessie :-)
Lori - that's facinating stuff - I will need to read up...do you know where?
7 Mar, 2010
just a google away... north magnetic pole.... tundra mummies... baby mammoth found.... as with all info on the inet you decide for yourself on it's credibility by the bibliography .http://www.nasa.gov/home/hqnews/2007/sep/HQ_07215_Timeline_of_Oxygen_on_Earth.html http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2009/12/091224-north-pole-magnetic-russia-earth-core.html
and Wikipedia has lots of links on geomagnetic reversal...you're right it is fascinating!
8 Mar, 2010
they call him flipper fliper la la la la la laaaaaaaaa . what hes looking at is that huge polor bear lollopin towards you lol.
29 Mar, 2010
Thanks Lori - I'll be reading up on it!
NP - My cat is Birtie, not Flipper, but she's still faster than lightning and not very fright-ning (I thing those were the words weren't they?!) But she might have been looking at the polar bear!
29 Mar, 2010
quickly dig a circle in your snow and put a fish in it.when the poler bear looks in kick him in the ice hole lol .
29 Mar, 2010
Ok - I'll kick him in the snow balls LOL
30 Mar, 2010
very good lol
30 Mar, 2010
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Featured on: snow
This photo is of species Felix domesticus 'Varigatus'.
This photo is of "Felix domesticus 'Varigatus'" in Sid's garden
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What a lovely picture :-)))))
7 Jan, 2010