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Corned Beef and Onion Pie


By Janey

Corned Beef and Onion Pie

Couldn't think what to have for lunch...and then I spied a tin of corned beef in the cupboard. I remember Mum used to make a pie mid-week when we were children, so I thought I would give it a go...:o) Maybe you'd like to try it.........


1 can Corned Beef
2 small Onions
1 large Carrot or 2 small
8oz shortcrust pastry
1 egg to brush over

Make pastry with 8oz SR flour and 3oz butter 1oz lard
Meanwhile finely chop onions and carrot and simmer in water for
about 10mins. Coverthe bottom of a 9" pi dish with pastry and layer sliced corned beef and the veg alternately. Sprinkle with salt and black pepper and mixed herbs. Cover with remaining pastry and brush with beaten egg. Place in a medium hot oven....210C for about 15mins then turn the oven down to 180 and place on a lower shelf for another 10.

Serve with roasted veg and gravy made with the onion and carrot water.

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Janey not had that for years, and you have made me fancy some, got my dinner for today sorted, as i need to steam some chicken for Smokey so i'm having chicken today, but tomorrow thats what i'll be having for my dinner, thanks very much.

31 Jan, 2010


Yum yum, love this and its so simple. Thanks Janey.x

31 Jan, 2010


Thanks Janey....I love corned beef....haven't tried it in a pie. Looks and sounds delicious, so will try it during the week.

31 Jan, 2010


Wow Janey, seeing this has bought some memories flooding back.....My Mum used to nake this for us.....I remember it being scrummy.......

31 Jan, 2010



31 Jan, 2010


I will have to try this Janey , I haven't had corned beef for years it sounds very tasty .. thanks :o)

31 Jan, 2010


Making me feel hungry...... it looks very nice....i often make corned beef hash in the winter....

31 Jan, 2010


Now there's a tasty idea, I will have to give this a try. All the family like corn beef :) Thanks for that, looks delicious.

31 Jan, 2010


This brings back memories of Panacalty that my mum used to make.

31 Jan, 2010


Funny - I made one only last week :o))

31 Jan, 2010


This looks yummy ! Have corned beef hash sometimes.Comfort food this cold winter.........

31 Jan, 2010


i love cornbeef pie, not had for years, i do cornbeef hash though, might do this in the week, looks yummy janey ;o))
nominated for recipies janey x

31 Jan, 2010


Yum. How delicious! This one is a must to try out. You've done a great job on this one.

31 Jan, 2010


I've had corned beef and chips as a kid, never heard of corned beef pie...must be a northern thing.

31 Jan, 2010


It can't be. My mother made it often.

31 Jan, 2010


blue think there are differant recipes in differant areas, some make cornbeef hash like a flat cake, i make it like a stew, lovely

31 Jan, 2010


Hywel, Wales is something apart..:o)
Sandra, not had corned beef hash either...or mushy peas..;0)

31 Jan, 2010


Sorry Bluespruce lol :o)

31 Jan, 2010


oh blue you dont know what your missing, we have beetroot or red cabbage with our cornbeef hash, cant beat it on a cold day

31 Jan, 2010


Hywel - lol :0)
Sandra..what can I say...just happy I live south of Watford...;O)

31 Jan, 2010


dont knock it if you havent tried it blue,,lol

31 Jan, 2010


It's the beetroot and red cabbage that puts me off...:0)

31 Jan, 2010


pickled not boiled blue.. dont you liked pickled beetroot or red cabbage, i eat it out of the jar lol

31 Jan, 2010


Wow.....what a lot of comments.....just to let you know it was DELISH......even if I say so myself...Lol! And enough left for tomorrow!
Well fancy you making one Hywel.....where has Blue been all his life??? You'll have to try the recipe can always buy frozen pastry....or maybe Lyn will make it for you??
Yes, San and Holly....Ian makes the hash....its so scrummy...I love comfort food,
lots of gravy..mmmmmm.........!
Beetroot is wonderful, I love it just cooked especially baby ones, and beetroot sandwiches....though the bread ends up purple...Lol!
Come on Blue...where's your sense of adventure....he..he.. if you can scramble up a tree no bother, you can try corned beef pie!

31 Jan, 2010


i have a story about beetroot when i was ill with gallbladder janey,, it was a bad day for me with pain, and had a shock when i went to pee lol, thought there was bleeding, happened each day so i called nhs helpline for addvice, she addvised i go back to docs, then it suddenly hit me i had been eating pickled beetroot as was told how good it was for gallbladder, it had turned my water red hahahah, felt such a plonker :o)))

31 Jan, 2010


Oh San........yes it does that!...Lol! Did you have your gallbladder removed San...both Ian and our daughter Kat have had trouble there....must be my pies...Lol! I know it's dreadfully painful though, Ian had his removed yers ago and Kat had keyhole surgery. Ian still lives on Bicarb though....:o(

31 Jan, 2010


yes had it done november if you recall i went in hospital, wish i had it done a few years ago, no more pain and eat what i want to now, any red meat and fats not good for it, anything spicy or rich either, best thing i did having that op, keyhole to, strange ian still suffers, has he told doc,, im sure thats not right

31 Jan, 2010


Yes I remember now.......having a senior moment San...Lol! Good news that your feeling much better, Kat has been fine since her op....:o)

31 Jan, 2010


thats good for kat, maybe ian has another stone lodged somewhere, its possible, mind you i have acid reflux now so take tabs for that but not a problem really just carefull with some foods

31 Jan, 2010


Jane, we don't do anything that resembles real cooking in our house...far too busy for that!..:o)

1 Feb, 2010


your not a fast food, processed and frozen meal family are you blue? :o((

1 Feb, 2010


Too busy? What are you doing need good food to go scampering up trees after witches brooms.....:o)

1 Feb, 2010


Just love the old traditional food.

1 Feb, 2010


Yep me too Tog, the only type of food I'm not too keen on is seafood....especially squid and languistines and prawns...always think they're the insects of the sea!

1 Feb, 2010


Will try that for sure, just bought our corned beef, hubby makes a wonderful hash, it is different every time, we usually have one a fortnight.
Will make the pastry in the machine as I make dreadful pastry lol

2 Feb, 2010


I'm sure you'll like it Dotty........yes, like you love the quick and easy and tastey.....:o)

2 Feb, 2010


Wow that looks mouth watering Janey, often make Cornbeef Hash with a crust but never tried a pie , but I will be certainly giving it a go, thanks for the recipie!

2 Feb, 2010


Pp....:o) X

2 Feb, 2010


Much prefer a rib-eye sandwich with plenty of fried onions Jane..:0)

2 Feb, 2010


Ooh...I can taste it from here....and oozing onions......Yum!!

2 Feb, 2010


LOL..don't we all love our foods..this looks very pretty and scrumptilitious Janey. I have only had Corn beef hash that has potatoes in it that you fry up after you slice it as it comes out of the can. My mom used to make it for dinner and then I learned that I liked it with eggs and toast for breakfast. I have not had this in a long while. To make a pie as you have suggested sounds really good!

3 Feb, 2010


I like your steak and onion sandwich too

3 Feb, 2010


Done in the frying pan with garlic butter...;0)

3 Feb, 2010


Mmmm........ love garlic butter Blue and Aeoli which is garlic mayonnaise...with crusty bread, olives and a carafe of red wine.....and I'll try some of your Hash Cat........wouldn't it be great if we could all get together and get the wine flowing....:o)))

3 Feb, 2010


Good idea Jane, I already have your address, just let me know when it's convenient..;o))

3 Feb, 2010


Open house'll have to battle the snow though...:o( X

3 Feb, 2010


Perhaps I'll stick to sunny Dorset then...:o) x

3 Feb, 2010


Hmmmm...yummy! Corned beef hash was taught to me by one of my hubby's friends when we first met. This is how they make it in Dundee.....fry onions, add corned beef, baked beans and a dash of lea and perrins. put it in an oven proof dish and top with mashed potato. Grill until golden. Yummy! Kind of a cross between stovies and cottage pie!

6 Feb, 2010


What's a stovie..?

6 Feb, 2010


Wow Karen...baked beans.....I can imagine they would be great with it (especially with Rosemary on the top eh Blue???...Lol) Yum yum yum! Ian likes to make the hash, so we'll try your recipe this week....Lovely!

Stovies are like tatties aren't they Karen?

6 Feb, 2010


Jane the sound of Karens recipe too ! Will try it out on Ray.Janey..its that time again on a Saturday night...approaching Match of the Day ! Lol

6 Feb, 2010


Oh....yes.....Jane....such a lot to look forward to on a Saturday night...:o)
Mmmm....Ian's nodded off....maybe get a chance to sneak the remote out of his grip what do you think Jane....shall I give it a try...Lol!!

6 Feb, 2010 can try Janey...but bet he wakes up and says " I was watching that !! " Lol

6 Feb, 2010 on!!.......he has a finely tuned grip.......couldn't say he was watching, so said he was listening to it...Lol! Oh the joys of married life....:o)

6 Feb, 2010


About to get the "glazed look " Janey from the moment the first ball is kicked ! Lol Then its "so and so has scored " So what ! Lol

6 Feb, 2010


Lol Jane.......can't bear the running bed and book for me, nighty night now...XX

6 Feb, 2010


Night night Janey lol xx

6 Feb, 2010


Hi Janey, I have just finished making a Corn Beef pie with your recipie, got Robin coming for his lunch with his carers so will let you know how it goes down, its going in the oven right now!

7 Feb, 2010


Sure you'll love it Carole.......yikes i hope so...Lol!

7 Feb, 2010


Well, Stovies, I'm not Scottish I find that whenever I try to define I get told off! Something to do with potatoes and sometimes onions and sometimes a bit of meat through it - you never can tell exactly what you're going to get, but always tatties!

7 Feb, 2010


Janey this pie looks scrumptious....Is there any left? If there is I'll be right over.

10 Feb, 2010


Bet this takes you back Gilli.......come on over...I'll make one special!...:o)

10 Feb, 2010


Oh, I'm so relieved - I had feared 4 and 20 blackbirds had met a sticky end!

10 Feb, 2010


Lol there's an idea.............

10 Feb, 2010


I'll be there in 10 minutes Janey......although if there are black feathers sticking out of the crust I may just pass on it. :oP

11 Feb, 2010


Would you believe it!...Lynne has actually printed out a copy of your recipe Jane, and put it away somewhere...:o))

11 Feb, 2010


Well....there you go girls are never predictable...always a hidden surprise, that's cos we're from Venus.....and you're not....Lol!!

11 Feb, 2010


I do that. Print recipes and put them away somewhere....never to be seen again in most cases unfortunately! lol

12 Feb, 2010


I`ve never tasted it Janey but it looks delicious, I must make a note of the recipe. :o)

10 Mar, 2010


Actually, I`ve just copied it and pasted it in an email to myself. I`m going to give it a try soon. :o)

10 Mar, 2010


Its makes a really tastey meal Lab, smashing in cold weather...:o)

10 Mar, 2010


This brings back old memories. My parents split up when i was young and i was brought up by my dad. I was prohibited to have any contact with my mum but when i was 10 mum made contact with me and from then on, unbeknown to my father i always used to go visit her at week ends and during school holidays. This is one of the dishes she used to cook for our dinner.

14 Nov, 2010


Hi Rohima.....I'm pleased this has brought back some happy memories of being reconciled with your mum, it used to be quite a favourite when we were young. Thanks for bringing it up again, I think I'll make one this week now!....:o)))

14 Nov, 2010


Still waiting for mine ;0) x

17 Nov, 2010


Hey you Steve! Now, you may get a surprise one of these days!!....:o)) x

17 Nov, 2010


I still haven't made it over to your house Janey. Is the offer of a specially made pie still on???

18 Nov, 2010


I shall make you one specially Gilli....just let me know when you're coming.....that slice I saved for you in February ended up having a nice green furry top....:o(((

18 Nov, 2010


Don't forget mine first...I can pay the postage!!

18 Nov, 2010


Ha..ha....nobody's forgotten you've got to have patience!!....:o))

18 Nov, 2010


A corned beef and onion pie would be just the thing today Janey. It's -12C and windy and the snow is coming down fairly heavily although it's hard to tell quite how much as the wind is whipping up the snow on the ground and blowing it around too.

20 Nov, 2010


Ooh Gilli, that sounds like the depths of winter! It's a good job you put that straw mulch round your garden isn't it? I wonder what your mountains will look like tomorrow....keep warm and snug, what does Rosie think to the snow?.....:o))

Itwas cold here early on 0C but this afternoon was sunny and I managed to plant a Clematis armandii against the back wall, and lots of tulips and daffs I still had. Looking forward to seeing what Spring should bring now.....:o))

20 Nov, 2010


Rosie loves the snow Janey. She thinks its there just for her to play with. I wonder what she will do when we have a foot or more? Probably start making tunnels!! LOL

It sounds like you are still able to do lots in your garden. It will be marvellous when spring arrives and everything pops up. I won't be able to dig anything now until at least april. :o(

21 Nov, 2010


Sounds like she's enjoying it lots Gilli! The weather menover here are saying we're in for some of your snow, later this week.....coming over from the arctic and Scandinavia though, so not looking forward to that! We all get down this time of year, I suppose it's natural though, it's just our lifestyles that aren't...Lol! Do you keep warm enough in such snowy conditions? Do you use logs for burning? I can't imagine having months of snow, don't think I would cope at all.....:o((

22 Nov, 2010


Oh dear Janey. I hope you don't get too much snow. And I hope you don't end up with our temperatures either.

Do we keep warm enough?...Well, for the most part yes. The worst thing is going out and getting in your very cold car and having to wait for it to warm up. In my Jeep it usually takes a good 15 minutes before any kind of heat comes out of the heater. Usually I've arrived at where I'm going before it happens! Sometimes it gets cold enough that your car won't start. Everyone has a block heater in the engine so you can plug it in to keep it warm enough to start when you want it to.
I have a very old and ugly down filled parka that keeps me toasty...Now all I need is a down filled hat and trousers...and possibly a nose warmer. LOL
We don't burn logs as we have a natural gas furnace with forced air heating that circulates through the whole house. In fact, the chimney has been sealed off...too much cold air falling down it.
The months of snow can get a bit miserable but I'd still rather have this than the endless rain they get at the coast. At least here the sun comes out once in a while. The cold is a very dry cold too which is much easier to bear than the damp air at the coast. And you get used to living with it too. Proper winter clothing, gloves and hats. Boots that don't slip in the snow and are thermally lined. Snow tires or studded tires on all the vehicles and people know how to drive in the severe conditions too....something that only comes with constant experience.
It does make me pity the poor homesteaders who had to deal with it all back in the days without the central heating and the warm clothing we have now.

23 Nov, 2010


Oh Gilli just reading your comment made me reach for my cardi! You sound to be well climatised after all these years and well prepared for every eventuality....not like good old sniff of snow and everything stops!

Your home sounds to be warm and snug, I always think if your home is cosy then you can cope with all the bad weather when you're out. We've got sleet now and -2 quite a way to go before we catch up with you!

24 Nov, 2010


That's how they deal with snow at the coast too Janey....Everything slides to a standstill. LOL
It's snowing lightly at the moment and has warmed up to -12C...Up from -23C last night....Positively balmy!!

24 Nov, 2010

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