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By Pansypotter

3 Feb, 2010
Dont even think its pretty anymore, just a nusiance, would you believe I went out this Morning and bought a lovely new Bird Table and a Nesting box, was looking forward to setting them up tomorrrow, but its a case of wait and see now.
Comments on this photo
Snowing again here too :-(
3 Feb, 2010
Thanks Terra can't wait to put them up, really treated myself, will post a picture once they are up and running
Sorry to hear you too have the white stuff Sinbad, hope it doesnt hang around too long this time!
3 Feb, 2010
Do you mean this is this a current photo ???
Still got snow there ??
3 Feb, 2010
same here..thick snow
3 Feb, 2010
i know how you feel. my garden is the same .fed up with it!!!!!
3 Feb, 2010
Yes Louise, came down late afternoon,latest local weather forecast says its going to warm up later so hope it will be gone for tomorrow!!!
Deida, and Helen sorry you are still both suffering, but keep warm both of you and fingers crossed it will go soon.
3 Feb, 2010
Fingers crossed for all of you...just started here again ! Sigh......
3 Feb, 2010
Oh dear :-(
Let's hope it's short lived ..... let's get on with spring now ..... let's all do a warm weather dance !!!
This winter's gone on for too long :-(
3 Feb, 2010
Agree Louise has really started to drag now.Spring will be so very welcome after all this ! Doubly so !!
3 Feb, 2010
Lots of Celebrations to look forward to when Spring really comes ;0)))
3 Feb, 2010
Sorry Pp...we lost all our lysmachia (white ) cuttings to those hard frosts.It just came so suddenly and took us by surprise ! Will take lots more in spring/summer...providing the original plants survive ! Lost fuschia cuttings too...grrrr.
3 Feb, 2010
So sorry BB I have also lost Fuschia ,Ostospernum , Hydranger,and Delphium cuttings, its so disappointing isnt it, but like you say can oly try again in spring proving the mother plants have survived.
3 Feb, 2010
Fingers crossed then.If they take okay will be sending you some lysmachia cuttings..will keep you posted x
3 Feb, 2010
Ours has finally gone , I hope we don't have anymore !
3 Feb, 2010
Snowing here now.......and settling really fast.....just had an ice ball thrown at the window....I can feel Ian steaming from here..Lol....:o(
3 Feb, 2010
Wow look at that lot again Poor you Pansy.....
3 Feb, 2010
oh nooo carole, sorry for you ;o((
3 Feb, 2010
Lets just hope it's killed off a few Lily Beetles and Vine Weevils etc. :-)
3 Feb, 2010
Thanks everyone, it seems to have stopped now which is a good sign! Sorry you are getting it too Janey, hopefully its going to get warmer and it will disappear fast (along with the lily Beetles and Vine Weevils Toto lol)
3 Feb, 2010
Goodness, it's like a repeat performance! Hope it gets better for you all who have snow again very, very soon.
3 Feb, 2010
I like your pictures PP, but I don't envy you the snow :(
4 Feb, 2010
Thanks Gee, and Grindle better this morning almost gone overnight ;0)
4 Feb, 2010
So sorry Carole our little bit of snow we had yesterday came and went in a few hours, thank goodness.
4 Feb, 2010
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Yes, you deserve better weather...
I hope you can put up your bird table and nesting box soon..x
3 Feb, 2010