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Rabbit ... in my garden !


By Amy

Rabbit ...   in my garden !

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a great picture Amy

12 Feb, 2010


AAaaaawwwwwww A Cute Bunny Amy ;)

12 Feb, 2010


Aww Amy, so cute. The wildlife loves your garden - I hope she/he sticks to eating just the grass.

12 Feb, 2010


Yes, put up a sign Amy, " Don't Touch The Plants, Stay On The Grass " !!!

12 Feb, 2010


LOL Louise "Stay On The Grass" Not the Normal Keep Off 1 :)

12 Feb, 2010


Yes !!!!

12 Feb, 2010


They are cute aren't they, not when they dig your plants up though, like flippin watership down in our garden at the moment,lol, a real favourite is centaura they dig that up and eat roots too have to cover with netting,and found holes where some of my favourite aquilegias were the other day, wish they could read Louise quite welcome to cut the grass,lol.

12 Feb, 2010


Perhaps you should put a plate of veggie out for him/her. It would be a bit like feeding the birds :)

12 Feb, 2010


Oh no Simbad :-(
They're going for all the nice things :-((
What can you do to keep them off those areas ?

12 Feb, 2010


I know they look cute but Oh what a problem to keep them out .. It's not to bad at this time of the year but we have a gate with chicken wire running along the bottom which we have to try to keep closed when the veg. are growing .. .. I have a sign on the gate saying, please shut the gate , the postmen can't read so I don't expect the rabbits can ...
Gee you will think i'm mad but I did put carrots and veg pealing outside the gate when all that snow was piled up , I felt sorry for them ..~~

12 Feb, 2010


I don't think you're mad, Amy. I would have done the same :)

12 Feb, 2010


LOL... :o))

12 Feb, 2010


Just have to cover their favourites with wire netting Louise, plants grow through it, caught me off guard with the aquilegias though they don't normally bother with them, I'll win in the end,lol :-)

12 Feb, 2010


aww how lovely amy, im surprised we dont get them as the fields are full of them round my village, so cute

12 Feb, 2010


oops i better go check my hutch lol

12 Feb, 2010


Thats probably why Sandra , they don't need to invade your space 'cos they've plenty of their own .....

12 Feb, 2010


Oh Eileen , I haven't got a long distance traveller have I , it's not Sniffy is it ....LOL...

12 Feb, 2010


lol nope i checked, Sniffy is snuggled up under the hay

12 Feb, 2010


Thank goodness for that ..... :o))

12 Feb, 2010


yes that truse amy, i hate it when i see them killed on roads to poor things, anyway you enjoy your visitor amy ;o))

12 Feb, 2010


It's been shooed out Sandra before it becomes to regular , on the news today in a local village they found two Swans that had dozens of pellets in them they had been shot and killed on purpose , how cruel is that , I hope they find out who did it ..I would like to do the same to them !!

12 Feb, 2010


oh no thats awfull amy, im with you on that one grrr.

12 Feb, 2010


That makes me so angry, Amy. I do hope those responsible are found and punished.

12 Feb, 2010


How awful Amy, just can't understand how someone can be so cruel, can't print what I would do to them!!!

12 Feb, 2010


It's so sad , it's as though these people haven't any feelings at all , I hope they catch those responsible , i'll let you know if they do !

13 Feb, 2010


Bless him he is lovely, Amy thats just what i would do if there was any near me, its hard not to feed anything esspecially when its so cold :o))

13 Feb, 2010


How awful Amy makes my blood boil,can't imagine the sort of people who could do such a thing to any creature let alone such beautiful birds, don't like the rabbits eating my plants but would never do anything to harm them.

13 Feb, 2010


I think the kids today play so many computer games where they kill all sorts of things and then they pop up alive the next minute .. I don't think they know whats real and what isn't anymore .....
you can tell when the Rabbits are struggling for food because they start digging holes in the grass verges and chewing the bark off the trees , last year we went up the lane putting wire netting round the trunks , we thought they had killed the trees , there was hardly any bark left on them ....

13 Feb, 2010


I agree Amy.......the stuff that is available for them is atrocious......don't know what's happened to the censoring of violence these days....such a lot of nastiness now, then everyone moaning the police aren't dealing with it. I really blame the government for allowing such availability to youngsters......its breeding a terrible society...and costing taxpayers seem to be divorced from real life and nature.......

Dreadful about the swans....violence does breed violence....because I would love to get a birch broom and whack their backsides!!

14 Feb, 2010


Me to Janey , me to ! . so many shops etc. have been broken into in the town this last week , do you ever see a policeman . No ... but there were 10 in two different places out on the main road with speed guns .. you know why ....'cos thats making money !!

14 Feb, 2010


your right amy .no your not mad at all well only in a good way if you are because i think you have to be to get bye realy .i feal for hedge hogs as when they use there defences on the road ironicly it becomes what kills them .its a shame and i go out of my way to help them or not run them over or other animals . ill also stop to put animals out of there missery if there mortaly wounded or ill take them to the vets . once at yarmouth my dog caught a penguin between the piers at gt yarmouth . i didnt know weather to grab the penguin who my sharpei darling had got hold of or grab my dog . i grabbed the dog,she let go and the penguin dived under the was at night .it wasnt very big so it was a rock hopper or chin strap as kings or empoorer pengiuns are about 3 foot tall.i walked round all night pinching myself .my 2 boys and my partner at the time were there mad is that.i think it must of bean an escapee or something .take care amy and everyone else.see you soonish take care bye for now lots of love leigh xx aka

15 Feb, 2010


Leigh .. I thought I was seeing things when I saw Penguin , You were lucky to have seen one , not so lucky for your dog ! do you think it would have hurt your dog , I mean do Penguins eat dogs ? or dragged it under until it drowned ! I wonder if it had escaped from the Sea Life centre at Hunstanton ?
Tony had to put a rabbit out of it's misery the other week when we were out walking , I thought it was dead but it wasn't quite , I couldn't do it but he couldn't leave it to suffer ... .. bye for now Leigh .. x

15 Feb, 2010


hello amy i hope your well and john allen bill harry peter your husband anyway lol tony isnt it lol .i cant see an animal dying in pain i just cant .the penguin was only one of the smaller types .it was the dog who got hold of it bless it .theres a rig like an oil rig just of shore which throws some light on that part of the beech.we were just walking along and darling my sharpei then grabbed it right near the surf .my little datshund buzby at the time was nearly drowning trying to get to it and i had my st burnard rommel with me to . it happend so quick i just had to think on my feet realy. darling was hurting or scaring it as it was making a loud squake excuse my spelling .it probably only lasted a second or two .i tried to think of a bird thats black and white ,waddles like charly chaplin and prefers to dive under the water without comming up rather than fly as an escape option .it had to be a penguin . it was an escapee as thats a strange place for one penguin to be at night on our coast.chinstraps live of of a tropical coast but all the other types live wear its very cold i believe.every type also live in colanese to but realy your guess is as good as mine.take care amy love leigh . see you soon xx.

15 Feb, 2010


all penguins are piscovaurs excuse my spelling ie fish eaters lol xx

15 Feb, 2010


Hi Amy...Jane here...Ray away for a while..his Dad in hospital.Just must tell you last July about 5 adult and 6 baby ducks were found squashed at our local duck pond.Some of the residents kept a vigil and a couple of nights later a car was seen in the early hours...running more over.A totalof 15 ducks killed by a mindless youth.His reg was taken and he was caught.At the hearing he said it was only a bit of harmless a few hours "community service ". It makes my blood boil..........

18 Feb, 2010


why do people do this . id like to run him over slowly for a laugh bonkers with a very slow steam roller . i bet funny wouldnt be the first thing on his mind .i remember to little thugs got caught kicking a hedgehog to court the hedge hog wasnt deamed big enough to be an animal.people never get what they deserve for animal crualty and theres a lot of it about im ashamed to say.take care bye for now xx.

18 Feb, 2010


Yes Np....there was a petition in the paper for a harsher sentence...and the youth mother complained he was being targeted unfairly.Bring on that steamroller.................x

18 Feb, 2010


yes and make it a wide mum as mum sounds like she should be with her son .xx

18 Feb, 2010


YEP ! x

18 Feb, 2010


Hi Jane , sorry to hear that Rays father is in hospital and hope that he has a speedy recovery and will soon be home , please give him our best wishes x

Why do mothers cover up for their children when they are so obviously cruel ? I would want them to know how wrong it is, how can they ever learn differently unless they are punished in some way ! I always told my children that if they did anything to get into trouble I would be the first one to punish them ... how can they think it's fun to hurt a defenseless creature , I'm with you leigh , I would like to give the same treatment back to them

18 Feb, 2010


Couldnt agree more Amy.

Many thanks for your good wishes...will pass on to Ray when he rings tonight.It is a stroke...long haul...and he lives alone 250 miles away. Much to sort out care wise....and wont leave his house...lived there 60 years !

18 Feb, 2010


That's sad news Jane , I take it that he is at home and not in a hospital , we went through this years ago when my husbands mother had a stroke ..... our thoughts are with you both .x

18 Feb, 2010


He is still in hospital at moment Amy...not sure what is happening...he keen to get out asap but cannot weight bear yet,Due an assessment soon for care.there is no easy answer is there? Thank you for your good wishes Amy.x

18 Feb, 2010


Hope things work out wishes to you all...XX

18 Feb, 2010


Thanks for your good wishes Janey..x

18 Feb, 2010


my kids know what i would think of cruelty and they just never went there so thats good shame about some. i dont blame all parents for there children but i definatly believe some parents are at fault and more than you would imagine id bet .you do sound like your between a rock and a hard place bonkers.i hate hospital myself as it goes .i guess you keep calm and assertive and take each moment as it comes realy .ill be posative for you and it will all be good .i did it for amy twice i think and it worked lol . ive got a honest face i think lol.xx

18 Feb, 2010


Thanks Np...passing all these messages to bonkers in a few moments by phone...Jane x Ps..yes you do have an honest (and lived in) face !

18 Feb, 2010


is a lived in face mean ive got a council house for a face or is it a good comment lol.xx

18 Feb, 2010


Council house ? Nope !!! It means you have seen life and you tell it as it worn at times..but wise...a COMPLIMENT ! LOL..xx

18 Feb, 2010


shux thanx i do believe in shooting from the hip as it goes . i cant stand faffing about and i guess i dont suffer fools gladly realy .people just cant handle the truthe lots of times so some people think im rude but i dont think so .well sometimes lol .i dont believe in scratching wear you itch .anyway thanx for the complement bonkers take care bye for now x x x
ps it will all work out in the end dont worry .

18 Feb, 2010


Your hearts in the right place Leigh .. ... I think , I mean it could be anywhere ! LOL... x

Have you any news today Jane ? ... let us know when you have some x

19 Feb, 2010


shux thanx amy xx and good luck jane xx

19 Feb, 2010


Thanks Np...agree with Amy on that one !

Amy...Ray rang to say the hospital want to free up the bed..even though his Dad cannot yet weight bear.Ray is sorting out a care plan for him with social services and willl stay to make sure all going ok.Probably be out Monday so lots to do there.Wish he would come here but fiercely independent ! Just have to see how it all pans out.

Thanks for your care...both xx

19 Feb, 2010


your welcome bonkers i understand being independent as i am but i also understand how derogetry being like that can be . the upside is the social services will look after him well .take care it will all be good in the end . it doesnt matter wear my heart is as long as ive got one i guess amy . anyway take care keep posative or your pecker up lol ,take every day as it comes bye for now xxx .

19 Feb, 2010


Oh Jane , it's a nightmare isn't it , why did they ever go about closing most of the cottage hospitals ? they were there to be used for people to recover , when I think of all the money being used on senseless stupid things it makes me so angry , this week there's a huge out-cry in our local press Norwich Hosp. has had an elderly lady on a trolley in a storage cupboard , she couldn't sleep because people were constantly going in and out for supplies , what has happened to our country ?

Love to you both , I know from experience thats it's as bad for you sitting on the sidelines waiting .... Take care .. Amy x

19 Feb, 2010


Thanks both again for your kind concern.Ray rang to say he is exhausted after cleanind his Dads house from top to bottom ! Bless.....told him to grab a couple of beers and put his feet up
After care for the eldery is so unpredictable nowadays....bit of a postcode lottery.This is a difficult one because he lives on the border of Berkshire and Oxfordshire.So wilst he been in hospital in Berkshire...his after care is with the moment communication is virtually nil...though he has been "referred "....have to wait and see.Guess Ray will be on the blower most of Monday sorting it.................x

19 Feb, 2010


fingers crossed bonkers xx.

20 Feb, 2010


Thanks Np xx

20 Feb, 2010


your more than welcome bonkers youd do the same for me xx

20 Feb, 2010


True..a bit of moral support costs nothing...but means everything..xx

20 Feb, 2010


definatly and its posative which does help .and were all buds on here and look after each other .i barley ever talk about plants lol xx

20 Feb, 2010


Plants ? The weather were getting harldy any left ! Lol..Just lots of constantly hungry birds ! Our fridge empty...their larder full if you know what I mean !!!

20 Feb, 2010


there need is greater bonkers and you must love it lol xx

20 Feb, 2010


We can help ourselves...they often cant..says it all really.Spot it for love .xx

20 Feb, 2010


Hello Jane , I've been wondering how you are , have you anybody staying with you while Ray is away , are you alright ? .. ... is Ray coping ?

Talking about birds food I made a big seed cake today then put it in the freezer to harden off and have forgotten to take it out , I had better do that now or there will be trouble in the morning when they look for it ..LOL.. ..
Snowball brings his girlfriend to breakfast every morning these days he then takes her home , he is gone for about an hour and then comes back to spend the rest of the day with Fudge , it's a regular thing now ... :o)

Take care Jane , love to you both x

20 Feb, 2010


snowball,fudge his girlfriend i didnt know you had pet birds amy .just because i worked with chicken and pigs rearing them or making bacon if you like doesnt mean im going to eat them lol .i love animals or at least respect them i guess lol .i hope your well amy .hows tonies (i think thats right) brooze.i thaught you would have had that picture on here bye now lol.anyway take care bye for now xxxxxx

20 Feb, 2010


Leigh , I thought you saw Snowball and Fudge when you were here , maybe I was worried that you would eat them ..LOL...
I have put several pic.s of Snowball and Fudge on here , Snowball arrived here 18 months ago and stayed, fudge arrived 6 months ago and stayed ,, Snowball is a Fan tailed dove and fudge is a racing pigeon , they have been the very best of friends always together , but a few weeks ago Snowball started calling out for a mate and has found one , I took a photo this morning so that you to see them .. you can see Fudge on the other photos ..
I thought you had seen them , next time you come you will !!
Tony's bruising has gone thanks , I don't think they would appreciate seeing that photo on here ...LOL..

21 Feb, 2010


Hi Amy...just been to see your new pics.Snow here...heavy too ! Am here alone Amy...for another week tooo while Ray sorts everything out.GoY has been a chance of feeling too lonely with kind folks like you around.....: 0 )

21 Feb, 2010


So long as you are well and ' clock in ' every day so that we know you are alright thats the main thing . :o)
There's always so much to do isn't there , I can never understand anyone saying they are bored , there's not enough hours in the day , take care x

21 Feb, 2010


Thanks Amy....back to work at 8 in the morning but will be sure to "clock in" during the evenings ! Many thanks..x

21 Feb, 2010


hello amy i remember you saying something now and i wanted to see your black and white black bird lol . i will have to look next time .ill check them out now take care amy love leigh xx
bonkers ive always got a preverbial shoulder to cry on and i wasnt given these big ears for nothing lol xx you take care bye for now people xx.

21 Feb, 2010

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