The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

"The project"


By Great

"The project"

The wildlife area waiting for me to make it beautiful and inviting to birds and small mammals. I over wintered some plants in these pots; now there waiting to be planted into their final positions. Its a bit of a mess at the moment! But just you wait and see

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They look like they have survived our winter, be nice to have them in their permanent home. Bet you're excited!

28 Mar, 2010


thats the spirit Pauline and I cant wait to see it all planted up.

28 Mar, 2010


I have a week off at Easter so I will try to get it done then. Can't promise though

28 Mar, 2010


im sure it will all turn out just fine for you, hope we get a good easter so you can get going :o))

29 Mar, 2010


So we know what you will be doing this Easter Pauline, happy gardening!

2 Apr, 2010


we like to try to entice wildlife too, so will be watching your hard work for inspiration!! :)

5 Apr, 2010


what plants do you have there for the wildlife?

5 Apr, 2010


cottage garden plants for wildlife pauline, rhs is trying to get people back into cottage garden again as it attracts bees which are on decline, such as foxgloves,lupins, wildflower seeds, you could have a meadow area like jacque which attracts lots of bees and butterflies,budleja bush for bees and butterflies to, look jacques profile up and see pics on her meadow area ;o) also a small pond would be good for newts and frogs

6 Apr, 2010


thats good to know, we're on the right lines! 've bought wild seed mix and meadow mix etc so we're on the right path at least!! the more insects that come along, the more birds etc too :) I will take a look at Jacques blog..... thanks san :)

6 Apr, 2010


hi Sandra yes I love the old cottage garden plants. Emmaj I have lupins, foxgloves, bleeding heart, corn marigolds, I will have sunflowers, Nasturtiuns, Dead nettles, Candytuff, sweet peas, poached egg plant,Scabious, lavander, viola, Aquilebra, Delphinum and any thing else I can squeeze in Almost forgot Holyhocks.

6 Apr, 2010


lol pauline are you sure thats all hahahah love them all

6 Apr, 2010


Sandra once I get going there is no stopping me lol I am going to need a bigger garden!!!!

6 Apr, 2010


lol pauline join the club hahah

6 Apr, 2010


you will b busy lol i have those as well love cottage gardens anything gos lol happy gardening

11 Apr, 2010


Well I have made a start - sort off !! cleared the area..............i.e.tipped the compost bins out and bought the plants lol. Sowed some seeds. Moved the pots so I can see the space................ Then had a cup of tea.......Another trip to the garden centre is planned for wednesday lol

11 Apr, 2010


oooh! thats good! I bought a bleeding heart today because my dad bought me one years ago and I loved it! I also have sweetpeas and lavender :) Enjoy your gardening Great and your trip to the garden centre xx

11 Apr, 2010


I like a good project- can't beat a wild-life area!

14 Apr, 2010


thank you, waiting for the sun to get started!! Going to the GC soon

14 Apr, 2010


Yes I had an area like this. Its only really last year I started to get to grips with things.

15 Apr, 2010


I have made a good start today. Dug over the area moved all the clutter out the way. I have a victoria plum tree in this area with bird feeders onit. Its lovely to see the blue tits pecking away first thing in the morning. got some plants im so excited I could burst!!! Going to plant some things with Magic in the name as a memorial to my German Sherperd who had to be put to sleep last week. Still havent stopped crying. Want to make this area lovely for her. She loved watching the birds and chasing the butterflies!!. Got some trellis at the side from the pound shop and some bulbs and other stuff. Want some height in this area any suggestions?

16 Apr, 2010


OH great i am sorry i know what it is like to have your pet put to sleep, i know you won't ever forget but it does get easier, take care.LD

27 Apr, 2010

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