By Sanbaz

10 Apr, 2010
more or less finished pond today, water running, just needs cable running properly to garage,
Comments on this photo
Can't believe the transformation! You must be delighted with it, looks fantastic. Well done, both of you :) Now sit back and enjoy it!
10 Apr, 2010
Excellent job done! Well done to you both!
10 Apr, 2010
Well done its looks good Sanbaz......
10 Apr, 2010
Great result Sandra.Quick tip...site your waterlily away from the splashing water...the flowers close up when it is raining and they dislike being splashed !
10 Apr, 2010
Pond.s looking great Sandra......
10 Apr, 2010
thankyou all, glad you like the pond and thankyou all for your surport and getting me through it all,
cheers ray yes i thought i had heard that before so once the lily grows a bit more will be putting it away from fountain :o)), thanx again everyone :o) xx
10 Apr, 2010
that looks fantastic
10 Apr, 2010
aww thanx eileen ;o))
10 Apr, 2010
10 Apr, 2010
thankyou Drc, im very happy :o))
10 Apr, 2010
It looks wonderful, San...Well done!! Love your lady water nymph, she
is lovely!!
10 Apr, 2010
thanx freesiaperson, my fairy/water nymph ive had since last year but thought she would look nice near pond :o))
10 Apr, 2010
Oh well done you two you have worked hard and it is looking really good nice to hear the sound of water too :o)
10 Apr, 2010
thanx neelan i love the sound of water, so relaxing :o))
10 Apr, 2010
Y W so right :o)
10 Apr, 2010
Wonderful work. What a delightful area. Now just watching it grow. :-)
10 Apr, 2010
cheers GT im aching all over again today, cant move my neck lol, nothing i can do its a repetative injury i have, so excersise and pain killers hahha, :o)
11 Apr, 2010
Sandra, cannot believe my eyes! It's more more beautiful! Well-done both of you!
11 Apr, 2010
Wow you have been so busy San . it looks really good and the tulip does look like my new Hearts delight :o))
11 Apr, 2010
looking really good sandra......... well done to you and baz
11 Apr, 2010
brill..job well done
11 Apr, 2010
cheers guys glad you all like the pond, we are releaved its all done now, just needs cable to be hidden and layed round to the garage, so im just plugging in each day till thats done, got myself some little pond snails today to help keep it clean lol
amy i think your right to about tulips
11 Apr, 2010
Well done to you both,looks fantastic.Sit back and enjoy !!!
11 Apr, 2010
cheers dotty, glad you think so :o))
11 Apr, 2010
It looks wonderful Sandra, your hard work has really paid off! :o)
13 Apr, 2010
im so happy with it sandra, baz is going to put a socket in shed and hide the cable when he has time, cant wait for all the plants to spread and flower, and some wildlife of course :o))
13 Apr, 2010
ponds very pretty Sandra great to relax in on hearing waterfall.
14 Apr, 2010
it sure is Gina, cant wait to sit in warm sun having my breakfast looking at this ;o)
14 Apr, 2010
You lucky girl well let me know and we will have a toast of wine thinkin of you all
14 Apr, 2010
cheers Gina ;o))
14 Apr, 2010
Pond looking good Sandra :o)
14 Apr, 2010
cheers Terra ;o))
15 Apr, 2010
Looks so nice Sandra. We sat out in the garden today for the first time this year and had our lunch out there in the sunshine under the gazzebo ;-)
17 Apr, 2010
thankyou richard im very pleased with how its all turned out, glad you got to sit out in your garden for lunch bet it felt lovely, listening to the birds and all that lovely fresh air and sunshine,
ive been to work this morning then straight home to clear decking with power washer, then did my shed out, spiders flying out everywhere yak lol,got my bistro set out but couldnt find my wood oil treatment for it grrr, not sure where thats gone,baz fitting carpet in his cortina mk2, which will come out for a run now summer here,and now im having 5 mins sit down as my back is killing me ;o))
17 Apr, 2010
it looks lovely
17 Apr, 2010
thanx claireliz and welcome ;o))
17 Apr, 2010
just been looking at your garden Sanbaz and it looks lovely- hope mine turns out just as nice :) and ty for the welcome
17 Apr, 2010
thanx claireliz its been a year since i started mine and cant believe how much we have done, amazing how plants soon get establisted, im now an addict, you will get lots of good addvice on here to so enjoy ;o))
17 Apr, 2010
I cleaned out my shed a few weeks ago Sandra but things are starting to creep back in (mostly my things...lol)
I need to blast our decking too with the pressure washer - last time I used it- it wasn't working too well tho'. Look after your back -we only have one each! :-)
17 Apr, 2010
lol richard your right there,,,i had to put some patio cleaner on also as it gets mildue and awfull to clear, but think i cracked it, just needs new stain now, also put wood oil on my bistro set so that looks like new again ;o)
17 Apr, 2010
You will soon be dining out with your bistro set in the garden Sandra with nice views of your pond. They say that we are going to have a long hot summer I would like this so much for a change. We have to go though 'arctic conditions' next week? tho'. by all accounts. :-)
17 Apr, 2010
dont say that richard, what about all our plants that are showing,, will they die ;o((
17 Apr, 2010
Hope not Sandra -have you heard of this on the weather news for next week?
17 Apr, 2010
not looked yet richard, i dare not cause i will be so upset lol
17 Apr, 2010
I think I agree in this case Sandra I so hope they are wrong with this!!
17 Apr, 2010
just looked and seems ok but can go to about 4c in night but sun and part cloud till next weekend then some rain and a bit warmer again, so not to bad richard, wont need the thermals lol
17 Apr, 2010
That's great then Sandra -they must have changed the forcast. At least no more volcanic ash ! :-)
17 Apr, 2010
not sure about that one richard, just been reading up on air flights as my son stuck in athens with college trip, should have been home today, i cant get him on his mobile because of network problems, its a nightmare, i know he is with teachers but im still worried about him, ive transfered some money to his account so at least he can buy food, no signs of it changing they say till wind changes direction, funny how we want lovely weather but now im wishing it would get a bit windy to change this situation ;o(
18 Apr, 2010
I am sure that your son will be OK Sandra and will get home when the planes start to fly again. At least he has plenty of company-if he anything like I was at that age he is probably enjoying the extra time that he has in Athens.
Please keep us posted on his progress if you can :-)
18 Apr, 2010
hi richard its in a blog now, they are flying to spain tomorrow hopefully then road trip back here by coach for 20 hours aprox, unless i hear anything else ;o)
18 Apr, 2010
Well I am glad it seems to be sorted for you now Sandra :-)
18 Apr, 2010
cheers richard ;o)
18 Apr, 2010
I like your fairy Sanbaz....I would love some for my garden. I collect little ones for the house. New collection for the garden hee hee hee. :o)
15 Oct, 2010
thanx Alex glad you like my fairy, they do look lovely in the garden dont they, look forward to seeing yours when you get them ;o)) lol
15 Oct, 2010
It's a bit too heavy on the hardscape surrounding your pond and seems to be out of proportion to the ponds diameter. Actually it has the appearance of a meteorite crater. I would suggest that you remove some areas of the egg rock and place some plantings into those pockets for a more natural look.
18 Sep, 2011
dont think i like you tone and i had just made the pond actually and now its alot different with alot of planting,so please be carefull with your comments.
also i love my pond but unfortunatly dont like you.
19 Sep, 2011
Well said San, flipping cheek!! who asked them anyway? notice they have not written anything about themselves, always suspicious!!
19 Sep, 2011
thanx for your surport dotty, its very suspicious i agree.must not have anything better to do in their lives.
19 Sep, 2011
I agree with Dottydaisy's comment. I think it looks great and I also think if you've nothing nice to say about something, then don't say anything at all! Cheek.
19 Sep, 2011
thankyou sheila :o)
19 Sep, 2011
I, too have had a look at his profile (the nosy bint I am!) and there's nothing there. Maybe he's the invisible man!lol
19 Sep, 2011
lol sheila, cowards are invisible haha
19 Sep, 2011
19 Sep, 2011
just seen this through pond ideas - what a grand job Sandra - I am a big fan of cobbles and rocks and great how the slate is running down . When my waterfall packed in I turned it into a rockery type thing and slate for a frog's home - is your fountain solar powered or electric - I'd love one of these
1 Dec, 2011
hi paul thankyou, i enjoyed making the pond, but next year im going to see what i can do to keep it more clear, though the pump and filter should do that, and of course i got the barley straw this year,maybe i will take out the baskets as the plants arent doing to well, it may help, didnt realise it was such hard work keeping a pond lol
the pump i have is electric but they dont use alot of power, its called easy clear i think, come in 3 different sizes, mine is middle size which alows the waterfall as well as fountain,
as for frog home iv used a spare ridge tile left over from the porch roof, its ideal as a home for frogs, casper cant get into it and its thick enough for warmth with leaves in.
your pond is lovely paul, you have done a great job ;o)
1 Dec, 2011
Thanks Sandra on info and nice comment back - it is a good deal of work keeping a pond :D I empty half out and climb in with wellies and chat to the fish lol - then fish the fish out into bath and hoover the algae and all out - no filter now :(
1 Dec, 2011
i have to clean out by hand, which is messy, it doesnt bother me doing it but it grows back so quick, gets between the stones which is hard to shift, but im keeping the pond, just have to deal with it lol :o)
1 Dec, 2011
Yes I am afraid I had no choice but to put pond in sunny hot spot in my garden and it is just bound to attract loads of algae - maybe a winter of rain water to reduce it - says tap water goes greener faster anyway :)))))))))))
1 Dec, 2011
fingers crossed paul, i havent had to top mine this year as plenty of rain here this year lol, i will give it another good clean in spring before summer starts to :o))
1 Dec, 2011
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Nymphaea 'Aurora' (Water Lily)
£22.99 at Crocus -
Easy Clear Filter And Fountain Pump
£139.95 at Ferndale Lodge
Looks great bet you are so pleased with it.:o)))
10 Apr, 2010