Moon shot
By Gee19

27 Apr, 2010
Not quite a full moon but it was so clear last night I couldn't resist. This was taken about 1am this morning.
Comments on this photo
ditto i've tried so many times to get a good pic of the moon :-)
well done you must have a good camera
thanks for sharing xxx
27 Apr, 2010
Clever girl - great photo Gee !
27 Apr, 2010
I tried too last night, don't know what they look like yet, until I transfer them on the PC.....
27 Apr, 2010
great shot.....
27 Apr, 2010
Great shot i was in noddy land at that time....
27 Apr, 2010
Great show Gee , I still can't get a good one .. . Me to Carole , in the land of nod !
27 Apr, 2010
great shot..but where are the stars..? lol
27 Apr, 2010
beautiful photo
27 Apr, 2010
Bella Lunar........ great shot Gee
27 Apr, 2010
nice, need to try this again, tried before but used to slow setting instead of a fast one.
28 Apr, 2010
I must admit I clicked away for quite a while, trying all sorts of settings, before I managed an acceptable shot :)
Thanks, all, for your kind comments. Stars, Deida? The only ones I saw were the ones when I tripped over my tripod in the dark :)
28 Apr, 2010
Lol..Oh Gee got tears in my eyes for laughter.serves you wright doing the the moonlight
28 Apr, 2010
I have 2 visions of you now Gee. One is creeping about at night at 1 am photographing the moon when you could be cosy in bed .The other is of you under one of those camoflage, leafy nets, taking fantastic pictures of garden birds. The only decent picture I ever got 'sky at night' wise was that ?halley Bop comet thingy some time back.
28 Apr, 2010
Your first vision is right, Dorjac but if I ever got under one of those net things I would never get out again - no sense of direction at all! I stand in my kitchen snapping the birds, a cup of coffee (or hot chocolate) on the side, ignoring the housework that needs doing, very cosy, thank you :)
29 Apr, 2010
I had to rush round the other day to dust and clean the hand wash basin as the doctor was paying a house visit......astonishingly. Since the weather has improved I have been out in the garden a lot, and let the dust settle. The birdies fly off when I try to take a picture. Think I might buy a net!!!!!!
29 Apr, 2010
29 Apr, 2010
Good pic Gee :o)
30 Apr, 2010
Excellent moon shot, you are as bad as me keeping such late hours......
2 May, 2010
Good shot Gee. The moon is still up this morning although on the wane. It has been wonderful and the other night when full had a halo around it.
4 May, 2010
I can still see a moon this morning at half seven am. I saw my Halley- Bop picture when I was looking for a photo of me with an Afro hair hair dresser wants to see it. Waiting for the digger men from water pipe putter inners to dig a dig hole outside our frontage. Will have to dash to do weekly shop a day late then find I can't get back in in the drive!!!!!!!!! No time for gardening I fear. Maybe later.
4 May, 2010
Too cloudy to see much this morning unfortunately! Sounds like you are having a hectic time, Dorjac. Get the digger men to carry your shopping indoors for you :)
4 May, 2010
that is an awesome photo!
4 May, 2010
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i still cant get a shot like this Gee, oh well just have to keep admiring yours lol
27 Apr, 2010