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enjoying constance


By Sanbaz

enjoying constance

this bumble went mad for clematis constance, buzzing away

Comments on this photo


Oh San what a brilliant picture, clever you its fantastic, putting it on my Favs right now.

27 Apr, 2010


Sandra what a beautifully taken pic ever thought about professional photograpy? :-)

27 Apr, 2010


This is an interesting clemmie. I just bought the C. Tangutica which has yellow pendulous flowers and blooms later in the Clem. collection is growing...will have to put Constance on the wish list. I don't know what's at play here...but we have some very early bumblebees in the garden that are the size of a Rolls-Royce. Their rumbling bass notes add a bottom to the birdsong..spring seems to hit all the senses at once! great pic!

27 Apr, 2010


He's giving Constance a big hug, Sanbaz - great photo.

27 Apr, 2010


thanx guys for all you lovely comments, i really enjoy taking pictures especially wildlife,
Gina i would have love to have taken up photography but in our house when young you left school and got a job, fortunatly i always was interested in hair to, so did that ;o))
Lori i like the yellow one you mentioned to ;o)

27 Apr, 2010


great pic

27 Apr, 2010


cheers holly ;o))

27 Apr, 2010


Brill photo Sandra....

27 Apr, 2010


cheers carol ;o))

27 Apr, 2010


Just sent you a message on one of the Harrogate show photos, to tell you, now wait for it, sit cumfy, and quess what, rang back to thompson & morgan again today, and our buzz plants are now in wearhouse waiting to be sent out and they should be with us before end of week, like i said i'm going to put flag out when they come, and if they dont i'll be back on to them saturday morning...After 8mths and 6 phone calls feel like where getting somewhere with them.

27 Apr, 2010


wow that was fast carol lol, NOT, i think they should give you a free plant alog with them for the price of the calls and all the waiting to, oh well chance of a catch up and a cuppa when they arrive ;o))

27 Apr, 2010


Your on, hope they dont let us down :o))

27 Apr, 2010


me to carol , fingers crossed,

27 Apr, 2010


Fingers crossed ...

27 Apr, 2010


Thats a great photo San . and I love the constance clematis , I haven't seen that one before ..

27 Apr, 2010


thanx amy, i got it last year after seeing barbara`s, i found it in a local hardwear store, its grown really fast to ;o)

27 Apr, 2010


Great photo Sandra

27 Apr, 2010


thankyou so much hywel ;o)

27 Apr, 2010


Stunning photo Sandra...on to our favourites !

27 Apr, 2010


thankyou so much ray ;o))

27 Apr, 2010


lovely photo

27 Apr, 2010


cheers eileen ;o))

27 Apr, 2010


Stunning picture Sandra. We've had a heavy load of bee's this year aswell. Don't mind them its the wasps as you know! lol

27 Apr, 2010


lol steve ive seen some huge wasps today trying to get in my shed, so hope they arent looking to make a nest there. love the bumbles

27 Apr, 2010


Errrmm no you def don't want a bees nest. Last thing you want is 2000 bees love them or not! Mind you, free honey if you dare lol

27 Apr, 2010


you can get farmers to take honey bees away but not wasps, have to get enviramentle health which costs, will just keep checking shed to hear buzzing armed with swat lol

27 Apr, 2010


Think you'll need more than a swat if you disturb the bees nest!! I'm thinking a welders suit! lol

27 Apr, 2010


lol dont think its bees steve, its wasps im seeing going in shed, but i keep scooting them out, if i were to get bees would call someone out to get them out safely, our honey bees are on the decline so we need to encourage them by buying cottage garden plants and wild flowers,

27 Apr, 2010


That is a classic shot, Sandra. You really have the knack of getting those special shots! ;o)

27 Apr, 2010


aww thankyou for the complement Tog ;o))

27 Apr, 2010


You wouldn't get me scooting wasps out, i'd be getting them all in there and set fire to the shed! lol. Oh the love i have for wasps just ooozes out of me!! NOT. lol

27 Apr, 2010


lol steve, made me laugh,, dont think i will go to that extream, need my shed hahha

27 Apr, 2010


If I could get rid of every last wasp on the planet at the price of a new shed then that is a small price to pay. In fact, i'd get 2 sheds just to be sure! lol. I hate the buggers as they serve no purpose on this planet apart from making a beeline for me. TRUE!! Love hate relationship, they love me & well i just hate them with a passion in case you didn't realise! ;-)

27 Apr, 2010


lol steve, your just like my brother he is exactly the same when it comes to wasps, he freaks out at the site of one,

28 Apr, 2010


Yep i'm with him on that. lol

28 Apr, 2010


cheers steve, i got a new clematis today ,lol its a double white called arctic queen, lovely, look it up on google, think you will like it, also got a rambling rose for the back fence near the pond called iceberg climber, both a bit more expensive than i wanted to pay but well established and will hopefully lasy me a long time ;o)

28 Apr, 2010


Very nice, would've loved a double white but they didn't have them there. My white i got today is called a Gladys Picard (I think). It flowers in mid to late spring so thought that'll be nice to see some flowers from them as the others dont flower till summer! :-(

28 Apr, 2010


ive heard of that one to steve, yes its nice to have ones that open at different times isnt it, would be even better if they all flowered from spring right through ;o)

28 Apr, 2010


Yes it so would and thats why i got the president aswell coz he flowers twice a year apparantly. We'll see! lol.
I really must get off this PC & get my butt in garden. lol
Just sent you an email aswell.

28 Apr, 2010


cracking pic, love the clematis.
just seen that the local garden centre got some double white one's in, get one for my collection.

28 Apr, 2010


byeee steve hurry with pics lol
user i just got a double white today or did you see i wrote that lol, i cant wait for it to flower and get bigger ;o)

28 Apr, 2010


terrific photo Sandra! :o)

28 Apr, 2010


thankyou sandra, glad you like it ;o))

28 Apr, 2010


This is one of the best photos in my favourites folder ! Thanks for sharing it with us Sandra. :-))

28 Apr, 2010


aww how kind muddy, glad you like it so much ;o)) x

28 Apr, 2010


great shot're too good with that camera now!

Nice flower too:0)

29 Apr, 2010


Good pic Sandra...
I'm trying to catch up with GoY... way behind..Lol.

30 Apr, 2010


thanx Dan lol, always room for improvment, thats what my son always tells me lol ;o))
cheers Terra its a nightmare trying to catch up isnt it,, dont worry we know you have a life ;o)) x

30 Apr, 2010


Lol. My "life" this afternoon was scrubbing pavings...
17 done.... 83 to go..Lol. x

30 Apr, 2010


lol Terra, gosh all by hand,, you are doing well, i just use a power washer, trouble is i get more wet than the pathing etc lol x

30 Apr, 2010


Am trying to catch up with so many photos at mo,that I need extra hours in the day!!!! Gone straight to my Favs san~an incredible photo,beautifully caught!XXX

30 Apr, 2010


thankyou so much flori i must say i was pleased with this pic myself ;o)) its so hard catching up flori, i just hate it when ive been away and look at my list hahah, sometimes i just make one comment about a group of pics a member has submited just so i can catch up, it does help a bit flori ;o)) xx

30 Apr, 2010


I so love catching up on everyone's picts,and there are so many wonderful one's that get posted.........I don't think I could cope with this site if I couldn't get on line for a week or two.............LOL!

30 Apr, 2010


lol know what you mean, i just love looking through them all, the flowers, plants , wildlife, everything haha, drive hubby mad hahah

30 Apr, 2010


You think that's bad! Had to remind my OH who I was the other day, as he sees so little of me less he pops into the Spare room and sees me tapping away on the PC hahahahahaha!

30 Apr, 2010


lol flori, its not good really for quality time hahah the art of convesation is dead lol

30 Apr, 2010


Lovely Sanbaz, I have a blue one with white middle but don't know it's name. The rose sounds nice. Steve mentioned about wasps having no purpose, they flew all the baby caterpillars from our cabbage family to take back to their nest to feed their young with last year and we only had to spray the plants once at the end of the season. I must admit though they are vicious beast when they sting as they can sting you more than once as their stingers and straight. Bees only sting once as their stingers have a barb on and get trapped in your skin, so it rips their insides.

4 May, 2010


thanx linda i love watching the bees buzzing about and they dont bother me, i have to say i cant bare wasps but im not as bad now im in the garden, guess im getting use to them as long as they dont keep coming at me and if they keep pests away from your cabbages then all good ;o)

4 May, 2010


fair play to you san wot a wonderful shot xxxx

4 May, 2010


cheers angie, how you doing ;o) xx

4 May, 2010


Hey San doing ok - so jealous of your fab camera - It's on my wish list - at last I'm gettting a laptop this week so next saving up project is a fab camera :)

5 May, 2010


lol angie i got mine off ebay a fraction of the price, glad your getting a ;laptop, i love mine , never off it as you know lol

5 May, 2010


Can't wait should be here tomorrow and if all is well I'll be logging on from the comfort of the sofa :)

6 May, 2010


thats great angie ;o))

6 May, 2010

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