Thanks Drbob ..
By Bonkersbon

4 May, 2010
You told him to do what with that cane !!! ?
Comments on this photo
Hi Tanny poor old thing 13 this year ! Sorry you need to see previous photo of small cherry tree to make sense of this ..
4 May, 2010
AAawwwwwwwwwwww what a Pretty Bunny Jane/Ray :)
4 May, 2010
Oh Ray/Jane, I see your bunny's tail is safely tucked away.
4 May, 2010
Oh how cute is he.....
4 May, 2010
Thanks Janette.........
4 May, 2010
He is so cute and looks so wistful, love to give him a cuddle!
4 May, 2010
Lovely of you Pp..13 years old and so frail now....this taken last autumn............
4 May, 2010
Aww , its nice ti know he is being well cared for in his senior years.
4 May, 2010
Remember Pp...spent 4 months this winter in the kitchen.Happy to be outside once again !
4 May, 2010
I do remember BB, nice that he is able to roam around outside now.
4 May, 2010
4 May, 2010
awww he is so so cute ray/jane, look at that little face, i want a cuddle,,, a good age to bless him xx
5 May, 2010
He is a little sweetie....
5 May, 2010
Ooh! great, rabbit stew my favourite. No seriously he's lovely I couldn't harm a hair on his head. 13 years old fanatastic, long may he last. As for the cane, well I had that enough times in my young days at school.
5 May, 2010
Thanks Sandra and Clarice x
Dont know how Hun keeps on going Doctorbob....lots of dandelions we think ! The dreaded cane..dont remind times have changed !
5 May, 2010
Bless him, what a great age - don't blame him for keeping his tail out of sight :)
5 May, 2010
Hello Bunny..... tell RayandJane to give you some nice red's medicinal.. Clover is happily munching his daily bunch. what a sweet fellow you look...I gather that somehow you've run afoul of the powers that be... could it be a rabbits natural instinct to chew? I have to watch Clover around cords... he could get a nasty took the prunings from the crabapple and made a present of them.....He's polished off a couple of branches...likes to bite off twigs and sit happily/dreamily munching! lol....
6 May, 2010
Lol Gee !
Lori..only have the green clover here...that goes down well too!
6 May, 2010
Wonderful Bunny.
6 May, 2010
So sweet and beautiful markings his eyes matching ears lovely.
6 May, 2010
Thank you Toto and Sixpence.........
6 May, 2010
Your welcome what is its name
6 May, 2010
Hun Sixpence...a very special elderly rabbit.......
6 May, 2010
Hun is a lovely name, when they get looked after well and fed well they can live quite a long time. I was reading above you had it in the kitchen over winter, that s what I use to do with mine lol it was a lopped eared rabbit.
6 May, 2010
Had to do that Sixpence..her old bones would not have coped with the freezing temps we had here.Moved her indoors the first morning we found her water dish frozen solid..........
6 May, 2010
She is a little beauty,I would love to cuddle her too....
6 May, 2010
Yes you can't take the chance, I never did and mine was a young one, does it play hide and seek when in doors like mine use to, hide behind the tv and settee lol.
6 May, 2010
First time in al those years she has not spent winter in her hutch...tells a lot about the severity of the winter just gone. She ambled about in the porch when we cleaned her out...but made a few doddery jumps when her feet felt grass under them again ! Lol
6 May, 2010
Lol I bet she loved it they said this morning that it has been the most servere winter for 30 yrs which has bought a warm spring, to which the trees are late in budding which has bought up more wild flowers on the ground and also more cherry blossom as the big trees are not shadowing with darkness preventing like the blue bells and wild anenomies they are blooming up like mad this year.
6 May, 2010
Makes sense Sixpence !
6 May, 2010
You will now have to watch for this winter with Hun hope she enjoys the spring grass, its like being released from prison, to get out after being couped up. lol I know. hehe.
6 May, 2010
Will take no chances next at the first frosts ! Hoping she makes it through another summer..........
6 May, 2010
I hope she does she is lovely would be very sad such a beauty leaving and being part of the family.
6 May, 2010
:o) :o(
6 May, 2010
hun is gorgeous. glad she is out and about again enjoying the grass and fresh air..
8 May, 2010
Thanks SBG according to Guiness Book of Records 14 is oldest age for a domestic rabbit - never been near a vet , cant munch much now and carrots have to be grated for her very fond of grapes too bless her and her early life wasnt good as Jane rescued her .
8 May, 2010
What a dear little bunny...just want to hug that face! That is a good age, hope for a warm summer so she can enjoy being outside. :o)
10 May, 2010
So do we do we........:o)
10 May, 2010
Hun the Bun! I had no idea a rabbit could live that long! You must be doing something very right by her Ray/Jane! Well done. :-)
11 May, 2010
I know Sid...the years just sort of crept up on us and then one day we did a tally ! She is amazing....very doddery...but still has a brilliant appetite !
11 May, 2010
Beautiful rabbit...well done Ray and Jane. Funny how animals don't get all geriatric and wrinkly like us!! your rabbit looks really sprightly and cuddly!
11 May, 2010
LOL Karen they dont do they !! She is so frail...yet soft.Often just stroke the top of her head..and tickle behind her ears..which she loves...!
11 May, 2010
awww wt a cute thing!!!!
12 May, 2010
Aww bless her....She loves to eat! With spring comes young fresh clover, and in a while there will be blossoms, so every morning I bring Clover a bouquet of dandelion blossoms and leaves...and clover, vetch, and sorrel. He won't eat the sorrel...can take or leave the vetch...but mows through the dandelions and clover....and when the clover starts to flower he gets very picky...
"Only blossoms, please! I"m on a diet!!"
13 May, 2010
Thanks Aleyna.........
Lori...Hun has taken to dandelion flowers big time....throw a handful in with her grated carrot and they are gone in a flash ! Will bee putting her out on lawn again as soon as we get rid of these biting north eastern winds !
13 May, 2010
Its great she has a good appetite...I know that rabbits teeth can start to curl back so they find it hard to eat - although it's easy to deal with - the vet just clips them!!
14 May, 2010
really should check out Clover for that...had gerbils that needed their teeth clipped...they were very old for gerbils...five years!!
Sounds like you are having our weather...the winds are strong, out of the north, and so biting.... in the sun and shelter it is quite nice...but that wind just takes all the joy out of sitting or working outdoors otherwise.
14 May, 2010
She has hardly any teeth left Sid...soon be sucking on her grated carrot !
Lori...warmer here today and wind dropped and changed direction...gentler....thank goodness ! 5 years certainly was old for gerbils...bless them.
15 May, 2010
maybe she would like some carrot juice!! Very hip rabbit.. wisdom comes with age?.... working teeth are so important...
15 May, 2010
Lol !
15 May, 2010
I used to have some gerbils too....can't remember how old they got, but I liked having them, they were good fun the ol' gerbs :-)
15 May, 2010
Aye Sid....preferred them to hamsters...more lively...and les inclined to nip !! Lol
15 May, 2010
little kangaroo rats!... can those little guys every jump! first ones we had, bought a pair. Son decided that it wasn't fair to keep them in a cage...when the cat had the run of the house!! lol.... What a circus! ... the cat was fagged out ...stretched out panting and the gerbil had blood on him!!! It was the cat's blood...gerbil was fine...but he got hold of my hand and sunk his teeth into the flesh between the thumb and index finger...(new definition of control)...what it takes to patiently pry it's little jaws apart...when you just want to shake the little blighter off! But in calmer circumstances, I agree BB/Jane...they never bit or even threatened to bite...lovely pets!
17 May, 2010
lol Lori!!
They are so sweet too - those lovely little whiskery faces, doe eyes and the way they sit up straight to look about....AWWWWWWW!!!!!! Oh, dear. That's it. I've gone to mush.
I was always careful to introduce our old cat Goldie to new pets - she was aloud to sniff them and have a good close look and I explained to her that these belonged to the Humans and were not for Cats to play with! She even tolerated a gerbil clambering around on her back bless her. She also tolerated our house rabbit Bunsey - he adored her and was often seen grooming her! But only when she didn't think anyone was looking....when she saw you looking she'd give you that indignant "Huh, That Rabbit!" look of hers and instantly move away!!
17 May, 2010
Next on the wish list...some more gerbils ! LOL
17 May, 2010
LOL I've always fancied keeping some in an aquarium tank so you can see them digging their tunnels.
18 May, 2010
Now theres an idea .........................Lol
18 May, 2010
The only down side to having hamsters or gerbils is the fact that they don't live very long... we are just getting to really love and appreciate them and their little lives are done in three to five years... sad. Having them in an aquarium made for interesting viewing when the babies where small... you could see right into the nest.. The babies are so tiny, pink, hairless, blind, with their tails curled around them.
19 May, 2010
Ah yes indeed Lori.....
The only down side I can see to having them in an aquarium is trying to pusuade them to keep on their little tiny snorkles.....
19 May, 2010
LOL !!!
19 May, 2010
Ah yes indeed Sid....
and those little flipper feet...
20 May, 2010
Could waterwings be the answer...?
20 May, 2010
Better wings than halos!
21 May, 2010
Awwww - ickle tiny halos! ;-D Gone mushy again.....
21 May, 2010
22 May, 2010
Hi all...Jane here..Just to say that Hun passed away this morning...peacefully in her sleep.My special friend...she will never be forgotten.....
26 May, 2010
I'm so sorry to hear that, Jane.... it's hard to lose a dear pet,... bless her she went in the best way possible... Hugs...
27 May, 2010
Awwww, Jane, I'm so sorry. But what a wonderfully long life! She was very lucky to have you for her mum. xx
27 May, 2010
Sorry to hear this Jane, bless little Hun...she went the best way possible. x
29 May, 2010
Thanks Lori,Sid and Pg.....she was special x
29 May, 2010
Hey bonkers.... I'm green of jealous!!! ... What a lucky couple you are with all this wild life around your gardens...
This little bunny is a precious thing!!!
30 May, 2010
I should read all the messages to the end... :(
Sorry about your pet Jane...I agree with Sid, Hun was lucky with such a wonderful couple as "parents" :)
God bless her last sleep!
30 May, 2010
Oh Aleyna..she passed away a few days ago now..but she is buried at the top of the garden.with stones over her and a plant to scramble over the stones....She had a happy life...
30 May, 2010
No worries Aleyna...we posted at the same time.Thankyou..she is at rest....
30 May, 2010
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Whats this?, a new member of the family. It looks very soft and cuddly, wouldn't do for a scruffy bushman from way back.
4 May, 2010