By Dottydaisy2

20 Jul, 2010
Think this might be Picasso....
Comments on this photo
that`s lovely...
21 Jul, 2010
21 Jul, 2010
Louis thanks was not sure,when I googled, it looked more spotty, I expect it can depend on the soil.
Thanks Elsie and JJ.
21 Jul, 2010
very pretty dotty ;o))
21 Jul, 2010
Thanks San....
21 Jul, 2010
Lovely, lost all mine last winter:-(
22 Jul, 2010
Lost most of mine to Simbad ..
There doing well to be flowering now with eveything being late this year ..Well done DD
Hope yours flower in time ..
22 Jul, 2010
Simbad, so did I, boo hoo. But this is lovely.
22 Jul, 2010
These are all new, OH grew them from tubers this year, sorry to hear you all lost your Cannas, it was a bad winter though......perhaps we will be lucky this time and get a mild one?
22 Jul, 2010
Awesome close up Dotty. I have to join the crowd and say I lost all of my cannas this winter too. I had some of them for 10 years.
30 Jul, 2010
Very nice looking plant :o)
30 Jul, 2010
Hi Flcrazy how are you doing? such a shame to have lost your cannas, especially after having them as long as 10 had a bad winter too then?
30 Jul, 2010
a big favorite of mine,love the foliage too,last winter was one of the coldest on record,so its no surprise we all lost so many plants.
31 Jul, 2010
We do take them out of the ground, and keep them in a shed, but this is a new one this year......
31 Jul, 2010
Thanks Dotty, great to be back. Finally through with our remodeling projects.
We've had one of the hardest winters since I started seriously gardening in 2000.
31 Jul, 2010
In the UK also worst winter here for 30 years.......
31 Jul, 2010
It's wild how we can be so far apart, yet our weather be so similar. Just thinking about all the plants I lost has me dreading cold weather again already. I'm hoping it was just a one time deal, not a sign of things to come.
31 Jul, 2010
Me too........
2 Aug, 2010
That's a real beauty.
27 Sep, 2011
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Very well done DD2, and yes, that is the Picasso. I am hoping mine will flower before my open garden............ :-)
21 Jul, 2010