Blueberry "Top Hat"
By David
- 8 Aug, 2010
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The lower leaves on my bushes are already a deep crimson, which should be their Autumn colour !
8 Aug, 2010
Yummy! Did you eat your top hat yet? lol :o)
8 Aug, 2010
Not yet, Bo'sun!! Have some bananas leaving to ripen well, and then including some in Sanbaz's wonderful recipe for banana and blueberry loaf, which we made before, and is wonderful (see Goypedia "Recipes from the garden" page). A great way to "eat your hat"!!! ;-D)
8 Aug, 2010
The only way Cap'n.......mines a straw un ya see :o)
8 Aug, 2010
OMG, Bo'sun - reminds me o' the "Wiz o'Oz" theme, lol!!
Bein' made o' straw, methinks your 'at is, at least a "boater"??? :-)))
8 Aug, 2010
'they look so delicious... one for the basket, two for the mouth!
9 Aug, 2010
Lovely to see you have some David, none on mine as yet.
9 Aug, 2010
Yummy. Have you had this plant for long? What are the blueberries like - what sort of area do they like to be in?
9 Aug, 2010
But o' course Cap'n nothin else ud do for a bosun yo ho ho :o)
9 Aug, 2010
Wow David ...... they have done much better than ours , ours have almost wizened up on the stalks they have never been so bad before ,, I wonder if they needed watering when we were on holiday ?
10 Aug, 2010
Ship-shape, then, Bo'sun!! :-)))
Have, for the first time, reached the kitchen with them all, Lori, lol!!! Banana and blueberry loaf made!!! :-)))
You won't get any now, of course, 6d. If yours is a new bush, might get some next year. Keeping all crossed for you! :-)))
Hi Janie! Bought 3 bushes of this variety Spring last year. this is a dwarf variety, so great for containers/small gardens/patio, etc, I grow mine in containers, because they need ericaceous soil/compost (acidic, as per azaleas, rhododendrons, suchlike). My older bush (variety "Earliblue"), which have had for 4 years now, is in a very large pot. I try to keep the pots in shade, but the top of the bushes in as much sun/daylight as poss. Always water with collected rainwater if poss (not too difficult, even in "summer", lol), as rainwater is more acidic than mains tap water. I treat mine occasionally to a liquid ericaceaous plant feed, but only because I can get this at a local £1 store!! Scraping off the top few inches of compost in Spring, and replacing with fresh, feeding with the £1 liquid twice in summer, means that I spend £4 a year on my 5 bushes - not far off the cost af one small plastic "punnet of blueberries in the supermarket (blueberries never seem to reduce in price, do they?) Hope this is of use to you. Sounds complicated, but very very easy,in fact. :-)))
Very possibly, Amy! At the time you were away, the weather here, at least, was excellent. I spent ages watering every evening, and my rain buckets were dry. This must be the reason! :-(((
10 Aug, 2010
Thank you David , did nt think i would
10 Aug, 2010
Lol :o)
10 Aug, 2010
Ripe already! Ours are still green near the ocean here, but friends inland are keeping us well supplied in the meantime. I posted a recipe for Blueberry muffins in my blogs. Blueberries taste so much better cooked, I find.
11 Aug, 2010
Many Thanks, Elke! Yes, I have even made the muffins from your very own recipe - marvelous!! :-)) It is included in the Goypedia pages "blueberries" and also "recipes from the garden", so will easily find again - Many Thanks for it!!!
15 Aug, 2010
Yours looked a lot fatter than ours this year, we have put them in the garden now in the woodland area area where the soil is acid we usually feed them with seaweed, unfortunately we were away when they should have been at their best.
25 Sep, 2010
Pity you missed them at that time, Dd. Sounds like they will look really good in their new location, especially with their crimson autumn leaves. :-))
30 Sep, 2010
They are still green at the moment......
30 Sep, 2010
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This photo is of "F. Herbs, Fruit & Vegetables." in David's garden
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Yummy, and pretty leaves too.
8 Aug, 2010