The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Parthenocissus ' Veitch Boskoop '


By Amy

Parthenocissus  '  Veitch Boskoop '  (Parthenocissus)

Given to me by Hywel 2008 and is a wonderful colour it replaced an Ivy on the garage wall .....

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gorgeous colour Amy.

6 Sep, 2010


Lovely red for a bit of colour in the autum.

6 Sep, 2010


Stunning colour Amy. As Sixpence said, lovely for the Autumn.

6 Sep, 2010


Thanks Yorkshire / 6p / Linda , i'm so pleased with it as you say it's a lovely autumn colour ,I can't wait for it to cover the whole wall .. :o)

6 Sep, 2010


Beautiful colour Amy .it will look stunning when it covers your wall I have two growing on my back fence ,only little still .bought them in Morrisons ,2 for £3 .....thought they were a bargain ...

6 Sep, 2010


Ooh...its turning already Amy......such a gorgeous colour...I bought one a few weeks ago to cover a piece of bare wall...then realized theres no border below it....:o(((

6 Sep, 2010


I'd forgotten about that lol. Glad it's doing well :o)

6 Sep, 2010


That was a bargain Janette I paid £7.99 for another one with a different name to go up and over a shed , our Morrisons don't seem to have as much gardening stuff as other peoples .....
Mines in a big pot Janey , there was to much concrete at the base of the garage as you can see it's quite happy in it ... .....

6 Sep, 2010


Thanks Hywel , it's lovely I'm so pleased with it , I was waiting for it to grow before I let you see it , I love the red colour it's so bright you should see it when the sun shines on it ... .x

6 Sep, 2010


Its doing well Amy .....

6 Sep, 2010


It is Milky thanks ..:o)

6 Sep, 2010


Very good Amy and so nice that it came from a fellow GOY member i.e. Hywel.

7 Sep, 2010


Thats the nice thing isn't it Dawn , you have a lot of friends to think about on your way round the garden .. :o))

7 Sep, 2010


HI Amy, hope you're OK. Yes, I agree what you say. I think of you alot when I walk around my garden :-)))

7 Sep, 2010


Ah Thanks Dawn , and I have so many nice plants to remind me of you as well ... all growing brilliantly .. :o))

7 Sep, 2010


stunning colour

7 Sep, 2010


Shall plant it in a pot now Amy.....yours is doing so well....:o)

7 Sep, 2010


You do that Janey , mines happy and growing well and looks nice with the big pot against the wall .. :o)

7 Sep, 2010

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This photo is of "Parthenocissus ' Veitch Boskoop ' " in Amy's garden

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