Nasturtium Planter
By Greenthumb

25 Sep, 2010
At the nursery we have a number of really old trucks. This one is filled up with dirt and planted with nasturtium each year, really a wonderful display. Customers have equal interest in the planting and the truck.
Comments on this photo
what a brilliant thing to do, its wonderful
25 Sep, 2010
I think so Meanie. I'm cleaning up all the perennial beds and stock outside, counting inventory, but its almost finished. Inside is short people, so I think I can transition in very easily. They still haven't been very vocal about it, but they aren't very vocal at
Isn't it great Yorkshire? The owner takes a lot of pride in this. Always out reminding me not to fertilize I would. :-)
25 Sep, 2010
you know what Greenthumb, that would look brilliant framed
25 Sep, 2010
It would make a cute picture. Thank for the idea. :)
25 Sep, 2010
People have come to do photo shoots here by the truck and around in my perennial yard. It has been just beautiful this year. My boss is very pleased with himself about this planter in particular. :-) Can see why with all the interest.
28 Sep, 2010
do you have any problens with catapillars GT?
29 Sep, 2010
Almost none at all Stevie. Nasturtium is the flower of choice up here due to it being easy and trouble free. I've never had so much as a munch on the leaf. We had a strange one this year that ate little circles but it was mostly in the chokecherry trees. We also don't have slugs or snails so none of that either. I've seen caterpillar crawling around but they mainly eat on veggies or a large leafed willow we have here, the alaska willow, which they seem to like.
29 Sep, 2010
This is so unusual Greenthumb....Very pretty!
1 Oct, 2010
Love it :o)
1 Oct, 2010
Thank you. I do think it is really a clever idea.
1 Oct, 2010
What a wonderful idea! Never seen anything this creative in a long time.
I love Nasturtium! It reminds me of that's the only time of the year it grows wild here.
1 Oct, 2010
Thanks. That does seem apt as our summer is the temps of your winter. :-)
1 Oct, 2010
brilliant GT. i have plans to do this with an old boat, i have my eye on a broken one in my neighbours shed....
1 Oct, 2010
it great love things like this
1 Oct, 2010
this is just great!!!
1 Oct, 2010
Wonderful! Thank you. :-) I love something old overgrown in a large scale like this. And these are so easy to control here. That boat sounds like a wonderful idea Sandra.
2 Oct, 2010
That's a great photo, GT! A brilliant idea your boss had!
I grow them on my balcony every year I train the long thin stems up strings I put up for my Morning Glory to climb up.
This year a few seeds made it into the compost I used to transplant my lettuce seedlings into before taking them down to the allotment. Later I found a few growing amongst them! Even a couple somehow found their way into the seedling Amaryllis & have sprouted amongst them as well - the funny thing is I didn't use any more compost for them, they flowered in last year's compost & then straight down to the allotment, so I've no idea how they could have got into the compost with the Amaryllis!!!
In my last blog there is a photo of a red one in amongst the Amaryllis.
2 Oct, 2010
Thanks Balcony. I did mention they are easy to control I know that the seed really can get everywhere, but I think its easy to pull out if it spreading it self where you don't want it. Seed doesn't survive our winter at all.
By the way, I think the nursery job is coming to its close for the winter, and it doesn't look like I'll be being kept around. Hope to find out today.
3 Oct, 2010
Shame you won't be able to continue at the nursery. :-(( Well there's always the possibility they will take you on after the winter. It must be a lovely thing to work at a nursery.
I put an application in for a job at a garden centre near here just before I was made redundant, but didn't get it. :-(( I've also applied for a couple of jobs at nurseries in & around Cambridge, no luck there either. :-((
3 Oct, 2010
I hope one of those nurseries takes you on Balcony, it really is wonderful. I've been enjoying most anything there is to do. But the boss needs to pass on the reigns. Most of the management has quit since I started and though I could move right into that position easily with my knowledge and experience managing, I don't know that I could work under him. We'll see, still no info today. I didn't ask him about an end date since his last manager left resigned today as well. I'm just holding my tongue.
4 Oct, 2010
Good luck to you!
4 Oct, 2010
Thank you. :-)
5 Oct, 2010
brilliant idea and picture..roughly how many plants are in the truck?
26 Feb, 2011
Thank you Skipscanda1. I was a bit slow, your comment just caught up to me. There are probably 10-15 plants. There could be more but they seemed to be well spaced. The common nasturtium here, the trailing varieties, should be 6+ inches from one another.
27 Mar, 2011
Fantastic an Artist paint palet:)
13 May, 2011
Wonderful thought isn't it? This is always going strong summertime there at the greenhouse. Probably get planted again for this year in another 3-4 weeks.
16 May, 2011
It's a real "picture", GT! I have planted a few on the veg plot just this week. For several years I have had them growing on our balcony. The leaves are often eaten by the Cabbage White butterfly caterpillars. But as the leaves grow so big & there are so many of them I don't mind them eating some of the leaves. I suspect that many of them get eaten by the birds anyway. I have never come across a chrysalis yet any where on the balcony so what happens to them when they get big enough to transform themselves I don't know.
17 May, 2011
This picuture could be made into a a jigsaw then sold and loads of money made :)
18 May, 2011
Marvellous idea! :-))
18 May, 2011
That is a good idea. :-)
22 May, 2011
16 Jul, 2012
Creativity at its best! A new recycling concept!
23 Jul, 2012
Thank you so much. Around here, there are old planes as well as old cars planted up. A bit like island life, if the stuff is here, you find a way to use it.
28 Jul, 2012
Pictures by greenthumb
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Featured on: poor soil plants annuals nasturtiums
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Do you whether this job will continue through the winter yet?
25 Sep, 2010